Depressing developments


5 year old buck +
My buddy just sent me a text message. He was meeting with some people from MN Dnr. They told him up in the area that I hunt that the wolves are decimating the deer herd with the deep snow. DNR guy told him they found a winter yard with 40+ kills in the deep snow. Told him to expect some seriously shitty hunting going forward. I had so much optimism after last year and that all just went out the fucking window. So sick of eating these shit sandwiches!!!!! Given the chance I would shoot one of these fuckers right in front of the game warden. Years of hard work and tradition going right out the window cause of a bunch of govt bullshit.
Look at the bright side, the gooberment sharpshooters will have fewer deer to cull when CWD hits your area
I read a news article that said you need to be really careful if you have the artificial sweetener Xylitol in your house and you have a dog. It will kill members of the canine family.
Buck, around me it goes in cycles. Once deer numbers start rising towards what most would think are good deer numbers, either the wolves come in and thin them down, or chase them away, or the ones with the power set such a high quota for to many years, and hard winters follow. It is usually about a 6 year swing from good, to bad, back to good. Right now my county is on year 3 of 10,000+ doe permits handed out each year. Just in my county alone! Now we have the cold, and deep snow on top of it. The wolves fortunately have stayed somewhat away the last couple years, other then a random pass though. Deer numbers have taken a huge hit the past couple years around me.
The issues that many folks face in MN is one reason why I would NEVER consider moving there or buying property there. We all sit around and have the "what if we hit the lottery" BS session.... Buying a place in MN is not even a consideration...simply because of the BS the sounds to be the situation there. My DNR isn't the best...but I don't have have wolves, hogs or bears to contend with. Some may see that as a lack of diversity....well, I'm just fine with that. If I want wolves, hogs or bears to hunt....I'll go to them! Sorry to hear about the situation Buck... I assume the winter mortality with the snow would be significant enough, but add in a large predatory animal and it doesn't sound good...especially if they are not monitoring and controlling those apex predators.
That really sucks! This is a bad winter in MN.
The issues that many folks face in MN is one reason why I would NEVER consider moving there or buying property there. We all sit around and have the "what if we hit the lottery" BS session.... Buying a place in MN is not even a consideration...simply because of the BS the sounds to be the situation there. My DNR isn't the best...but I don't have have wolves, hogs or bears to contend with. Some may see that as a lack of diversity....well, I'm just fine with that. If I want wolves, hogs or bears to hunt....I'll go to them! Sorry to hear about the situation Buck... I assume the winter mortality with the snow would be significant enough, but add in a large predatory animal and it doesn't sound good...especially if they are not monitoring and controlling those apex predators.

Dont be fooled by the lack of a season, they are being controlled, just not publicly with quotas.

Near my hunting land in Wisconsin, the DNR says there is a wolf pack of 9 in my area, funny thing is I have seen that many together at one time in the past, so I guess all of them in NW Wisconsin were all in the same swamp that day!
Buck, around me it goes in cycles. Once deer numbers start rising towards what most would think are good deer numbers, either the wolves come in and thin them down, or chase them away, or the ones with the power set such a high quota for to many years, and hard winters follow. It is usually about a 6 year swing from good, to bad, back to good. Right now my county is on year 3 of 10,000+ doe permits handed out each year. Just in my county alone! Now we have the cold, and deep snow on top of it. The wolves fortunately have stayed somewhat away the last couple years, other then a random pass though. Deer numbers have taken a huge hit the past couple years around me.

We've always had our share of wolves. Usually have our share of snow too. What was described to him and then what he described to me was much different. Sounds like a real slaughterfest. "Never seen anything like it," kinda talk. Killing just for the sake of killing and already talking about bucks only. No end in sight of this winter relenting. After starting out like a cupcake its been 8 weeks of pure hell with at least 3 more to go.

All the work, all the sweat, all the time, all the money, all the miles driving back and forth to get up their, tradition going in the toilet. I would expect just to the east of us got hit very hard. There was a lot of wolves just a few miles east of our area. That's where most of the winter yards are as well. I havent been up since December. I dont even want to go and look.

Dont be fooled by the lack of a season, they are being controlled, just not publicly with quotas.

Near my hunting land in Wisconsin, the DNR says there is a wolf pack of 9 in my area, funny thing is I have seen that many together at one time in the past, so I guess all of them in NW Wisconsin were all in the same swamp that day!
Oh, I figured some folks are practicing the 3S's when given the chance.
Sorry to hear. And that's a tough looking forecast for going into March already in bad shape.
Yeah--Minnesota dumbocrats are worried about the LOW wolf numbers in Minnesota. Blind leading the blind. Doesn't look like it will get any better either---the people in charge won't even admit there is a problem, let alone a discussion to solve any of the DNR issues. For some reason mn wants to be just like California. If I didn't own a business in Minnesota I'd be long gone. Still trying to figure out how to get out of this insane state.
That does suck!

What was anyone thinking when they came up with the idea of protecting those things???
The big question is, "What will they do about it?" Answer = "Nothing."

This started happening when "New Age Hippies" began taking over in key government spots. In the new age junk (which is a blended amalgamation of many different mystic and shamanistic pagan beliefs) wolves are worshiped. They even believe wolves can turn into human beings.

Plus, it is just another route to taking away guns. Discourage hunters to where they don't want to hunt anymore and you lose a big voting block of pro gun voters.

So you don't believe me on the worshiping part and the turning into human beings?? Do a little searching and you can find many web sites like this one:

All I can say is pry it from my cold dead fingers....grrrrrrr………...
Just tell Congresswoman Omar that wolves are Jewish-she’ll put a bounty on them suckers!

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Plus, it is just another route to taking away guns. Discourage hunters to where they don't want to hunt anymore and you lose a big voting block of pro gun voters.

All I can say is pry it from my cold dead fingers....grrrrrrr………...


The state of MN COULD do something about it. They could sue the Feds to try and get control back of wolf populations. But we have a bunch of assholes running the show here and they do nothing. I LOVE my woods. I love the peace and quiet. I chose to hunt there because it is so remote. I just want to be left alone and have some deer come by once in a while. Is that too much to ask?

I know plenty of people that have already given up their hunting in northern MN. They have dramatically slashed bear tags, they let the wolves decimate the moose population. They come up with such fucked up rules and season for pheasants and ducks that there is none left. They have let fishing turn to complete shit in this state. Fishing and hunting license sales are on the decline. All I can think about when I am busting my ass at work is leaving for my woods or the lake. Now they get their CWD smack dab in the middle of the state. The war will be on. The state agencies set up to protect the outdoors and their appointed bureaucrats are the biggest enemy we face.
As far as I know wolves are still on the endangered species list, controlled by the federal government. I believe the dnr would like to have continued the wolf season. Don't get me wrong I would really like to lower the numbers as well. But the real battle has to be to get them off the list again.

The second half of winter has been rough and looks like the melt is not in the near future. There is a field that me and my wife like to drive by were the deer have been congregated all winter. There has been a few dead ones showing up out there, not sure on cause of death but it is a non wolf area.
This outta set the stage for a big year for wolf/livestock problems. I would expect bear/human problems will be much worse this year as well.
Welcome to deer hunting ... mother nature intervened and you are pissed at the DNR ... really?

Years of hard work ... blah, blah, blah .... get over it and just hunt ....
So you don't believe me on the worshiping part and the turning into human beings?? Do a little searching and you can find many web sites like this one:

Ain’t that the same group of people that sold Manhattan for a blanket and some beads..
Oh boy that would get me in to trouble :)

And wolves are worshipped. My younger sister/college professors first tattoo was a wolf howling at the moon.
She was a bat shit nut about them. Thank God she left that job and aged out of stupid!
He was meeting with some people from MN Dnr. They told him up in the area that I hunt that the wolves are decimating the deer herd with the deep snow. DNR guy told him they found a winter yard with 40+ kills in the deep snow. Told him to expect some seriously shitty hunting going forward.
Hmmm...the dnr admitting that wolves are putting a serious dent in the deer herd and to expect hunting to suffer because of it? Something smells fishy to me.