Couple of apple spray questions.

No worries then but you may have not needed the imidan yet but you should wait now on the imidan until petal fall at least 90%. Just remember the formula of 7 to 10 or 2 inches of rain
"Sorry TC, been busy. For dilute spray, use 2 tablespoon/1 oz per gallon of water, for Captan and Imidan. Maybe slightly more w/ Cap 50. Spray fine spray on trees until dilute/just dripping off leaves. I have never used Myclo, so I'm not sure on that, but go by the label. Spray Captan starting at 1/2" green at 10-14 day intervals or 2" of rain. Imidan starting at petal fall. Both thru the end of July and they can be sprayed together. Oil is to smother eggs of mites, scale and aphids. Once at green tip with a 2% solution should do it. Put it on pretty heavy. Don't spray Captan for 10 days after spraying oil.Maily do not combine the two. Don't worry about a sticker. This will get you decent apples, but is in no means going to cover everything.

There is a ton to it so if you want to know more buy a tree fruit management guide and get reading, but before I went to classes, this got me decent apples. The key is to get the trees covered before the pest(fungus or insect) hits the tree, but you really need to read up and learn their life cycles to understand how to combat them."
Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
Maya, Apr 24, 2015Report

So are people done spraying for the year? I sprayed last Saturday and am wondering if I'm safe to stop for the year.
Still spraying with Sevin to keep the Japs away. Probably be done by Aug. 20th. Hunting camp operation for deer - no market or roadside stands here !!