EHD in Missouri Again!

IMG_0190.jpg Neighbor found this one in a dried up pond at the end of September. Better be the only one. This farm was decimated in 2012.
That sucks!
I have heard a few isolated cases of it here as well. Nothing like we have had in the past, but it seems to get much more attention now than it ever did.

MN Slick - that does suck. I hate seeing any deer "wasted" - he would have made a hunter very happy.
At this point in the year, its not a big concern I thought??

Sucks to lose any I know, but isnt it well past the time of year where it spreads like wildfire?
At this point in the year, its not a big concern I thought??

Sucks to lose any I know, but isnt it well past the time of year where it spreads like wildfire?

In my area september and october seem to be when folks find the majority of the dead deer. Now I am not sure if that is because of the increased traffic in the woods at that time or what. I figured I was out of the woods so to speak in my area with all the rain we had all spring and summer, yet there are isolated reports of it out there as september and october have been dry. I don't see it running wild here like it did a few years ago, but like I said I think it gets reported more and word travels faster since we had our outbreaks as more folks are aware of what it does and fears its impact on the hunting season.
Oh so more or less, the deer that are being found are from dying over the summer. Its not an outbreak that is beginning now.
I took it that it was something that was showing up as we speak.

Whatever the case, that sucks bad.
One of the few positives of hunting MN - not much worry of EHD. Although, between cross-tagging and firearm season during the rut, it really doesn't much matter.

I feel for the guys that have to deal with it though. It can take half a decade to recover from a severe outbreak.
It can take half a decade to recover from a severe outbreak.

At least they have a chance for recovery. Depending on what happens with the new deer czar and the audit, we may never recover....... :(
Oh so more or less, the deer that are being found are from dying over the summer. Its not an outbreak that is beginning now.
I took it that it was something that was showing up as we speak.

Whatever the case, that sucks bad.

I know when I had the one on my place it was early september and I am VERY active on my property from week to week so she wouldn't have been dead longer than a week. I know when it was bad here there where many more found earlier than that, but the hot and dry started much sooner as well. We had a real wet spring and summer here this year which I can only assume helped a lot. IN has had EHD for years, but mainly only isolated cases or small areas of it. I think it was 2012 and 2013 the state was hit fairly hard in different areas. As such hunters have become far more familiar and cautious of it. My theory is that as hunting season nears so does the traffic in the outdoors and as such these deer are then found. We also have a spike in reports of mary-jane grow farms and meth labs as well for the same reason (that's not a joke either).

One of the few positives of hunting MN - not much worry of EHD. Although, between cross-tagging and firearm season during the rut, it really doesn't much matter.

I feel for the guys that have to deal with it though. It can take half a decade to recover from a severe outbreak.

Indiana is not the front line in the battle with EHD but EHD combined with aggressive management to reduce deer numbers can be an ugly situation. Since 2000 IN had been seeing a steady increase in the state wide harvest - and pushing for the harvest of antlerless deer. IN had it's first real outbreak in 2012 - the same year the state added an additional late season antlerless hunt to 2/3 of the state as part of their "we need to kill more deer" madness. On top of the all the EHD deaths, IN still recorded it's largest harvest EVER that year. 2013 saw another outbreak of EHD in a different part of the state - with that special late antlerless season still in place and the harvest dropped to 2007 levels a drop of nearly 8% and 10,600 animals! 2014 didn't see anything significant EHD issues - however that late antlerless season is still in place and 2014 recorded harvest levels below those of 2004. (further decline or 4.5% and 5,50 animals).

Since 2012 the combination of the DNR pushing for increased deer harvest, 2 outbreaks of EHD and no significant changes in management Indiana hunters have seen a steady decline in the statewide harvest in 2013, 2014 and I would suspect further decline in 2015. IN may not be in the same boat as MN but the struggles in MN have certainly increased my level of concern of what I am seeing in my own state. Especially in the methods and message my DNR is using and communicating.
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You better stop b!tch!ng, you will be the next to be reported. Now that I mentioned it....reported!

Ya know I found a dead doe in early sept. Hmmmm

Yotes had her pretty ate up but she wasn't there long. I figured gut shot a mile a way.
One of the few positives of hunting MN - not much worry of EHD. Although, between cross-tagging and firearm season during the rut, it really doesn't much matter.

I feel for the guys that have to deal with it though. It can take half a decade to recover from a severe outbreak.

How would any of us in MN know if there was a bout of EHD? We would need deer for it to happen!
You better stop b!tch!ng, you will be the next to be reported. Now that I mentioned it....reported!

Was my "tone" too negative. Sorry, maybe I shouldn't use the "Bold" and "Underline" functions.:p

Sorry - not all of my experiences are positive ones. We can learn from negative experiences, we can learn what NOT to do.
Yes, that's it! Bold and underlined! Naughty, Naughty!