Eye surgery ??


5 year old buck +
My brother had surgery a couple weeks ago . And just texted me this question .

Can u ask on your hunting forum about how does hunters handle lasik and wearing cheaters for hunting
I also had LASIK and no problems with seeing close. They say the older you get the more it can be affected but not sure how much is from LASIK vs just being old.
Cheaters? I had lasik done 10 years ago. No need for glasses since except reading.
He wears the cheaters for reading
I guess he is worried about the peep site
Cheaters ... huh!? If your brother spent the money for eye surgery, and is wondering about cheaters ... his problem is obvious.

I lost my glasses on the road once and bought some cheaters ... worse thing you can buy for your eyes ...

Spend the money on a certified eye doctor ... don't be a cheap idiot!
Cheaters ... huh!? If your brother spent the money for eye surgery, and is wondering about cheaters ... his problem is obvious.

I lost my glasses on the road once and bought some cheaters ... worse thing you can buy for your eyes ...

Spend the money on a certified eye doctor ... don't be a cheap idiot!
He could not see at all with out glasses before surgery .
Now He only needs glasses for close up reading now he is worried about seeing the peep and deer at the same time

He was not laughing at your response when I sent the link over
Good ... sounds like years of bad glasses have impaired his eye site .... ask him what false eye will improve his vision?

You can replace a knee, but not your eyes ...
I can't answer for the eye's but it sounds like a question he should ask his eye Dr. Now if you want to know about a knee replacement I just had one last March.
I had it done three years ago and I love it. No more contacts and it makes getting up in the middle of the night easier ha. I'm young so I haven't had any problems with my short range vision yet, and it doesn't have an impact on seeing through the peep
Maybe i can help. I had LASIK years ago. It got me to 20:25. With glasses I see 20:15 so I still wear glasses.

At 40 the need for readers came along. Now I wear trifocals. I've had many conversations with eye docs about shooting a bow. Progressive lenses only focus in the center. Stinks for hunting and shooting a bow because the corner of the lense you look through to see your pins isn't in focus.

I now have a special set of glasses just for shooting a bow. There bifocals, long range on the top and readers on the bottom. I sat with the tech at lense crafters and told him what I wanted. Full focus horizontally across the lenses, long range top, readers on the bottom. He told me I can make it but I can't give you the 12 month replacement if you don't like it policy.

I walked out with them.

Long story short, the reading lense is just a sticker that they somehow adhere to regular glasses. Your brother needs a clear lense on the top and readers on the bottom. He'll never be able to have perfect focus on both the sight pins and the target but you adapt and at least you can see that your arrow is knocked and look at your watch.

And I agree get a prescription for the correct reader lense, it makes a world of difference.

Also I've found fewer pins makes it easier to focus.

Oh and there not progressive so the line will show :)
I've had a number of conversations with an optometrist friend of mine on this topic. He tells me that if readers solve your problems, you do not need prescription lenses and you cannot "hurt" your vision by using readers. Another optometrist told me similar information. I've worn readers (as needed) for 25 years, and still have good long-range vision. I don't need no steenking glasses. ;)
Good ... sounds like years of bad glasses have impaired his eye site .... ask him what false eye will improve his vision?

You can replace a knee, but not your eyes ...