First muzzleloader questions

There are several things I do and I am not the best about cleaning after season.
I always scratch a line on the ramrod while in an empty barrel so I can always check
After cleaning and double checking that it is empty load a primer and shoot a leave or piece of paper about 6 inches away,if paper moves then I know breech plug is open.
I like the citrus cleaner for breech plugs and to wipe around action part of gun.I also keep Hopps blackpowder cleaner around if needed.
If legal in your state get a Traditions Nitro Fire. I never owned or shot a muzzleloader before, and this gun takes all the guess work out of it. You load the bullet through the muzzle and break the gun open and insert the Firestick and a primer and your done. I leave the bullet in all season and remove the firestick after each hunt. I use a 100 grain firestick with 250gr Traditions Smackdown carnivore bullet , with a Leupold VX Freedom 2x7 scope. After bore sighting I was dead on after 4 shots.

Clean up is SIMPLE but be sure to only use oil base cleaners....I bought the Traditions Firestick cleaning & protecting patches and they work great.
I thought about buying a muzzleloader that uses the Federal FireStick but decided against it for fear if Federal stops making them.
I'm 54 and bought a Nitro Fire in 2023 and love it. Mainly for the fact that I can break the gun open and remove the firestick when climbing up or down a treestand . Or at the end of a hunt when I want to bring the gun inside.Plus it's super easy to clean. Took me 4 shots to sight in , but never got a shot a deer in 2023 or 2024 . I believe I have 3 or 4 unopened Firestick packages and every year I try to pick up a pack of firesticks. I have no idea if firesticks ever go bad , I doubt it . If I buy 4 more packs over the next couple of years I should have enough firesticks to last my lifetime.
I put my muzzle loader away clean but loaded with 777 powder and a power belt bullet the other year and forgot about it. Went to clear it a couple months before the next season and had to hammer out the power belt. Glad I didn't try to shoot it. Breach plug and powder came out just fine
777 is quite a dirty powder compared to bh209 and I've heard takes less to get the same velocity, but I don't have a chronograph to test that claim. Certainly not enough less enough to make up for the 3X price regardless.
Think it was 2 years ago, guys at camp were scrambling to find those firestick things for their guns.

Kinda get the $3000 fancy muzzleloaders, cant fgure out those $2000 crowssbows.

A good bunch of us are up there in years, the guns I have and use are like bringing old friends in the woods. Fustration might bring progress, but my muzzzleloader hasnt fustrated me yet. This past years and the one before it, it was like 30 and 40 yards away.
Think it was 2 years ago, guys at camp were scrambling to find those firestick things for their guns.

Kinda get the $3000 fancy muzzleloaders, cant fgure out those $2000 crowssbows.

A good bunch of us are up there in years, the guns I have and use are like bringing old friends in the woods. Fustration might bring progress, but my muzzzleloader hasnt fustrated me yet. This past years and the one before it, it was like 30 and 40 yards away.
Before Dicks Sporting goods did away with all their hunting supplies I was able to get 2 packs of Firesticks on sale dirt cheap. I got one pack at Sportsmans warehouse , but since then never saw them in stock. A Mom & Pop sporting goods store here carries the firesticks priced $3 or $4 dollars more than the chain stores and all summer long they have A LOT of Firesticks in stock, but come fall late Sept-Oct they get wiped out. I've seen some people online say their walmart carries Firesticks at a cheap price, but I've never seen them at any Walmart in my state.

The basic black stock Nitrofire gun is around $499 without a scope , but did see a deal online at one place where it looks like the scope comes with it for $509.00

I been mainly hunting with a bolt action rifle the last 22 years , The nitro fire while new seems like a old friend and reminds me of the breakopen shotgun I used prior for 17 years in a shotgun only state.
I have found 777 to work fine. I get the pistol grade FFFG.

Triple seven cleans right up!

I also found in muzzel loading and accuracy less is more when regarding charge.

I also use a fouling empty charge before loading my first after cleaning.

I use about 70 grains with a 420 grain no excuses.

The terminal performance is impressive, and u can eat to the hole!


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IVe seen some fast cartridge wounds look like the deer got hit ith a landmine. There is a benefit to a slower moving bullet, if you can get away with it.
IVe seen some fast cartridge wounds look like the deer got hit ith a landmine. There is a benefit to a slower moving bullet, if you can get away with it.

Same here. Especially Powerbelts seem to crater and not penetrate if moving too fast. Big slow bullets always go straight through and leave good blood trails.
Same here. Especially Powerbelts seem to crater and not penetrate if moving too fast. Big slow bullets always go straight through and leave good blood trails.
Powerbelts use very soft lead to help loading into the grooves. Could see those guys not holding up too well.

Probably got 250 hornady xtp and harvester sabots. And pobably another 200 for the other muzzleloader. I cun hunt 2 or 3 lifetimes with that much. Probably have to go no-lead in NY in a few years. Already need to in public land. Might be breaking the law next weekend with the 22 squirrel hunting... Not sure if there's any non-lead 22 out there. Got a handful of bismuth .535" roundballs. Probably should scoop up some .440"'s too.