Firearms insurance???

So in the case of firearms, What happens if let’s say you have 30 guns that get stolen. Insurance pays off, are you going to replace those guns? Gun for gun, maybe some aren’t even replaceable. Then 5 years later the police turn up 10 of those guns in a raid. Do they return them to you? Will the insurance company want their money back and what if you’ve already replaced? This just for my information as a lot of times these guns will turn back up at some point one way or another even after long periods of time. If your house burns down, well you know thats just going to get replaced and be the end of it. It just seems guns are a much different insurance quandary.
Does the insurance pay for things when a crime is commited? Sometimes the policy does not cover things during a crime.
Does the insurance pay for things when a crime is commited? Sometimes the policy does not cover things during a crime.

Always read and follow policy directions. (Meant to be like a Herbicide label). I'd bet there are many policy differences between insurers. Good stuff to ask an agent.
Does the insurance pay for things when a crime is commited? Sometimes the policy does not cover things during a crime.
That’s one question I had. The OP was concerned about theft. Didn’t know how it all works with theft and possible recovered stuff and insurance.
I usually insure a clients top 4-5 guns (as as an agency owner). Most expensive and one they will use . Most homeowners policies will cover guns, but there is a limit ($5000) as an example ?

I’ve had a few claims covered when the insured listed the firearm as an inland marine rider… that would not have been covered under Homeowners.

One example was a hunter left his gun in a make shift grassy blind and went in for lunch When he came back the farmer had tilled up the field and crushed his gun?

Odd deal, not the smartest, but he got a $1000! Go figure I guess.
That’s one question I had. The OP was concerned about theft. Didn’t know how it all works with theft and possible recovered stuff and insurance.
Theft is usually a covered peril under a homeowners policy. Really just depends on what type of policy you have to know what type of coverage you have. As with guns turning up, I have not ran into that situation yet. I would guess they would technically be given to the insurance company since the company had fully paid you for the guns when they were stolen. I honestly dont know just my educated guess.
I would put the money towards a good home security/camera system. Where we are at, people that get hit once by thieves seem to have it happen at least one more time. Fool me once, kind of thing. An insurance policy could pay out but won't do anything to catching the people causing the payout and increased premiums for yourself and everyone else.