Super K and a double!


5 year old buck +
This weekend was the youth firearms deer hunt in Indiana. After Oldest’s basketball games on Friday, we (Super K; our youngest, and I as well) made the trip down to the cabin in southern Indiana. Got it late and up early, but the boys were painted up and ready to prior to day light!
Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

Daylight broke and we had a good view to be able to see some deer either crossing the powerline ROW or stopping to munch on the foodplots they help me plant there.
DSCN2167 by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

It was mostly an uneventful morning, with only the occasional sighting of a squirrel in the timber to the right giving us any entertainment. About quarter til 10 I spotted some movement in the second foodplot about 90yds out. Mr. Groudhog decided to enjoy some of the clover growing in the ROW.
DSCN2176 by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

Super K was able to make him out in the red dot scope. Mr Groundhog did a bit of the up and downs, but finally stood up in a place to give a good shot opportunity. One shot and Super K had his first critter ever! Though he wasn’t all that excited to pick him up for the pic. Lol He did ask if he could get him mounted for his room, but that was answered with a “no”.
Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

That ended the morning hunt and it was starting to really warm up. We headed back to the cabin for a change of clothes and took off to get a pizza and some ice cream at a local place before heading out to check out some Hoosier NF lands that I hadn’t made it to. The USFS is doing some thinning/burning/successional management, so we took a short drive to a nearby unit to see some of the work. The boys were both stunned by how long we drove with woods on both sides of the road that we, or anyone, could enjoy. They are used to hearing, we don’t have permission so can’t hunt there. Just a little education side trip… :D

That afternoon after a nap and a wake up by Super K who was manning the alarm clock, we got back into the ground blind about 5pm. The blind faces west, so until the shadows of the hill cover us, it was a bit of a sweat box sitting there. Around 6:30, Super K asked if we could go back to the cabin as he was bored and hot. I convinced him to stick it out until dark, but we didn’t have to wait quite that long. A bit later I startled myself by looking up and seeing 3 deer easing into the plot not 40yds away. We got the rifle + rest switched to another blind window, but he still couldn’t see. I was trying to shift it more, but Oldest’s foot was in the way, but he was watching the deer and had his ears plugged. As I get his attention, the doe pegs us so we all freeze. A minute or so of that and a car goes down the county road about 150yds behind us bumping some loud tunes, which distracted the doe from us and she goes back to feeding. Super K got her lined up, I cock the hammer, and BANG! The little 357 Mag rifle drops her in her tracks. The two fawns run off and stop further up the ROW. We get the rifles switched and Oldest takes the shooter position. He’s on the deer, but its broadside, then isn’t, then broadside. He takes a steep quartering away shot and misses… The two deer run a short distance to our left. Super K is stoked and wants to go see his deer. We all agree, even though the Oldest is a bit disappointed for missing. I step out of the blind and look up the ROW just in time to see 3 more does step out into the second food plot. I dive back into the blind, get the boys’ attention on the deer and the Oldest on the gun. The lead doe is behind some weeds so we have to wait a bit for her to clear and once she does he shoots! She pogo sticks to our left into the weeds, the right back into the foodplot dropping there! The boys doubled up!!
DSCN2205 by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr
DSCN2198 by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr
DSCN2208 by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

It made for a bit of a late night, but we were still up in plenty of time on Sunday to make it back well before Oldest football game started. It was quite a fun, busy weekend!
Congrats - sounds like a good time! And the boys will be talking about that day for many years to come. Good on you.

That evening will be with those boys forever!
Great fun, great job..
Awesome! Well done.
Great day. I bet they will never forget it.
Thanks for the kind words. Super K was very proud to tell anyone that'd listen about his two firsts that day! I enjoyed watching how happy and supportive they were of each other. I hope they are hunting together like that long after I'm worm food.
That was great. Your boys both shooting their 1st deer on the same evening is more than twice as good. I think most of us remember our 1st deer the most vividly.
Excellent choice on a youth rifle. The 357 magnum out of a rifle barrel is way under appreciated. Adequate power, low recoil and low muzzle blast. That red dot is the easiest sight to use.
Great job. A lot of memories being made right there!
That was great. Your boys both shooting their 1st deer on the same evening is more than twice as good. I think most of us remember our 1st deer the most vividly.
Excellent choice on a youth rifle. The 357 magnum out of a rifle barrel is way under appreciated. Adequate power, low recoil and low muzzle blast. That red dot is the easiest sight to use.
My oldest would kindly point out that this wasn't his first, but his sixth. ;) :D He did it to me on the way back to the cabin to get the UTV.

We've now used the 357 rifle for 5 deer and only one has made it out of its tracks. For the noise and recoil, I'm continually impressed with how well it does. Even after the boys move on to bigger/better rifles, I can definitely see myself using it for certain stands.
WOW! 6 deer. He is already a seasoned deer slayer.
WOW! 6 deer. He is already a seasoned deer slayer.
He thinks so. ;) Now that he's no longer on an apprentice license, he's chomping at the bit to hunt by himself. Not sure he (or I) are ready for that, but it won't be long.