I do like to go through the larger quantity of pics when I pull cards. Sometimes it is the 3rd or 4th pic in the burst that gives the best view of the buck, or other subject. A lot can pass by in 5 secs also. Not that I don’t miss things with the 15 sec delay, so probably no difference there. Not sure if the 15 secs start when the trigger occurs, or after the last pic in burst completes?
I had over 7000 pics in the first month on my mineral lick, with burst of 5 on. If only the first is sent to the home, then around 1400 pics to the home. 2500 or so pics on the home from all cams in the first month. If I would have had more triggers, that count would probably be up quite a bit. I did pay the overage last month. Not that $5-$10 dollars is a major issue, but not sure how many overages you pay if you send too many pics.
I do like the idea of saving battery if that would be significant. My property is 3 hours away, so when batteries die it can be days or even weeks before I can get there to change them. Also when changing settings, if I’m not happy with them it can again be weeks before I can get there to change them again. A lot to think about. All part of being a trail cam junkie I guess :).
I’m including this mornings report as well, in case it shows something you may see that could be addressed.