Do They Make Shock Collars for Wives?

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Wasn't sure whether to put this in General Discussion or Habitat mgmt ... ?

I say this in jest, but so much love and some days ... aaarrrggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!

Please provide mgmt techniques .... :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Yes they do! They are called diamond necklaces. They shock in a variety of ways! :emoji_grin: ...Probably not quite what you were looking for...
Yes they do! They are called diamond necklaces. They shock in a variety of ways! :emoji_grin: ...Probably not quite what you were looking for...

Jack ... already have significant investment there, it helps, but doesn't improve the logical thinking. :emoji_hushed:
The weird stuff you guys do in the privacy of your own bedroom is none of my business...

I've got the best wife in the world, but there are days...
shock collar? how bout workin on a "garage door opener" too!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack ... already have significant investment there, it helps, but doesn't improve the logical thinking. :emoji_hushed:

Folks learn a lot less from what you say than what you model. Guy spends a much for some tiny pretty rocks he hangs around a girls neck as he does for a tractor. Is he modeling logical thinking? He is demonstrating...some things go beyond logic. :emoji_thinking:
shock collar? how bout workin on a "garage door opener" too!!!!!!!!!!!

Now you are bringing mechanical stuff into this ... :emoji_astonished:
In my 61 years I've noticed some things. One is to throw logic and consistency out the window when dealing with women. A guy can do "x" for your lady one day, and you're the sweetest, best guy. Then 3 weeks later, you can again do "x" for her, and you're the biggest asshole. Same "x" - opposite effect. Women think as their hormones shift and that's usually just the way it is. You can either accept that they think differently than we do, or keep trying to swim UP Niagara falls & fight the current. ( I've had my wife all warm & fuzzy AND also bitch at me for spending money on flower bouquets & nice jewelry for her in the past. Same gestures - different results. I was SUCH an asshole !! )

Things are much better than they used to be in our house. Now - whenever she does something bone-headed or forgetful, I just ask her, " I guess this is also my fault ?? " - and she tells me "yes - it IS your fault". We laugh and crisis is averted.

One thing guys always have to remember - no matter what the situation .............................. you're WRONG. (This sage advice has been brought to you by my gray hair - not Firestone tires. )
Folks learn a lot less from what you say than what you model. Guy spends a much for some tiny pretty rocks he hangs around a girls neck as he does for a tractor. Is he modeling logical thinking? He is demonstrating...some things go beyond logic. :emoji_thinking:

It's called appreciation ... she is as frugal as they come, wouldn't buy for herself.
I should note that from post #11 above, my wife never called me an asshole - that's the label I gave myself for apparently doing the wrong things with good intentions. And as Tree Spud said just above, my wife is not a spender either. Momentary friction is just that. The big picture is I'm a very lucky guy & I love her to pieces !! At times ( of her determination ), I'm at fault & an asshole, even if she's the one who did something nutzy. Not a ripple on the pond then. :emoji_slight_smile:
It's called appreciation ... she is as frugal as they come, wouldn't buy for herself.

As is mine. And that alone makes me want to give her anything she wants.
Bigbendmarine posted a link to an everyone loves Raymond episode once that sums it up well. I Can’t find it.
They have different hormones and when a chemical compound changes.... hold on......sometimes it’s not pretty.
Wasn't sure whether to put this in General Discussion or Habitat mgmt ... ?

I say this in jest, but so much love and some days ... aaarrrggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!

Please provide mgmt techniques .... :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They don’t, but they do make Ammo for the Lady Smith revolver. So unless you can outrun a bullet just shut up and do as you are instructed.
They don’t, but they do make Ammo for the Lady Smith revolver. So unless you can outrun a bullet just shut up and do as you are instructed.

I have taught my wife how to shoot, she now owns a Walther PPK .380, Ruger .357, & a Bond Arms Bullpup 9 mm. Got her Concealed Carry about 2 years ago. :emoji_wink:
Native, post #16 - LOL - LOL !!! :emoji_laughing::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I can tell you're a veteran of marriage !!! Don't we just love' em though ?? !! Mine makes me laugh every day.

Tree Spud - When you want to go "aaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhh !" grab a cold beer(s), and your fishing rod, and take a fishing break. Come back from fishing & offer to massage her feet. Foot massages pay dividends. :emoji_smiling_imp:
Just say "yes,Ma'am

She's right 90% of the time,anyway........

Bigbendmarine posted a link to an everyone loves Raymond episode once that sums it up well. I Can’t find it.
They have different hormones and when a chemical compound changes.... hold on......sometimes it’s not pretty.
One of the most painfully accurate while also hillarious things I've EVER seen on TV... name of the episode is "BAD MOON RISING" and that title while short and not so sweet says it all!
