My son and DIL are federal government lawyers in DC, and she is unabashedly a SJW, in the DOJ Civil Rights Division. They still wear masks everywhere they go, and make my 2yr old granddaughter wear one, as well... and enrolled her in the under-5 vaccine trials. I was essentially forced to take the vaccine before they would allow me to see my grandchild, and I allowed my wife to brow-beat me into getting the second booster 6 months after the initial series. That second booster put me to bed for a day and a half. I will not take another until there is believable safety and efficacy data available. If I 'Die Suddenly'... I hope someone will make certain that my heart is examined.
Having been in the medical and public health realm for the past 30 years, I have to say I had some trepidation about a 'new' vaccine technology rushed out under 'emergency use' claims in less than a year... I would not have been surprised if it had taken 5 years to get sufficient safety and efficacy data out to warrant FDA approval.
It's now very evident that the mRNA shots do not prevent infection or transmission, and the data suggesting it diminishes severity of disease and hospitalization is weak at best, and appears to rapidly decline.

I've not knowingly had COVID, but a number of my wife's friends have had it. I know one young colleague, whose 90 yr old grandmother died with it. My unvaccinated BIL spent 2 months in the hospital with COVID, a year ago, and is still on oxygen 24/7. He's the only person I know who ended up in the hospital, but he's got Type I diabetes, thyroiditis, and numerous other maladies that are part of a progressing autoimmune disease syndrome.

As a veterinary pathologist, now working exclusively on research projects utilizing laboratory animals, I've been involved in evaluating tissues from numerous COVID infection studies in mice, rats, pigs, over the past 2 years. Most of the time, I'm 'blinded' to prevent any bias or prejudice... I only know things like... the animals were infected with SARS-CoV2 virus 3 days prior to sacrifice... but no info regarding treatments employed or treatment/control groups, if there are any.
I had a project recently, in which they provided no details whatsoever... but sections of left ventricular wall of heart from EVERY. SINGLE. ANIMAL. had significant contraction band necrosis of the cardiac muscle... acute muscle fiber damage and death... but not yet enough time to have recruited the inflammatory component that would qualify it as 'myocarditis'.
There have been published reports of contraction band necrosis in heart muscle of young men who received mRNA shots... so, I'm wondering if these animals were injected with an mRNA product... otherwise, the only other routine causes of this condition in animals would be exposure to meth or severe Vitamin E/Selenium deficiency/imbalance.
I’m against mandatory masking. Have been since the start. The nih and cdc had a plan based on sars of 2092. Showed no real benefit for mask. Fauci used that data in his first interview, then flip flopped when it became political.

I’m a staunch conservative and have never voted for a dem in my life.

The vaccine is not perfect, AND is a medical marvel that I feel is generally safe and effective for reducing the risk of dying of covid, especially in those with risk factors. The data is strong on that.
What does being conservative have to do with it? I don't care who started it and I would imagine that the vast majority don't either.
Just not reality. Good data to show that how you feel on this subject is based on party affiliation.
Maybe your reality. Follow the science....,.lol
Yeah. Believe it or not Bill there are people that do believe in science. It’s not math, not perfect. But damn I’m grateful for it.
No. Not at all Bill.

This isn’t a personal attack on you. I know your mind is set.
You do huh?
You say only conservatives are against the vax, and say you are all for it but still are a conservative..... Yeah no contradiction!
By the way ,I never said I am against it. If you want it get it I don't care. But do yourself a favor and learn about it first. If you feel the risk 8s worth it go for it. I do not. The facts are in and are in your face everywhere you look. The people pushing it lied to you, to everyone and then got rich off of those lies.
9X more or less likely? There have not been sufficient time to study this at all. It's unproven and still has not been proven safe for people to take. Statistics are just numbers that they throw out to make their argument in my opinion. Kinda like how biden received 81 million votes. Healthy people are dropping over from the jab---If you want to take it fine.
You do huh?
You say only conservatives are against the vax, and say you are all for it but still are a conservative..... Yeah no contradiction!
By the way ,I never said I am against it. If you want it get it I don't care. But do yourself a favor and learn about it first. If you feel the risk 8s worth it go for it. I do not. The facts are in and are in your face everywhere you look. The people pushing it lied to you, to everyone and then got rich off of those lies.
Man. I agree with Most of what you said. I’ve read every major study in the subject, and have seen first hand the effects of the disease. It’s weird. It’s not cut and dried like the Black Death. The media went way overboard in pushing a narrative. AND for old and sick it will kill your ass. Quick. That’s no one telling me anything. I’ve seen it first hand.
9X more or less likely? There have not been sufficient time to study this at all. It's unproven and still has not been proven safe for people to take. Statistics are just numbers that they throw out to make their argument in my opinion. Kinda like how biden received 81 million votes. Healthy people are dropping over from the jab---If you want to take it fine.
I haven’t seen one healthy person fall over from the jab.

We don’t know long term effect of vaccine. We have to use data in other vaccines that have been around for 100 years. There are no studies on new meds for 30 years my man. Zero.
I don’t think it’s the fact that pure-bloods are conservatives so much as it’s many conservative just don’t trust the government enough to believe their talking points on the vaccine. That is why I believe there is higher percentage of conservatives who will never get the MRNA. Not an anti Biden thing, it’s just a plain old don’t trust our government thing, no matter who is at the top
I don’t think it’s the fact that pure-bloods are conservatives so much as it’s many conservative just don’t trust the government enough to believe their talking points on the vaccine. That is why I believe there is higher percentage of conservatives who will never get the MRNA. Not an anti Biden thing, it’s just a plain old don’t trust our government thing, no matter who is at the top
It really should have nothing to do with politics. People from all sides should be pissed off at the way this has all gone.
I haven’t seen one healthy person fall over from the jab.

We don’t know long term effect of vaccine. We have to use data in other vaccines that have been around for 100 years. There are no studies on new meds for 30 years my man. Zero.
Gotta call bullshit on the 30 years.
I did not mean to stir up the vaccine vs. non-vaccine war, but I guess I knew it would happen. I find it sad that the entire COVID thing has been politicized. It has really been used as a tool to divide us for political gain. It has been used by both sides of the political spectrum.

It is easy to fall prey to the politics. It benefits politicians for their supporters to think folks on the "other side" are evil people with bad intent. It does not benefit the rest of us. There will always be a small percentage of folks on all sides of the political spectrum who have bad intent. There will always be opportunists who will take whatever position they believe will benefit them the most at the moment.

The reality is that most of the folks in this country have very good intentions and want the best for everyone. Of course there are, and always will be, disagreements on the best path to get there, and that is fine in a democratic federal republic. As much as folks from all sides try to manipulate the political system it is still intact and I hope it stays that way.

I happen to think that on a risk/reward basis, vaccinations for COVID are a great benefit on both an individual level and a societal level. But I also believe we should have as much individual freedom as possible. Knowing that one man's freedoms can limit the freedoms of another, balance is required and folks of good conscience can disagree on the balance.

My primary reason for taking the vaccine has been to protect others around me, especially those who disagree with my judgement and don't get vaccinated. For me, the science is pretty clear, but science is my background. I can certainly understand how folks question it, especially those without a scientific background. For most folks the question really isn't about science or data, it is about "who do I believe". This is where politicians have exploited this issue. With the internet allowing folks to get information from sources that reflect their existing views, it has become quite easy to insert misinformation into the information food chain.

I also, leave room for doubt in my evaluation of the data. That is the nature of science. Science never provides definitive answers. It takes hypotheses, applies unbiased tests, analyzes results, and provides statistical answers to very complex questions. As time goes on and more is learned and data sets change, a good scientist is ready to change his view. So, I could be WRONG in my view, but all we can do is to use our best judgement.

I just wish the best for everyone as we all deal with this COVID issue. I appreciate all the personal support from my case, especially from those who disagree with my view point on this subject. I want to express my support for all those dealing with it, especially those with whom I disagree.


First, what Bill said is dead on!

Can you explain to me how you can honestly compare one persons immune system that hasnt gotten the shot, to that sames persons immune system if he did get the shot to be 9x more likely to not die? Or someone that has gotten the shot, is 9x more protected then if he didnt get the shot? Once you are shot, you cant know how your body would fight the disease if you havent gotten the shot!

So far this is why I havent gotten, or trusted the government, regardless R or D, masks wont be effective, wear a mask so you dont catch, or spread it. If you get a shot, you cant catch it. Ok, you can catch it, but you cant spread it. Ok, you can catch it, and spread it, but you wont be hospitalized. You may still be hospitalized, but you are 9x more likely to survive it if you get the shot. This is the season of death if you dont get the shot! Take the shot and we will give you $200. Covid doesnt spread in Walmart, or any other big dollar political donor businesses, just mom and pop shops, they must close! How about essentials, no toys, those are locked off, but many other not needed things are ok to buy. The shot is 100% safe! Should I continue? Trust the science!

I am not pointing fingers, or trying to make accusations, but I know 3 elders that died within 1 week of the shot from a stroke, 2 of them my relatives, that never had any health issues prior.
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