Legal trespassing?

This whole thread pisses me off. My house property taxes went up 32% this year after 35% last year. The fat pig at the county says we have 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. It’s 3 bedrooms and 2 bath. Lot is valued at $42,000. Neighboring lot right next to us sold for $20,000 this summer. WTF?!!
There is always a way to get a fair shake,In Kansas they started saying everything was recreational which tripled the taxes or worse.We got some of these reversed
by proving timber harvest history on a couple pieces and selling firewood off another.Don't wait if you get a higher assesment as you need to check on protesting then or you will have to pay first year while it gets looked at.Get your ducks in a row find all the history you may have to search local USDA office.Break out some ground put to hay or farm.And always check with state forestry to see if it can help by doing a forest plan.Every state is different but usually has a loop hole
Your post is spot on Buckdeer. You may only get it lowered by a thousand or so but times five years you are talking some real change well worth the effort to have fixed it.
My place in WI was getting taxed too high because they mis-classified some of my swampland as productive timber which is taxed at a much higher rate. I showed them the DNR map that showed most of my woods was classified as wetland. They agreed and lowered my taxes on my land.

Then magically they decided to review the value on my cabin and bumped that way up. In the end my total taxes were the same since they basically raised my cabin taxes by the same amount they lowered my land taxes. In the end I learned that if you piss them off they will get back at you somehow.
Thats where you need to look at comparables and see if they over valued you