Crown release


5 year old buck +
In the last week or so I’ve dropped a dozen or so smooth bark hickory several of them a couple feet on the stump I’m having them all milled into 8/4 lumber maybe some 4/4. I dropped them to crown release walnuts, pecans and oaks in their immediate vicinity in most cases and get more sunlight to the ground. One of the larger ones had what I believe to be three Mexican plum trees growing near its base I took great care to not destroy them. There where several other trees that also got removed for the same reason but they will all go to the firewood pile, mostly osage orange a couple mulberry one box elder which I have very few of on that property. Probably one of the single best things one can do on their property is selectively open the canopy.
100% agree. There is a lot of good under the canopy just waiting for some sun. It’s been the most effective and fast way to change my place.

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In the last week or so I’ve dropped a dozen or so smooth bark hickory several of them a couple feet on the stump I’m having them all milled into 8/4 lumber maybe some 4/4. I dropped them to crown release walnuts, pecans and oaks in their immediate vicinity in most cases and get more sunlight to the ground. One of the larger ones had what I believe to be three Mexican plum trees growing near its base I took great care to not destroy them. There where several other trees that also got removed for the same reason but they will all go to the firewood pile, mostly osage orange a couple mulberry one box elder which I have very few of on that property. Probably one of the single best things one can do on their property is selectively open the canopy.
Saving any of that hickory (limb pieces) for smoking meat / cheese??
I do like it pretty well for my wood fired pizza oven I like to keep some of it on hand for it.