Egyptian wheat planting

Give them lots of N
Yea I want to top dress some urea on them, just missed a good chance this last weekend with 1 1/2" on saturday. Next time we have a good rain coming I'm spreading. Thanks
Just got in from spreading some urea on my e-wheat, checked the radar and there is a front coming through tonight.

I planted this on 5/24, looking ok.

These were planted on 6/8 and are lagging behind, need some rain snd some N.

You just use the small hand spreader for the urea?
Yea, It seems to work ok because I'm not throwing it out past my e-wheat. Instead of holding it out in front of me I hold it off to the right side, one pass down and one pass back. I tried this with my bag seeder and found this one works good for me. Other than filling it up a few more times but I drive right to where these are.
This is my best section of e-wheat, most of the rest is 3/4 this heighth, hopefully the others catches up. There is a 6060 Chalmers back there.

These pics are from last night

These are 5' tree tubes

Not quite as tall as the other end of the field but I think it will do.
