Do you feel lucky


5 year old buck +
Redneck blinds is having a give away. Enter this in your address line and maybe you'll be luckier than me.

I have no affiliation with them just hoping maybe someone here could be a winner.
Redneck blinds is having a give away. Enter this in your address line and maybe you'll be luckier than me.

I have no affiliation with them just hoping maybe someone here could be a winner.


I just put up 3 of the Buck Palaces last week.......Now, those are some serious, elevated blinds. Nicest ones I've ever been in, and that includes all the enclosed box blinds I used to crawl into at the Archery Trade Association show when I was doing stand review articles. I think I'm going to REALLY like them, for both gun and, amazingly to me, bow hunting. With the way the windows seal so tight, even with minimal odor control steps, a person should be able to hunt "bad" winds out of them, just so long as the deer aren't downwind when you open the window to shoot.
With the price tag that's on the buck palace they should come with a 4 year old buck to shoot also. I'll have to stick with home built.
They aren't cheap, in terms of price or quality. One of my long term management clients bought them. All I did in that regard was make a call and get them a discount. So, I'm THRILLED they picked them up, as it didn't cost me anything and I'll likely do some hunting out of them. When bowhunting, I'll do my best to make any type of stand/blind work that's in the "right" spot and be happy. Firearms I don't take anywhere near as seriously and really like to be in elevated box blinds.....kick back, do some writing on my laptop, bring a couple sodas and a sandwich and pretend I'm hunting hard. For my tastes, that's the perfect firearms hunt.

All that said, I've also seen some REALLY nice/functional "home built" elevated box blinds over the years.
They aren't cheap, in terms of price or quality. One of my long term management clients bought them. All I did in that regard was make a call and get them a discount. So, I'm THRILLED they picked them up, as it didn't cost me anything and I'll likely do some hunting out of them. When bowhunting, I'll do my best to make any type of stand/blind work that's in the "right" spot and be happy. Firearms I don't take anywhere near as seriously and really like to be in elevated box blinds.....kick back, do some writing on my laptop, bring a couple sodas and a sandwich and pretend I'm hunting hard. For my tastes, that's the perfect firearms hunt.

All that said, I've also seen some REALLY nice/functional "home built" elevated box blinds over the years.

Tell us again how tough life is at the top, Steve!!!!:D Hahaha - Just yanking your chain.

I'm thrilled with one that doesn't leak, isn't about to fall over and doesn't reek of mouse crap!!!
Their blinds are nice. My self I purchased a Shadow Hunter a few years ago.
Tell us again how tough life is at the top, Steve!!!!:D Hahaha - Just yanking your chain.

Oh, hel...ummm, heck. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't realize how unbelievably spoiled I am. I deserve all you can throw at me and then some. Luckily, I have "normal" clients and hunt public ground, too. In all seriousness, that helps keep me grounded. Well, that and my wife. She seems to enjoy "grounding" me a little too much for my tastes sometimes. I keep telling her how incredibly lucky she is to be married to me. With repeating the same lie over and over and over being the foundation of brainwashing and all, I'd have thought she'd have started believing that by now. I just keep telling her, though. Maybe one day she'll finally believe it.
speaking of being incredibly spoiled, Firminator joined on as a sponsor for my web show. They dropped their 8' model off at the farm I was working on last week and are supposed to be dropping the ATV version here tomorrow. I was very impressed with the 8' tractor model. The unit weighs 2500 lbs, but is very adjustable. It's a disc, seeder and cultipacker in 1. The disc worked sod about on the level of the 10' disc we use. Seeder is very easy to adjust precisely and the cultipacker is good. If the ATV model is half as well built, I'll be real happy. I'm cautiously optimistic.

/thread hijack
Sounds like you'll be having a hard time finding a place to store/use all these items. Maybe I can find some room for you.
Sounds like you'll be having a hard time finding a place to store/use all these items. Maybe I can find some room for you.
You two can't be all that far apart.;)
You two can't be all that far apart.;)
Very close, we've never meet yet but have to some day.
Any pics of these windows? I know I can replicate them.
My 2 decades with Snap on tools racing left a really bad taste in my mouth with anyone endorsing anything dropped in their lap free. And all race car drivers are whores for free products."it's free? Gotta be the best ever whether it really sucks hind teat or not.

Oh, I agree. I honestly don't believe that I do that, but I'm sure there is some subconscious influence. That's why whenever I get things for free or am paid to use something, I always try to be sure to mention it. Then, others can "take it for whatever they feel it's worth."

Since we're talking about how incredibly spoiled I am, I could and do get the overwhelming majority of stuff I use for free. In my position, it's super easy to get free stuff. About 25% of the time, I don't even ask for it. It just shows up in my garage. A full page ad in the larger/better magazines sell for around 2K. So, if Redneck had given me the blinds for free (I purposefully asked for dealer costs on them, just so I wouldn't "owe" them anything), if I got their pic in 1 of those mags, they'd be money ahead.

Every company that I ask for free stuff from or they offer, I tell them flat out that I will only get them exposure if I honestly believe it is a good product. I then explain that I can't "afford" to influence hunters to buy those hunters will hate me for violating their trust, not the company that makes it, and I do my damnedest to stick to that. I told the VP at Firminator the same thing, and they are dumping 20K into my web show, between product and sponsorship fees.

All that said, I still mention when I get free stuff or are on a companies paid pro staff, as I sure want to know that before deciding how seriously to take the person using/talking about it.

Dipper....I'll try to remember to get pics next time down.

And I agree. Tooln and I need to meet sometime in the not distant future. Hell, he's almost my neighbor.
And I agree. Tooln and I need to meet sometime in the not distant future. Hell, he's almost my neighbor.

Steve I'll PM you with contact info. I know your on the road a lot so just give me a call and we'll make something work.
Sounds like you'll be having a hard time finding a place to store/use all these items. Maybe I can find some room for you.

got week might work.

P.S. The ATV version of the Firminator was delivered today. I'm impressed and remain cautiously optimistic. All steel & iron, weighs over 800 LBS, but balanced so it isn't bad to work with by yourself. I sure don't expect it to work like a 10' disc drug behind a tractor, but I "believe" it's going to bust ground well enough to handle more remote food plot work that getting a tractor in just isn't practical. I'll keep you guys updated, if you'd like. If this is coming off infomercially, though, just let me know. I have 0 desire to do that.

Frankly, that's the main reason I don't talk about products or equipment much here. It'd make me feel "icky" if you guys thought I was cramming things down your throats....heck, it makes me feel "icky" to say I pro staff for XXX or get YYY for free, as I'm always paranoid that it somehow sounds like I'm bragging or something else equally stupid, but it seems dishonest not to mention that. So, I go for what I see as the lesser of two evils.

You guys just let me know what you want. I'm perfectly fine with sharing my thoughts on everything I do or have used and just as fine saying nothing. IMO, it's your call either way.
Keep right on "reviewing" stuff like that Steve. Very few of us will ever get the opportunity to get "free" stuff to try out, and I haven't seen yet where you didn't call a spade, a spade. If a product is $#!t I fully expect you to be totally honest and call it like you see it. So as long as you don't play into the hands of the product manufacturers and start "pimping" $#!t products(which I don't see ever happening, BTW), I personally welcome any and all info you present on stuff like that.

On a side note, I did sign up for the drawing, and since I don't have a place to put one if I were to win it, that blind will be for sale if my name is drawn! lol I would like one of those portable chairs though, tons of uses for that.
I don't think anyone here thinks you push anything Steve. You always mention if you prostaff for them or not but you never push anything. Like Whip says we respect your opinion as you get to see & use a lot of stuff we don't.
I'm with Wisc on this one.

If your head swells too much Steve - somebody here will smack ya up the side of the head!