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Far left and radical right promote as much deception as possible to fire up the base. Conservatives are primaried from the radical right and liberals from the far progressive left. The results is more and more division.
Division is cultivated and harvested almost exclusively by the left.hopefully its throw and mow right jack??
Fact is none of the election fraud facts have ever been debunked, ever. As a matter of fact the Racine county sheriff came out and talked about the rampant fraud that went on in the nursing homes.
It went on all over the state, democrat ops in the nursing homes stealing votes.
Maybe you should try some alternative sources before spouting off?
OK I'll cave Bill. Why not post here where I should be getting my news from? Give me the links to the sources and I'll look up what I need to know. TIA
I have yet to see you post any? Get your news from wherever you want, i dont really care. But at least look further into things than what the media tells you to think, dont just be led around by the nose.
Division is cultivated and harvested almost exclusively by the left.hopefully its throw and mow right jack??
Fact is none of the election fraud facts have ever been debunked, ever. As a matter of fact the Racine county sheriff came out and talked about the rampant fraud that went on in the nursing homes.
It went on all over the state, democrat ops in the nursing homes stealing votes.
Maybe you should try some alternative sources before spouting off?
Nope, it cuts both ways. Both Red and Blue gerrymander as much as they can which creates the opportunity for division. As for election fraud, it occurs in every election and always has and on both sides. The question is not whether fraud occurs in WI or anywhere else. The question is scale. There is zero evidence that there is sufficient scale of fraud on either side to tip the election. Folks who don't like the outcome always cry fraud, whether it is Bush/Gore or Biden/Trump.

It appears that once the cool-aid is drunk on either side, rational though it abandon and tilting at windmills becomes the norm.
Nope, it cuts both ways. Both Red and Blue gerrymander as much as they can which creates the opportunity for division. As for election fraud, it occurs in every election and always has and on both sides. The question is not whether fraud occurs in WI or anywhere else. The question is scale. There is zero evidence that there is sufficient scale of fraud on either side to tip the election. Folks who don't like the outcome always cry fraud, whether it is Bush/Gore or Biden/Trump.

It appears that once the cool-aid is drunk on either side, rational though it abandon and tilting at windmills becomes the norm.
So now that your wrong you just change your argument? Ladies and gentlemen we have a liberal.
I will say that I'm encouraged by so many Republican leaders breaking away from the Putin cheerleaders and supporting US support for Ukraine!

Maybe there is hope for unity yet...
I can certainly tell where you get your news. Where are the Putin cheerleaders? Tell me one. Obama gave us the “I can do dirty deals after my election” Hilary gave us the great reset button. Only when they needed to fabricate Russia collusion to get mean orange man did they stop cheerleading for Putin. Biden still won’t cut off the oil, must be he hasn’t secured his 10%.
Don’t worry, the democrats have a plan, they are going to encourage and help Iran, and Venezuela get their oil pumping to spite Russia. You know, 2 countries that owe Russia billions of dollars, so these 2 countries can get rich and help support Russia, then all of them can team up against the US.
So now that your wrong you just change your argument? Ladies and gentlemen we have a liberal.
Never changed my mind on this. It cuts both ways.
I can certainly tell where you get your news. Where are the Putin cheerleaders? Tell me one. Obama gave us the “I can do dirty deals after my election” Hilary gave us the great reset button. Only when they needed to fabricate Russia collusion to get mean orange man did they stop cheerleading for Putin. Biden still won’t cut off the oil, must be he hasn’t secured his 10%.
Those continuing to complement Putin even after the invasion.
Those continuing to complement Putin even after the invasion.
Who? Pointing out that he is smart and not stupid (like our idiot) is not meant as a compliment. To simply call him a crazy man is doing no good. Putin is playing chess and we are playing checkers. I think Putin is very smart and want him hanging from a tree. Am I complementing him? I watch all the news that you say brainwashes me into a cult and I have not seen one pro Putin comment. Now when I go on your lefty sites they tell me there are pro Putin people, and guess what, they are Trumpers. Him being hated is probably the most bipartisan thing since 9\11. You fall for all the shit you are always bloviating about.
Those continuing to complement Putin even after the invasion.
Yeah, easy to jump to that conclusion when you get your news from one site.
I havent heard anyone compliment Putin. All that was said was it was a brilliant move on his part. And it was.
The fact that for over 20 years many people have predicted to a T that this would happen makes certain people think it's complimenting Putin.
Who? Pointing out that he is smart and not stupid (like our idiot) is not meant as a compliment. To simply call him a crazy man is doing no good. Putin is playing chess and we are playing checkers. I think Putin is very smart and want him hanging from a tree. Am I complementing him? I watch all the news that you say brainwashes me into a cult and I have not seen one pro Putin comment. Now when I go on your lefty sites they tell me there are pro Putin people, and guess what, they are Trumpers. Him being hated is probably the most bipartisan thing since 9\11. You fall for all the shit you are always bloviating about.
Those who believe that is more important to oppose the other parties position and complement Putin and avoid condemning his actions clearly. I applaud much of the Republican leadership that has clearly condemned Putin's actions and avoided trying to make political hay out of an issue that should unify the nation and free world. I have the same distain for folks on both the left and right that are more interested in using this to stir up their political respective political bases than to set politics aside and focus on the real threat.

I don't even lean slightly to the left and am more than willing to criticize extremism on either side.

Folks need to realize that others to their left and to their right within the 3 sigma points of the bell shaped curve BOTH want the best for this country. They may have significant policy disagreements on how to best benefit the country. Many politicians on both sides want folks to think it is a zero sum game and that there is only so much to go around. If some other group get something or if I'm being limited in some way, then I'm being cheated. The reality is the best government is divided government. Little gets done, but what does get done has broad agreement from both sides. When the Republicans hold all the power, politicians suddenly have no excuse and feel they have to live up the the rhetoric of the far right they've been pushed into spouting to get through the primary. When the Democrats hold all the power, that same thing happens on the left. Policies are whipsawed back and forth. When power is split, both sides can blame the other for not being able to legislate to the far left or right.
Never changed my mind on this. It cuts both ways.
Oh, but you did. First you said all cheating in Wisconsin was thoroughly debunked, with no proof i may add. Then when i argued your baseless statement you switched to cheating is normal in all elections so whats the big deal. Typical lefty tactics, when you cant prove it or win change ylyr argument.
Where do you fall on global cooling.....or warming... or climate change...whichever one is being pushed for now?
Yeah, easy to jump to that conclusion when you get your news from one site.
I havent heard anyone compliment Putin. All that was said was it was a brilliant move on his part. And it was.
I don't get my news from any one site. Perhaps you do.
Oh, but you did. First you said all cheating in Wisconsin was thoroughly debunked, with no proof i may add. Then when i argued your baseless statement you switched to cheating is normal in all elections so whats the big deal. Typical lefty tactics, when you cant prove it or win change ylyr argument.
Where do you fall on global cooling.....or warming... or climate change...whichever one is being pushed for now?
Nope, never changed my mind. You clearly are struggling here. You hyperbolized claims of massive election fraud have clearly been debunked. That does not mean that there is zero election fraud in every election. There is and always will be some level of election fraud from from both left and right. The question is whether it has sufficient statistical significance to have an impact on the outcome and it doesn't. We have the best and most fair and honest election system in the world but that doesn't mean it is perfect.

I understand that is is pretty easy to get caught up in the self licking ice cream cone on both the right and the left. Nothing that I or anyone can say that can help folks in either whirlpool. It is kind of like having a friend on drugs, you and intervein as much as you want, but until they hit bottom, if they do, and are ready for help, you can't do much.
The election theft is the biggest scandal in US history but liberals are trying to hide it . They installed 2 extremely weak and incompetent leaders! Biden/Harris are being overrun by a Dictator and thousands of people are dying, and we are as close to Nuclear war as ever.
Those who believe that is more important to oppose the other parties position and complement Putin and avoid condemning his actions clearly. I applaud much of the Republican leadership that has clearly condemned Putin's actions and avoided trying to make political hay out of an issue that should unify the nation and free world. I have the same distain for folks on both the left and right that are more interested in using this to stir up their political respective political bases than to set politics aside and focus on the real threat.

I don't even lean slightly to the left and am more than willing to criticize extremism on either side.

Folks need to realize that others to their left and to their right within the 3 sigma points of the bell shaped curve BOTH want the best for this country. They may have significant policy disagreements on how to best benefit the country. Many politicians on both sides want folks to think it is a zero sum game and that there is only so much to go around. If some other group get something or if I'm being limited in some way, then I'm being cheated. The reality is the best government is divided government. Little gets done, but what does get done has broad agreement from both sides. When the Republicans hold all the power, politicians suddenly have no excuse and feel they have to live up the the rhetoric of the far right they've been pushed into spouting to get through the primary. When the Democrats hold all the power, that same thing happens on the left. Policies are whipsawed back and forth. When power is split, both sides can blame the other for not being able to legislate to the far left or right.
So again you can name no one that has complimented Putin. Got it. Here is an example of what a Putin compliment would look like in case you come across one. “Putin is a great man, he is fighting the injustices of the West. Through his strength and character he is leading Russia”. You are 3 sigma points away from a full basket of sigma points.
Those who believe that is more important to oppose the other parties position and complement Putin and avoid condemning his actions clearly. I applaud much of the Republican leadership that has clearly condemned Putin's actions and avoided trying to make political hay out of an issue that should unify the nation and free world. I have the same distain for folks on both the left and right that are more interested in using this to stir up their political respective political bases than to set politics aside and focus on the real threat.

I don't even lean slightly to the left and am more than willing to criticize extremism on either side.

Folks need to realize that others to their left and to their right within the 3 sigma points of the bell shaped curve BOTH want the best for this country. They may have significant policy disagreements on how to best benefit the country. Many politicians on both sides want folks to think it is a zero sum game and that there is only so much to go around. If some other group get something or if I'm being limited in some way, then I'm being cheated. The reality is the best government is divided government. Little gets done, but what does get done has broad agreement from both sides. When the Republicans hold all the power, politicians suddenly have no excuse and feel they have to live up the the rhetoric of the far right they've been pushed into spouting to get through the primary. When the Democrats hold all the power, that same thing happens on the left. Policies are whipsawed back and forth. When power is split, both sides can blame the other for not being able to legislate to the far left or right.
I agree, BUT, where we are right now we have one side who has stolen the power and will do whatever it takes to keep that power, even if it means destroying the country, they dont care as long as they have power. This cannot stand.
You keep spewing the nonsense that someone in republican politics has supported Putin. Put up or shutup, who and when?
The election theft is the biggest scandal in US history but liberals are trying to hide it . They installed 2 extremely weak and incompetent leaders! Biden/Harris are being overrun by a Dictator and thousands of people are dying, and we are as close to Nuclear war as ever.
You left out, utterly incompetent and wholely disliked from both sides.
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