Cripps Pink (Pink Lady)


5 year old buck +
Apparently Cripps Pink is the same variety as Pink Lady but maybe not 100% eye appeal so its labeled as Cripps? Well my wife had bought some apples and I ate a Cripps for Breakfast. Never had 1 before, it tasted like I took a spoon full of sugar. I've never in my life tasted an apple that was that sweet before.

Anyone get this sort of taste from this variety?
Pink Lady is generally considered a pretty tart apple, on the Granny Smith end of the spectrum, you sure it wasn't a Fuji?
My wife is a big Pink Lady fan, and I agree, it is a nice mix of tart and sweet. Funny wiscwhip mentioned Fuji as I had the first one I've had in years last week and I found it very sweet and flavorless. Lately, I've been eating less sweet and much more complex tasting (to me) apples like Jonathon.
Positive, clearly marked Cripps Pink. I've never tasted anything so crazy sweet like that, i'm still confused if I liked it or not.
Positive, clearly marked Cripps Pink. I've never tasted anything so crazy sweet like that, i'm still confused if I liked it or not.

That's weird. Could have been mismarked or maybe picked riper than usual or got sweeter in storage. Amazing the variety of flavors out there, which to me, is a huge part of the fun.
That's weird. Could have been mismarked or maybe picked riper than usual or got sweeter in storage. Amazing the variety of flavors out there, which to me, is a huge part of the fun.

Thats part of what i'm looking forward to of grafting all these varieties I haven't ever tried half of these apples, its gonna be awesome!
Grafted some Pink Lady last year, none of them survived our winter some on B9 some on M106. Bought 10 "Maslin" an earlier season variety of Crips Pink all on Nic 29 this year. Have a small number of apples on the trees. My daughter and I love Pink Lady apples. However, they are a late season apple so zone 5 is marginal for trying to gow them to maturity.

IMO Pink Lady have the tart/ sweet flavor. The apples we have boughten that were grown in the USA were far superior in taste than those that had a Chile label. Even amongst the USA grown apples they vary in taste.
I'm in 5b and mine survived -20 or so last year. It will be a struggle to ripen much like Goldrush in our zone, but my wife loves them so I decided to give one a shot. It is on either M111 or B118, can't remember which.
I'd like to grow Pink Ladys but I am too far North. I also read Crisps Pink are basically Pink Ladys that just don't meet the visual and size standards of Pink Lady. The club apple groups are going a long way to protect the qualities of their apples.
I have 5 planted and got a lot of apples set this year. Crisps Pink from Adams County. They are sweet tart Apple and awesome. I will let you know how they ripen in zone 5. I had one last year and it was not great but this year will tell
Yeah I read online we can't grow them but was just curious if anyone else experience the crazy sweet factor. I guess we're all different with taste buds so that can certainly vary. I love this stuff!