5 year old buck +
I’m against mandatory masking. Have been since the start. The nih and cdc had a plan based on sars of 2092. Showed no real benefit for mask. Fauci used that data in his first interview, then flip flopped when it became political.My son and DIL are federal government lawyers in DC, and she is unabashedly a SJW, in the DOJ Civil Rights Division. They still wear masks everywhere they go, and make my 2yr old granddaughter wear one, as well... and enrolled her in the under-5 vaccine trials. I was essentially forced to take the vaccine before they would allow me to see my grandchild, and I allowed my wife to brow-beat me into getting the second booster 6 months after the initial series. That second booster put me to bed for a day and a half. I will not take another until there is believable safety and efficacy data available. If I 'Die Suddenly'... I hope someone will make certain that my heart is examined.
Having been in the medical and public health realm for the past 30 years, I have to say I had some trepidation about a 'new' vaccine technology rushed out under 'emergency use' claims in less than a year... I would not have been surprised if it had taken 5 years to get sufficient safety and efficacy data out to warrant FDA approval.
It's now very evident that the mRNA shots do not prevent infection or transmission, and the data suggesting it diminishes severity of disease and hospitalization is weak at best, and appears to rapidly decline.
I've not knowingly had COVID, but a number of my wife's friends have had it. I know one young colleague, whose 90 yr old grandmother died with it. My unvaccinated BIL spent 2 months in the hospital with COVID, a year ago, and is still on oxygen 24/7. He's the only person I know who ended up in the hospital, but he's got Type I diabetes, thyroiditis, and numerous other maladies that are part of a progressing autoimmune disease syndrome.
As a veterinary pathologist, now working exclusively on research projects utilizing laboratory animals, I've been involved in evaluating tissues from numerous COVID infection studies in mice, rats, pigs, over the past 2 years. Most of the time, I'm 'blinded' to prevent any bias or prejudice... I only know things like... the animals were infected with SARS-CoV2 virus 3 days prior to sacrifice... but no info regarding treatments employed or treatment/control groups, if there are any.
I had a project recently, in which they provided no details whatsoever... but sections of left ventricular wall of heart from EVERY. SINGLE. ANIMAL. had significant contraction band necrosis of the cardiac muscle... acute muscle fiber damage and death... but not yet enough time to have recruited the inflammatory component that would qualify it as 'myocarditis'.
There have been published reports of contraction band necrosis in heart muscle of young men who received mRNA shots... so, I'm wondering if these animals were injected with an mRNA product... otherwise, the only other routine causes of this condition in animals would be exposure to meth or severe Vitamin E/Selenium deficiency/imbalance.
I’m a staunch conservative and have never voted for a dem in my life.
The vaccine is not perfect, AND is a medical marvel that I feel is generally safe and effective for reducing the risk of dying of covid, especially in those with risk factors. The data is strong on that.