Cuddeback's Cuddelink

John is there any way you think in the future that even if cuddelink is enabled that we could still record and save video locally? I love everything about the units but I miss being able to see video. I know it would only be saved locally and I would have to go pull that card and thats ok, but would love to be able to still have that feature.
Agreed for sure, I love the Cudde option to take a picture and video for each trigger.
John any word on when the software and cable will be ready for the home unit to download pictures automatically to a software package on a pc don’t want to purchase a unit until I know when it will be available
The most popular question on this thread! I believe the most recent answer is hopefully 2019.
That’s what I hear but was wanting to ask again don’t want to buy one if is going to be another 3 yeas are so
@john volkman; Single thumbnail image. Time from shutter release --> complete transmission to home. Not over cellular network - just to CL home. Approximate best/worse case time to transmit? Thanks, John.
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My 1 year old Cuddelink camera is now completely off and won't power on at all. I was hopping new batteries would fix the error message I had gotten earlier this week but no luck. I had bought this camera with the idea that the PC home unit would be out in 2018... the camera didn't even last long enough to get the home unit released. I'm very unhappy with Cuddeback right now.
My 1 year old Cuddelink camera is now completely off and won't power on at all. I was hopping new batteries would fix the error message I had gotten earlier this week but no luck. I had bought this camera with the idea that the PC home unit would be out in 2018... the camera didn't even last long enough to get the home unit released. I'm very unhappy with Cuddeback right now.

That stinks. I hope you try and return it. Cudde had absolutely horrible CS in the past, I hear, and hope, it's much better today.
John is there any way you think in the future that even if cuddelink is enabled that we could still record and save video locally? I love everything about the units but I miss being able to see video. I know it would only be saved locally and I would have to go pull that card and thats ok, but would love to be able to still have that feature.
i dont see this happening , it uses more battery, more space on the card and it would slow transmission of the clink images and also you would need to greatly increase the delay time limiting how many images are able to be sent home. I would never say never, but when we survey consumers Video is used a very small percentage of the time. Although i can see how some like it. Programing it in would create a mirage of other challenges that would lead to complaints and other struggles. Every consumer wants something different for their particular needs and its always a challenge to find middle ground so that you meet the needs of most in order to sell enough cameras to make it all go. Again i would never say never but at this time its not on the docket.
My 1 year old Cuddelink camera is now completely off and won't power on at all. I was hopping new batteries would fix the error message I had gotten earlier this week but no luck. I had bought this camera with the idea that the PC home unit would be out in 2018... the camera didn't even last long enough to get the home unit released. I'm very unhappy with Cuddeback right now.
i suggest you call cuddeback directly for a replacement or return it to the retailer you purchased it from for a refund.. Its under warranty and you will be taken care of .
@john volkman; Single thumbnail image. Time from shutter release --> complete transmission to home. Not over cellular network - just to CL home. Approximate best/worse case time to transmit? Thanks, John.
normal condition with no links involved , remote to home. couple minutes max. Adverse conditions like extremely heavy humidity rain fog it could take until the weather clears off.
John any word on when the software and cable will be ready for the home unit to download pictures automatically to a software package on a pc don’t want to purchase a unit until I know when it will be available
this forum will be the first to know!!! but i dont want to give a date, if this is the only reason you are buying the system , do not buy any of the system until you have this in your hand.
I h
@john volkman; Single thumbnail image. Time from shutter release --> complete transmission to home. Not over cellular network - just to CL home. Approximate best/worse case time to transmit? Thanks, John.
I have one camera that links 3 times. Takes about 30ish minutes. Others seem to take about 5-15 minutes. This is with the cell home system transmitting every hour.
John no it’s not the only reason I don’t want to fork out money for the system it it isn’t going to happen I am 600 miles from my hunting spot and want to get it setup when I head down there this spring but want to test here at home before I put this in the woods
John no it’s not the only reason I don’t want to fork out money for the system it it isn’t going to happen I am 600 miles from my hunting spot and want to get it setup when I head down there this spring but want to test here at home before I put this in the woods
i would suggest waiting until its available or buy the system and get a cell home to go with it until it is available if you want to set it up this spring. It most certainly will not be available this spring, but again i dont want to make promises at all regarding this feature. The fact is, this option should not been announced before it was complete but unfortunately it was and there is nothing we can do about it at this time. I will let the forum know as soon as i confirm they will be available.
I already have a cell camera and it’s working fine but it’s not a cauddekink it’s a spypoint just a suggestion I would have them take off all the stuff on the web site until the software is available and ready to ship and working
I already have a cell camera and it’s working fine but it’s not a cauddekink it’s a spypoint just a suggestion I would have them take off all the stuff on the web site until the software is available and ready to ship and working
that feature was removed from the website some time ago , if you are seeing it somewhere on the cuddeback site please send me a link where you re seeing it so i can fix it , i looked just now and im not seeing that feature anywhere on our site. We are even renaming the Home unit to "SD home" for 2019, The home unit you are asking for will be referred to as "USB home".
i suggest you call cuddeback directly for a replacement or return it to the retailer you purchased it from for a refund.. Its under warranty and you will be taken care of .
Thanks for the reply. I sent you a message...
John did a google search and found this link
that is a dead page that doesnt have a link to it via the cuddeback/cuddelink website. that said, we will have it removed so it cant be found via search on google etc. thanks for providing the link.
To all that frequent this thread, id like to ask that if you have a personal camera you are having issues with and need help or if you have any questions regarding your personal situation or customer service etc that you PM me with those requests or comments. I would like to keep the thread from filling up with info that isnt useful to those that are either looking for answers to what the system can and cant do, performance, etc.
All cuddeback cameras have a 2 year warranty if you register it online when purchasing it, and you should not need to contact me via the thread to get service . If for some reason you feel you need to contact me regarding service you can PM me and ill try to help. That said, keep in mind im just the factory sales rep not a customer service rep at the main office so i cannot issue RA#s etc.
Also, I am approaching my busiest time of year with trade show season, and travel to all of my retail partners. As a result, i wont be able to respond as quickly as i have in the past. Calling Cuddeback CS is probably your best route if you have an immediate need. Phone traffic is way down in the winter months and you should easily be able to get service whenever you need it during business hours.
I will keep everyone here abreast of changes , new products and availability based on previous questions whenever im allowed to release the info. I appreciate all feedback , and pass it all on to continually try to meet the majority of needs whenever possible.
Hopefully your cuddeback cameras are getting pics of all the bucks who survived the season and will be on your cameras next summer sporting new and bigger headgear!