I think this is the most level-headed article that I’ve read on the CWD topic. By Dr. James Kroll.
“Therefore, killing thousands of deer will do nothing to eradicate CWD! Now, CWD certainly should never be taken lightly. I am not saying that; however, in 2002, I stuck my neck out and made a calculated statement that, unless you can answer “yes” to the following questions, CWD will remain off or low on the list of top whitetail mortality agents: 1. Will it devastate deer herds? 2. Can humans catch the disease?
After the 20-plus years since I made that statement, there has been no credible scientific evidence that the answer to either question is yes.”
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EHD vs. CWD: Which Deer Disease is Actually Deadlier? - North American Whitetail
Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease and Chronic Wasting Disease aren't the same illness, though many hunters confuse the two. In fact, one kills far more whitetails than the other, and (contrary to what you might read online) we'll explain which.

“Therefore, killing thousands of deer will do nothing to eradicate CWD! Now, CWD certainly should never be taken lightly. I am not saying that; however, in 2002, I stuck my neck out and made a calculated statement that, unless you can answer “yes” to the following questions, CWD will remain off or low on the list of top whitetail mortality agents: 1. Will it devastate deer herds? 2. Can humans catch the disease?
After the 20-plus years since I made that statement, there has been no credible scientific evidence that the answer to either question is yes.”
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