Cuddeback's Cuddelink

To all that frequent this thread, id like to ask that if you have a personal camera you are having issues with and need help or if you have any questions regarding your personal situation or customer service etc that you PM me with those requests or comments. I would like to keep the thread from filling up with info that isnt useful to those that are either looking for answers to what the system can and cant do, performance, etc.
All cuddeback cameras have a 2 year warranty if you register it online when purchasing it, and you should not need to contact me via the thread to get service . If for some reason you feel you need to contact me regarding service you can PM me and ill try to help. That said, keep in mind im just the factory sales rep not a customer service rep at the main office so i cannot issue RA#s etc.
Also, I am approaching my busiest time of year with trade show season, and travel to all of my retail partners. As a result, i wont be able to respond as quickly as i have in the past. Calling Cuddeback CS is probably your best route if you have an immediate need. Phone traffic is way down in the winter months and you should easily be able to get service whenever you need it during business hours.
I will keep everyone here abreast of changes , new products and availability based on previous questions whenever im allowed to release the info. I appreciate all feedback , and pass it all on to continually try to meet the majority of needs whenever possible.
Hopefully your cuddeback cameras are getting pics of all the bucks who survived the season and will be on your cameras next summer sporting new and bigger headgear!

I would like to say THANKS for your help John! You've spent a lot of time on this forum as both a Rep and CS. I don't see a lot of great representation from companies nowdays and you've done a lot (just look at how many pages this thread it)... and I suspect your time logged in here is mostly free as you feel it's just part of your job. Keep up the good work, it's appreciated.
Any known issue mounting multiple cell homes in very close proximity to each other (within an inch)?
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Any known issue mounting multiple cell homes in very close proximity to each other (within an inch)?

I suspect would be fine as long as they are on different channels. Just curious why you would be in that situaition, have more than 15 remote cams?
I suspect would be fine as long as they are on different channels. Just curious why you would be in that situaition, have more than 15 remote cams?
Yes, that is correct. A dozen per channel.
John sent you a pm with cam issues

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I just noticed firmware v7.5 for Cuddelink and loaded it on my Home unit. Going to update the J cameras next week. Has anyone else loaded the new firmware?

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I've loaded it, but I'll be darned if I can get it to load without unzipping and copying just the cdy_1200_1_0_0.fw file to the SD card. Otherwise I get "Check SD".
I've loaded it, but I'll be darned if I can get it to load without unzipping and copying just the cdy_1200_1_0_0.fw file to the SD card. Otherwise I get "Check SD".

Fred, I had to do the same thing.

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Me three.
I get the same message "check SD" anybody figure out what to do?
I get the same message "check SD" anybody figure out what to do?
Unzip the “” firmware file, manually copy the “cdy_1200_1_0_0.fw” file to your SD card, then update the firmware on the Cuddelink.

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. It most certainly will not be available this spring, but again i dont want to make promises at all regarding this feature. The fact is, this option should not been announced before it was complete but unfortunately it was and there is nothing we can do about it at this time. I will let the forum know as soon as i confirm they will be available.

:emoji_frowning2: Darn, I've been waiting for this feature before buying any. Happy they haven't scrapped the idea all together.
. It most certainly will not be available this spring, but again i dont want to make promises at all regarding this feature. The fact is, this option should not been announced before it was complete but unfortunately it was and there is nothing we can do about it at this time. I will let the forum know as soon as i confirm they will be available.

:emoji_frowning2: Darn, I've been waiting for this feature before buying any. Happy they haven't scrapped the idea all together.
I had a buddy that with basic programming knowledge and about 70 bucks worth of supplies follow directions posted here and was able to get it working via a Dropbox account in a couple of hours with no issues

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I had a buddy that with basic programming knowledge and about 70 bucks worth of supplies follow directions posted here and was able to get it working via a Dropbox account in a couple of hours with no issues

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
i dont think i stated that it couldn't or wouldn't be done. Someone earlier posted how they did it themselves. For cuddeback to offer it, it needs to be designed to be affordable ( as an example $70 in supplies would dramatically increase the cost of the home unit that currently retails for $129). It also needs to be set up so that all consumers can use it easily. Basically, it needs to be plug and play. Then it needs to be produced in a large quantity.
To those that need it now, it may be worth your time to follow how it was done in the post earlier or to find someone like your buddy to make a few of them up.
is it possible to force the home unit to send a report? My randomly sends it (usually around 4am) but for some reason I did not receive one last night
is it possible to force the home unit to send a report? My randomly sends it (usually around 4am) but for some reason I did not receive one last night
you cant force it to, it should send one each night about 4 am. If you didnt get one it either lost signal for a period, batteries failed or there is some sort of issue. If you have recieved images since 4 am this morning , its still operating and you should see a report tonight. I have also seen where a server or provider blocked or sent a report email or text to Spam or junk folder.
@john volkman will the flash modules 2115, 2122, and 2146 work interchangeably with any/all of the Powerhouse G cameras?
@john volkman will the flash modules 2115, 2122, and 2146 work interchangeably with any/all of the Powerhouse G cameras?
correct you can easily swap or change any of these on the g camera series.
I've loaded it, but I'll be darned if I can get it to load without unzipping and copying just the cdy_1200_1_0_0.fw file to the SD card. Otherwise I get "Check SD".
this should be fixed on the site now, if you copy the 7.5 file and load you should not have to unzip.