Aaaaaaand just like that, i got an email at 4:25 pm with pictures dating back 2 days.Any ideas on why all my cam suddenly went dark? Haven't got a pic since Friday night.
I have an deep marine 6 volt on it and it's on top of the roof of the garage so service isn't an issue.
Has to be a Cell unit issue as nothing's coming thru.
Aaaaaaand just like that, i got an email at 4:25 pm with pictures dating back 2 days.
something fishy going on, but if its working now, i'll take it
sometimes all it takes is to grab the end of the spring and stretch it out a bit and your contact will be good again. Over time, springs can fatigue a bit. Also oftentimes, different brands of batteries are different overall lengths. This results in the springs being compressed more from one brand or another.Has anyone experienced issues with the battery springs in the bottom of the CuddePower AA external battery packs (Model 3518)? I have 13 cameras & 2 repeaters linked to my home Cell Link (Model 2153) purchased and installed summer of 2018. They all work fine and I have (4) spare 3518 powerpacks that I rotate to the appropriate units when they report 'low'. But almost all of them now seem to rattle when I shake them and it appears that the battery is not making contact with the hinged lid. I had to put 'D' cells in my base unit to make it work. Can I get the 3518's repaired? If that is in fact the issue? I tried 2 different connector wires & all (4) 3518's that I have in hand (several are in the field), but all 4 of these seem to have compressed spring issues.
Come to find out my hunting buddy was down and messed with the auxiliary battery connection and it started working.Could the cell tower have been down for a couple of days. Just a thought?
Just wondering if this is still working well for you? I was about to pull the trigger on one, and thought I would recheck with someone that has one before spending the money.I bought a weboost. Model is 470103. I had to get a 12v adapter since we only have a 12v system. Pricey but with my FIL not being the best health it is nice to have a cell connection. It was very spotty before and I could never text pics. I can now text pics.
Once of my cuddelinks started going crazy this 8:12am it started to take 1 picture every 1 to 3 minutes.
Before this, it would only take pictures when animals were in view (about 10 times per day). Now since 8:12am it has taken a photo literally every 1 to 3 minutes.
Sometimes the gap is 1 minute, sometimes 2 minutes, never more than 3 minutes. None of the pictures of any animals. I know it's windy today, but none of my other 5 cameras are doing this.
So now it's 5:30pm and I have hundreds of pictures of the ground.
The camera is a couple hours away. Any idea what's causing this? I don't even know what setting to change. It's been running fine at that location for 80 days no problems.
Thanks in advance.
Post some of the pics. Wind and sunshine/shadows will cause cams to trigger. It creates a moving heat signature just like an animal or person would.Once of my cuddelinks started going crazy this 8:12am it started to take 1 picture every 1 to 3 minutes.
Before this, it would only take pictures when animals were in view (about 10 times per day). Now since 8:12am it has taken a photo literally every 1 to 3 minutes.
Sometimes the gap is 1 minute, sometimes 2 minutes, never more than 3 minutes. None of the pictures of any animals. I know it's windy today, but none of my other 5 cameras are doing this.
So now it's 5:30pm and I have hundreds of pictures of the ground.
The camera is a couple hours away. Any idea what's causing this? I don't even know what setting to change. It's been running fine at that location for 80 days no problems.
Thanks in advance.
I have had 3 different cams do it they were so sent back to cuddeback for replacement. Totally screws the network especially when they have fresh batteries and extender packsOnce of my cuddelinks started going crazy this 8:12am it started to take 1 picture every 1 to 3 minutes.
Before this, it would only take pictures when animals were in view (about 10 times per day). Now since 8:12am it has taken a photo literally every 1 to 3 minutes.
Sometimes the gap is 1 minute, sometimes 2 minutes, never more than 3 minutes. None of the pictures of any animals. I know it's windy today, but none of my other 5 cameras are doing this.
So now it's 5:30pm and I have hundreds of pictures of the ground.
The camera is a couple hours away. Any idea what's causing this? I don't even know what setting to change. It's been running fine at that location for 80 days no problems.
Thanks in advance.
I also found if I removed my heavy Carhart shirt (bare skin), it detected me without fail!
I left myself open on that one lol, but it’s the truth!That camera must be either female or gay... a male camera would have gouged his lens out!![]()
"OK" is your internal batteries "EXT 1" is your rechargeables- all cameras including the home need to be on 7.7 firmware for the dual power bank to be recognized. did you fully charge your rechargebales before deploying them ?I put my dual power bank out with tenergy rechargeable batteries and the cuddeback solar panel less than 3 weeks ago in an area that gets sunshine all day long. Today it went from OK to EXT-1 OK. I imagine that means the rechargeables are dead and it's running off the alkaline D cells. Pretty unacceptable for the amount of sunshine it gets.
how are you running solar on your dual power bank when the solar panel for that unit hasn't even been released yet? did you modify something or another panel to get it to work?I put my dual power bank out with tenergy rechargeable batteries and the cuddeback solar panel less than 3 weeks ago in an area that gets sunshine all day long. Today it went from OK to EXT-1 OK. I imagine that means the rechargeables are dead and it's running off the alkaline D cells. Pretty unacceptable for the amount of sunshine it gets.
The batteries were fully charged. So if it went from OK to EXT-1 OK my internal batteries went dead and it’s now running on the rechargeables? It’s not that difficult to modify a cable to work with are you running solar on your dual power bank when the solar panel for that unit hasn't even been released yet? did you modify something or another panel to get it to work?
more than likely the voltage went high enough on your rechargables for it to switch to them over from your internals, this would mean when you put your rechargeables in they weren't fully charged and the panel charged them up. you shouldn't even need to run internals when running the Dual power bank,(if you have a dualPB, im sure you read that in the manual) you can just run rechargables in 1 bank and alkaline ds' in the other, they are labeled as such right on the bank. it will use the ext 1 first then switch to ext 2. Modifying anything to make something else work can damage your camera by running the wrong voltage back into the camera . but if you are confident that what you are doing wont do that, have at it.The batteries were fully charged. So if it went from OK to EXT-1 OK my internal batteries went dead and it’s now running on the rechargeables? It’s not that difficult to modify a cable to work with this.
They were put on a charger until the charger said they were fully charged. My K camera is running 7.7 too.more than likely the voltage went high enough on your rechargables for it to switch to them over your internals, this would mean when you put your rechargeables in they weren't fully charged and the panel charged them up.
read through the manual sheet that was included with the dual power power bank and it should make sense what is going on with your unit. since you are using it on a k , the voltage in the alkaline internals is typically higher than what rechargables can show- you should run the DPB with alkaline in one bank and rechargeable in the other for it to correctly switch from ext 1 to ext 2 on you report.They were put on a charger until the charger said they were fully charged. My K camera is running 7.7 too.