As we scratch our way through another spring I know many of us will be planing to plant clover at some point, most likely during the fall. I have planted a lot of clover over the years, from the bags of pure seed at tractor supply, to the bags you can get from NWTF, to jumbo ladino, crimson ( annual ) and right now I am being stunned by a stand of clover I planted last fall, bought 15 lbs at a seed supply store and I'll be danged that I did not write down the name of the clover. But I tell you what, it is 18 inches tall right now and getting hit HARD by the deer. I have a one acre plot of it and am flat out amazed at what it is becoming. I only hope it is not a biennial mammoth red that will do its thing and be gone after this season.
What my perfect world clover would be:
grow from seeding and be able to compete against grasses and weeds.
last as a pure stand for 4 to more years
shrug off the maybe once a year hit with gly at about an oz per gallon to knock out things it can't compete with
not need a moving
forgiving as for soil types as I have some clay, and only one sandy plot on the 300 acres I manage
so what do you folks say? I've tried alfalfa, and that was a bust, so clovers, lets hear the ideas, input, success/ failure.
sources are always a bonus!
thanks, mike