Deer Can't Keep Up This Year!





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Amazing how far along those beans are compared to Minnesota. Nice looking beans, should draw well!
Those look amazing! Mine are getting mowed down! Was down at the farm last wk and very little browsing. This wk nipped everywhere.

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Wat to go Mo-your a step ahead of the game interseeding those beets. That's gonna be a killer plot. I'm getting ready to start interseeding my brassicas, rye, and oats. Actually, I've got a couple plots in insane population locations that are interseeded in rye already. That rye is a couple inches already. If you have a plot like beans that is getting destroyed already, I would add some rye, or brassicas before the weeds start taking over. It is a little early for oats, which is ideal to interseed mid july in my area.
Not bad for a farmer!
Looks awesome. My beans don't look near that good. Mine are getting browsed hard and will likely not produce pods.
looking great, only way I could get a bean or a pea to look like that is cage them.
Mo Buck your beans look great. When did you plant? Ag beans or Eagle?
Do you ever use annual clovers like crimson or berseem?
Mine look like Jordan's, but they are starting to bloom now. In the past I've had soybeans that were nothing but stems bloom and set a ton of pods, so I should be fine.
I'm gonna have to get some of these tall late maturing beans. Tks for passing along the money saving tip Mo.
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Geat looking beans MO! Heck great looking plots! Do you go back through and braodcast anything when the beans start to yellow?
"We interplant with the shorter maturity bean so we can allow light into the field a little faster as those beans reach maturity sooner. That is so our inter seeding of our next crop towards the end of august will germinate a little faster. WR, AWP etc."

This is from my post above.
Thanks, sometimes my eyes read faster than my brain comprehends.
These are a 4.5 maturity Ag Bean, then interplanted every other row with a 2.5 maturity Soybean. The key is planting over twice as many as normal. The deer are Browsing hard, just can't keep up. We planted on May 10th I believe. Notil with a 36" row planter, then come back with the same planter in between the rows. so you end up with 18" rows.

We interplant with the shorter maturity bean so we can allow light into the field a little faster as those beans reach maturity sooner. That is so our inter seeding of our next crop towards the end of august will germinate a little faster. WR, AWP etc.

Eagle, Real World and others are no more than a very late Maturity soybean in My book. You can accomplish the same thing planting your own late maturity bean for 1/2 the cost and have them Roundup Ready. That way you can seed twice the plants helping with weed suppression as well.

I totally agree with the planting heavy. It really helps with the deer browse.
I planted my beans this year with a grain drill for the first time every other opening. I'm hoping this helps with deer browse cause normally I used a 4 row planter. Deer are already in them every night. I like the idea of differing maturity beans I wish I would have known that earlier.
Looks great, Mo. None of our beans look that nice.
Looks good MO, the weather must have worked in your favor.
Perfect weather here in Missouri, lots of rain. My Beans in Minnesota, not so good. Way behind!
Lots of food in your plots -- heavy fertilizer and lots of soybean seeds seem to be working well. Think I will seed my soybeans at a heavier seeding rate next year. I like the over seeding early like you have done. I overseeded all beans and some of the corn with Ptt several weeks back. Our beans are getting hit hard and do not look nearly as good as yours -- wish they did!
Have the beets taken off at all?
Thanks for the pics, Mo. Great plot!