john volkman
5 year old buck +
some of you must have missed several posts that i talked about the new 3358 booster, the new version has both style cables in it, an easy way to tell is to insure its in the new box which has pictures of the cuddelink camera on it. If you are ordering anything from AMAZON you are rolling the dice, since you never know who you are actually buying from. If you are hung up on free shipping then find a retailer who offers free shipping and has someone you can actually talk to that knows the product that will insure what you are getting when you buy.Getting to be frustrating at this point. It’s been a couple months now. Feel like the new ones should be at major distributors like amazon by now. Cuddeback does take care of you and sends the cords for free but if you buy them directly from cuddeback it’s an additional 10 bucks for shipping and takes 3 days. Don’t mean to sound impatient but I guess amazons fast shipping has spoiled me.
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Ive referred many members here to several retailers that actually use cuddelink cameras themselves and can help you get the right product for the job, and they ship the same day! . Several members have listed where they bought products. as well. And on top of that many of them have better prices and will work with you to get you a better deal than you can find on amazon!
sorry for the rant but if you like service and someone that can actually help you with a high tech product , AMAZON isnt the place to buy it and every time someone purchases from them it slowly kills all the retailers who actually can help you!
the new 3358 isnt an after thought, the 3358 was originally designed for a completely different series of cameras that we adapted to work on the G series. Once the old models are gone, all battery accessories you find anywhere will work with any cuddelink camera, We told every retailer what we were doing and sent all of those that responded extra new cables to include with any of the previous 3358 version. ideally we wouldn't have done it this way but its the fastest and simplest way we could get boosters on the market asap.