Fanged Buck?


5 year old buck +
I just picked up the European mount from my 10 year olds first deer. It turned out great. The taxidermist said," I have to show you something strange and unusual about this skull"1118180818a.jpg0304191253.jpg0304191254.jpg. It has a fang tooth on the top.He purposely left it white so it would stick out. I'm sure my son will be telling everyone he shot some kind of hybrid deer now.:emoji_laughing:
Count Dracula!
Or count deerula?

Thats unique. I’d be googling pre historic deer with fangs to see what kinda throw back you got there...
Thats a nice buck, he is setting the bar high on his first hunt! I've never seen a deer with a Fang either, so that's a bonus.
There are a few Asian species in England that have fangs or tusks. Water deer and muntjac come to mind. I'm pretty sure muntjac are relatively easy to hunt as well.
My son killed one like that a few years ago, I think the odds are like 1/1000 deer have fangs or eye teeth. I'd never seen it before, I think it's some kind of a throwback from ice age times.

I don’t have a picture of it but a local deer processor has an eight pointer shoulder mounted that has a lion’s eyes and an open mouth with Javelina teeth. It totally transforms the deer. It looks like a predator.