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I still stand by my comment that it's been blatantly one sided for the last 5 years. Yes, the government has always been hiding most things from the people and telling us what benefits them the most but now they don't even try to hide it. That and the fact that very few people have common sense anymore is a dangerous combination.
Let’s see we had economic prosperity and the world was a safer place under Orange Man with Brandon at the helm we do not have any of that. The sheeple will never see the truth but I bet the midterm elections don’t favor the complete incompetence that the Dems bring to the table. It’s all political fun and games until Dems have to face the voters after a complete year of failure.
I still stand by my comment that it's been blatantly one sided for the last 5 years. Yes, the government has always been hiding most things from the people and telling us what benefits them the most but now they don't even try to hide it. That and the fact that very few people have common sense anymore is a dangerous combination.
It would certainly appear that way when fact checking is done where facts don't seem to matter to the party in power.
State of wisconsin just completed an investigation of the last election. They found ,proved, and presented live examples of the rampant and blatant cheating that went on. Innocent elderly had their votes stolen , ballot machines proven and shown to be hooked up to the internetduring voting hours. Basically they found the dems stole at least 20,000 votes just in wisconsin. Brandon "won" wis. By less than 20000.
Went on to say the wisconsin election should be decertified.
Wheres the media? Not a peep on any ot it.
I wish every state would investigate.
But Orange man bad!
State of wisconsin just completed an investigation of the last election. They found ,proved, and presented live examples of the rampant and blatant cheating that went on. Innocent elderly had their votes stolen , ballot machines proven and shown to be hooked up to the internetduring voting hours. Basically they found the dems stole at least 20,000 votes just in wisconsin. Brandon "won" wis. By less than 20000.
Went on to say the wisconsin election should be decertified.
Wheres the media? Not a peep on any ot it.
I wish every state would investigate.
But Orange man bad!
That's been well debunked...Great example of just say the same thing over and over and maybe some will believe it!
State of wisconsin just completed an investigation of the last election. They found ,proved, and presented live examples of the rampant and blatant cheating that went on. Innocent elderly had their votes stolen , ballot machines proven and shown to be hooked up to the internetduring voting hours. Basically they found the dems stole at least 20,000 votes just in wisconsin. Brandon "won" wis. By less than 20000.
Went on to say the wisconsin election should be decertified.
Wheres the media? Not a peep on any ot it.
I wish every state would investigate.
But Orange man bad!

Like Jack has been saying, people get their news from sources they agree with. That "investigation" cost you and me $675,000 and was led by someone who admitted he doesn't know how elections work. Even if the election was decertified what would happen? Nothing!! And by the way I've been following the story in the local newspapers.
That's been well debunked...Great example of just say the same thing over and over and maybe some will believe it!
Maybe you should catch up on the news yourself before typing. None of it was ever debunked. The media and democrats saying it didnt happen doesn't mean it didnt.
Talk stupid about everyone else getting their news from one place then come out with that? Pot meet kettle.
Like Jack has been saying, people get their news from sources they agree with. That "investigation" cost you and me $675,000 and was led by someone who admitted he doesn't know how elections work. Even if the election was decertified what would happen? Nothing!! And by the way I've been following the story in the local newspapers.
Yeah , how would a retired state Supreme court judge know about elections...
Following exactly what the dems and newspapers want you to. Get out and find things for yourself maybe?
I dont care what it cost. If it keeps the cheating scumbags from cheating again its worth it.
Whats it costing the tax payers with Brandon in office? I'll answer for you so you dont need to check the newspaper, EVERYTHING.
Maybe you should catch up on the news yourself before typing. None of it was ever debunked. The media and democrats saying it didnt happen doesn't mean it didnt.
Talk stupid about everyone else getting their news from one place then come out with that? Pot meet kettle.
Well debunked. Seems folks on both extremes simply make up "facts" that support their political positions and keep repeating them.

Whatever happened to Regan Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats? The first group are now called RINOs by the one extreme and the second DINOs by the other extreme.

Foolishness' all around.
I will say that I'm encouraged by so many Republican leaders breaking away from the Putin cheerleaders and supporting US support for Ukraine!

Maybe there is hope for unity yet...
Yeah , how would a retired state Supreme court judge know about elections...
Following exactly what the dems and newspapers want you to. Get out and find things for yourself maybe?
I dont care what it cost. If it keeps the cheating scumbags from cheating again its worth it.
Whats it costing the tax payers with Brandon in office? I'll answer for you so you dont need to check the newspaper, EVERYTHING.

OK I'll cave Bill. Why not post here where I should be getting my news from? Give me the links to the sources and I'll look up what I need to know. TIA
OK I'll cave Bill. Why not post here where I should be getting my news from? Give me the links to the sources and I'll look up what I need to know. TIA
And I've yet to see either of you post links to where this has been debunked?
And I've yet to see either of you post links to where this has been debunked?
There is no value in that. Folks just believe sources that seem to validate their viewpoint and think everything else is "Fake News". Speaking of "Fake News" I here that is now illegal in Russia. Of course, "Fake News" is anything Putin want said.
And I've yet to see either of you post links to where this has been debunked?
There is no debunked . There was huge election fraud. They have people dumping ballots with gloves on and then taking pics of the crime for proof of payment. This was in drop boxes (on video)! They were paid $10 a ballot.

Thousands of dumps. Cell phone data as well. How can anyone say that’s debunked ??
My son and I watching three Freedom Convoys converge today next to our home. Never been a protester, but I don't like unlawful mandates, masked kids, and bad policy. Nice patriotism on the roads and I wish them well.

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Far left and radical right promote as much deception as possible to fire up the base. Conservatives are primaried from the radical right and liberals from the far progressive left. The results is more and more division.
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