Covert mp5e????

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Well my local farm store has covert mp5e on sale right now for $79.99. I picked one up figuring at this price it's worth a try. Not gonna lie I have avoided them thus far due to them being pimped so hard on qdma forum. Anyone on here have first hand knowledge with these cams? Is this a steal or simply the going rate for these cams? Just wondering if I should run back an pick up a fee more...
I don't know that particular model, but I love the other Coverts I have. Set them in August last year in Iowa and they were still taking pictures in March. Great battery life/photo quality
The bang for the buck is second to none. The service is excellent. You are making a mistake by not giving Covert a try. The Red 40 is a really really sweet cam and takes amazing pictures. The MP5e is obviously one of their cheapest low end cameras. The couple MP6’s I’m still running I believe were changed to add a few features and renamed MP5e. Good little cam.

I own 2 mp-e5 and in my opinions one of the best cams out there for the cost, here is a couple day pics and a night pic from this past winter, I kept one out in the frigid temps all winter and did great, also great battery life. Scoot
The one thing about the MP5E is that its flash does not have good range at night. Its a great cam to hang over a trail. It will not take very good night time pics on a plot at night. If you only care about daytime pics on a plot it is great. Or like I said hang it over a trail. If you want great night time pics with a heck of a good range then the REd 40 is the the way to go.
thanks guys. I must admit I am a sucker for budget cams