Depressing developments

The big question is, "What will they do about it?" Answer = "Nothing."

This started happening when "New Age Hippies" began taking over in key government spots. In the new age junk (which is a blended amalgamation of many different mystic and shamanistic pagan beliefs) wolves are worshiped. They even believe wolves can turn into human beings.

Plus, it is just another route to taking away guns. Discourage hunters to where they don't want to hunt anymore and you lose a big voting block of pro gun voters.

So you don't believe me on the worshiping part and the turning into human beings?? Do a little searching and you can find many web sites like this one:

All I can say is pry it from my cold dead fingers....grrrrrrr………...

Wow Native ... right on ... I would like to sit around your firepit ... when we can't overcome things to our advantage, always good to share some raspberry brandy ...hunting is about learning to accept what we can't control and learn to live to hunt another day ... :emoji_wink:
Hmmm...the dnr admitting that wolves are putting a serious dent in the deer herd and to expect hunting to suffer because of it? Something smells fishy to me.

Bueller ... remember that are no wolf packs south of HWY 10 here in Wisconsin ... :emoji_astonished:

My neighbors who trap have had to let 11 go in the last 12 monthes ...
My buddy just sent me a text message. He was meeting with some people from MN Dnr. They told him up in the area that I hunt that the wolves are decimating the deer herd with the deep snow. DNR guy told him they found a winter yard with 40+ kills in the deep snow. Told him to expect some seriously shitty hunting going forward. I had so much optimism after last year and that all just went out the fucking window. So sick of eating these shit sandwiches!!!!! Given the chance I would shoot one of these fuckers right in front of the game warden. Years of hard work and tradition going right out the window cause of a bunch of govt bullshit.

Some of the old deer studies from north of Remer showed the wolves killed lots of deer in deep snow years. If my memory is correct, the statement was made that many deer kills were not eaten, but appeared to be wolves killing for fun.

Sad situation. Those who don’t live in this state can’t comprehend what outdoorsmen have working against them.

It will keep the DNR happy with low deer numbers as that last CWD was in an adjacent ?? Management area. Dang close anyway to 172.

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