Egyptian wheat planting


5 year old buck +
I just got in from planting some of my e-wheat, didn't get as much done tday as I wanted because of tractor troubles. You have old stuff you fix old stuff. Probably planted about 600yds X 6' wide, brush hogged last years e-wheat and hit it a couple passes with the disc with Urea added and disced in, planted and cultipacked.

These 2 pics are the outside of a food plot, the first one is looking north and the second is looking west, picture a big L. I've planted 2 rows of shrubs and a row of Norway spruce on the inside of the e-wheat so I'll stop planting the e-wheat when they start to screen. Also there is a couple rows of assorted oaks in the tree tubes.

This last pic is looking down my field, I'm trying to screen the hay field on the right, to the right of the tree tubes I have 2 rows of Norway spruce planted. Same as above I'm planting e-wheat until the spruce can screen.

I personally like a little bit wider row of EW. Have you planted it like this before? I've gone from 6-12' wide and shoot for 10' now, 2 passes wide with the disc. Let us know how it all turns out if this is your first try. Looks great all around though, the time and effort we put in will make it all worth it come a few years. Hopefully :)
I personally like a little bit wider row of EW. Have you planted it like this before? I've gone from 6-12' wide and shoot for 10' now, 2 passes wide with the disc. Let us know how it all turns out if this is your first try. Looks great all around though, the time and effort we put in will make it all worth it come a few years. Hopefully :)

This is my second year planting e-wheat, my disc is 6' wide so probably when it's all said and done my strips are probably 7'-8' wide. Here's a pic from last year, I think the screening worked great until the rains, wind and snow in Dec. which knocked it all down.

Found a couple more pics from about the same location, first is last fall and the second is this spring, hay field is what I'm trying to screen.

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Great progress pics! Where are you from? You mentioned the rain, wind and snow in December, which was pretty vicious here in MI as well. With all of my smaller trees planted I'm looking at 5-7 years of "temporary" screening so I planted some areas with switchgrass and others with Miscanthus X Giganteus to hopefully have a couple areas that I won't have to replant to a screen after a few years. I really like the EW in general though.
Yes I'm from MI too, just north of you Clare Co. Your plan sounds a lot like mine. I have a couple rows of shrubs and couple rows of spruce for permanent screening and some Micanthus too. E-wheat is goning to be the normal for the next couple years.
Got a 1/4" of rain yesterday, I know it's nothing compared to you guys in MN, WI but it was actually needed here. E-wheat is starting to pop up, been in the ground since 5/24. I still have some more to get in and maybe it'll be this weekend, couldn't get the tractor back to it until now.

Finished planting my e-wheat yesterday.

This is the north fenceline, tryin to screen the nieghbors. 2 rows of spruce are on either side of the e-wheat ( white stakes )

Screening food plots on the left, assorted oaks in tree tubes and 5-6 acre switch grass planted last year on the right.

All we need is a little rain now.
Much needed rain last week has my e-wheat taking off again. This was planted 5/24 and is about 9" now.

And yes everytime I go back there I need the skeeter spray, skeeters are terrible even at mid day with the sun out.
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E-wheat coming along good.

Looks like it's about to take off !! How thick did you plant it.
Looks like it's about to take off !! How thick did you plant it.
I tried for 6#/acre, last year I think I was a little heavy at 10#/acre so I cut it back.
I like your old Ford truck in the picture! Is it yours? It reminds me of the days when I had one! The box was filled with empty Old Style beer cans after Mrs BuckChaser and I used to tear up the town!...........Now all we do is work, and complain that all we do is work!:(
Thanks, yea it's mine a 77 F-250 that get 6gal/mile, made back when gas was cheaper. We use it around home and an occasionally into town.
I love those old trucks I have a 76 F250 Camper Special with the 390 in it. I inherited from my Grandpa. I had to restore it to driving condition but it's been a great project and a fun farm truck.
Growing up my dad had a 76 F-250 so it was the first truck I drove. I found this one about 20 yrs ago and bought it, it needs to be gone through but it works great around the house. I like the looks of these trucks too.
I like mixing -
33% Ewheat
33% sorghum
33% milo
3 heights seems to give better structure and longevity here in MN when the fat flakes fly.
Recurve range steering potential in bigger plots has been phenomenal so far. Make a wall with a gap and they will use it, and you can plant it when you plant anything else.
I'm trying ewheat this year for the first time, I went on pretty thick I think I thought I had the rented drill set right but it looks like way more than four seeds a sq ft. It didn't at first but now that its popping up there's a lot more then I thought.
Time will tell!
I like mixing -
33% Ewheat
33% sorghum
33% milo
3 heights seems to give better structure and longevity here in MN when the fat flakes fly.
Recurve range steering potential in bigger plots has been phenomenal so far. Make a wall with a gap and they will use it, and you can plant it when you plant anything else.

That's how I approach the planting with staggered height ... helps to hold up against the wind and snow.
The e-wheat in the pics is a mix of e-wheat, grain sorghum and milo. It's not a 1/3 of each maybe a little heavier on the e-wheat.
I planted EW on all my foodplot borders and any remaining roads not screened on 5/10. 6 foot high now.View attachment 1311
Looks great! Mine is probably 3-4' now that was planted on 5/24, the screens I planted on 6/8 are only a foot or so but I think thry'll be tall enough by sept.