Deer hair at mineral site


Not sure where to put this, but I have a mineral site where the mineral was gone late summer last year and I did not replenish it. I went out today to re-fresh it and there was several clumps of white deer hair on the bare ground. I wasn't expecting that. For those of you that have run mineral sites you seem to find clumps of deer hair around them? If so what is it from???
Kicking each other? Lots of hair goes flying when they stand up and start kicking. Probably some old doe reminding the young en's who goes first when it's time for a treat.
It’s possible too that, that it could be a deer that’s shedding their winter coat early.
I've never noticed hair but I often get pics of deer taking a little nap in the mineral site (pit)
Shedding their winter coat.
I saw those pics on your land tour and thought right away two does fighting over the salt.
I get lots of argument pics around old mineral sites. Haven't freshened them n 3 years and they still argue..
I've found quite a few hair piles in the woods this year. I agree they are just shedding there winter coats.
Just normal shedding. Lots of deer hair in the woods now thru April.
I figured it was one or the other..... just not something I had seen before