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All people have gaffes,.. do you forget Covfefe and Thighland?

Your just all a bunch of unpatriotic folks is all,..

A few big differences.
1. Only republican mispronunciations are ever remembered or talked about by the msm.
2. Trump and Busch (he was the president before Obama, I just figured your sense of history started with the great black hope!) both misspoke, but were both good presidents. Not perfect but good. This one is an unmitigated train wreck. Everything he and his administration touches is ruined. Id much rather he just became a deadbeat pres and do nothing , he'd be remembered more favorably . Again as I said yesterday, I don't blame DUH DUH Joe for all of it, Hes just a witless puppet for the crazies, its really sad what the left is capable of doing to this man.
3. he didnt just mispronounce words, he garbled entire sentences, he mixed up thoughts, and he did it repeatedly.

Its not unpatriotic to question a presidents sanity and stability, people like you did it for 4 years with Trump for no other reason than the msm told you too.
***moved over from the stocks thread***

Don't forget, the definition of 'vaccinated' had to be carefully situated into a perfect window to exclude all the people the vaccine killed, hospitalized, and caused to test positive from the injection itself. This is the Alberta data that was later scrubbed. Thankfully, some meme warrior captured it and posted it in this thread before it got memory holed. I may do a look back and try to find it and repost it. Thank goodness for the Ctrl+F function.

But to this point, the definition of 'vaccinated' is so narrow, that it's impossible to be fully vaccinated for more than about 4 months. As the shots killed, hospitalized, and caused positives right outta the chute, the only way to clean up the data was to exclude all the vaccine deaths, injuries, and positives by calling them 'unvaccinated' until 6 weeks after the first shot. Further, if a person hospitalized with covid was not vaccinated --in that hospital system--, their status was marked as 'unknown' and unknown was counted as unvaccinated, even if that person was vaccinated at a Denny's or Walgreens.

Dr. Pierre Kory covered this at the Senate hearing. The only reason the vaccine ever showed any efficacy for even a moment was because people were shot full of synthetic spike proteins and were sent through a sample random dose of hell for 6 weeks (their unvaccinated 6 week jab journey), and then they didn't catch covid again for another 6 weeks or so, and then they ended the study by unblinding the placebo group and vaccinating them.

I'm pretty sure I could draw a male appendage on my forehead every day for 6 weeks after I recover from the flu, and I won't get the flu again for 6 weeks. Was it because of the drawing, or that I just got done being sick?

I watched Biden's SOTU and it was great,.. he sounded sane, spot on, and sharp. Nothing wrong with that mans faculties.

Anyone who says otherwise simply did not watch the speech. Even the Republics stood in thunderous applause.

What the hell is wrong with you folks?

You are the most unpatriotic bunch of folks I ever seen. Maybe go live in Russia or something?

Aught to be ashamed of yourselves.
Did you even listen during his campaign? Telling voters he "don't work for them" "talking to kids about his hairy legs" "poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids" "All men are created... you know.. you know the thing" "we choose truth over facts" etc etc

If you think he's in his right mind you are allowed your opinion my friend, maybe Hunter is sharing the crack pipe?

There are 4 of these, this is the first.
I watched Biden's SOTU and it was great,.. he sounded sane, spot on, and sharp. Nothing wrong with that mans faculties.

Anyone who says otherwise simply did not watch the speech. Even the Republics stood in thunderous applause.

What the hell is wrong with you folks?

You are the most unpatriotic bunch of folks I ever seen. Maybe go live in Russia or something?

Aught to be ashamed of yourselves.
All I need to look at are 2 things...
1) The wide open southern border and all of the deadly drugs and human trafficking because of this incompetent moron,
2) Shutting down our own energy production (while still buying Russian oil) which leads to financing the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the destabilization of the entire globe.

I'm not sure which exceeds the Brandon pure evil or just an incompetent boob?
I'm betting he's more evil than stupid because he's been an idiot long before he became senile.
The same Countries that claim shutting off Russian energy will hurt the World economies too much, had no problem what so ever shutting the World down over Covid.
All I need to look at are 2 things...
1) The wide open southern border and all of the deadly drugs and human trafficking because of this incompetent moron,
2) Shutting down our own energy production (while still buying Russian oil) which leads to financing the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the destabilization of the entire globe.

I'm not sure which exceeds the Brandon pure evil or just an incompetent boob?
I'm betting he's more evil than stupid because he's been an idiot long before he became senile.
You can add the democrats repeatedly try to take our gun rights away, on every election it is their selling point, then they try to take innocent peoples guns away, everytime some whacko shoots someone. Dont blame the shooter, blame the gun, the teachers, parents, ammo companies, because some idiot that is drugged up shoots someone.
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I watched Biden's SOTU and it was great,.. he sounded sane, spot on, and sharp. Nothing wrong with that mans faculties.

Anyone who says otherwise simply did not watch the speech. Even the Republics stood in thunderous applause.

What the hell is wrong with you folks?

You are the most unpatriotic bunch of folks I ever seen. Maybe go live in Russia or something?

Aught to be ashamed of yourselves.

I watched the SOTU address. I would say it was a fairly typical political SOTU. There was a little something for everyone inside the 3 sigma points of a bell shaped curve and a little for the far left. Most of it was typical and pretty vacuous of content. He threw some bones to the traditional center right republicans. That, along with the support rhetoric for Ukraine, accounts for most of the republican applause. Biden is a traditional center left politician willing to compromise when Dems have limited control. He's been pushed further left to keep support of the left wing of the party. Thank goodness for Dems like Senator Manchin that have kept him in check until the mid-terms when the republican should take the senate back. Biden won with support from the far left who really had no place to go, the center left Dems, independents, and Anybody-But-Trump traditional republicans. The markets seem to be satisficed with the SOTU in general.

I'm not going to bad mouth the folks that have been taken in by well crafted IO campaigns. It is human nature to look for reinforcement of your ideas and suspicions. Conspiracies are lots more interesting than the truth which is often boring and non-sensational. With the internet it is quite easy for folks to fall into a self-licking ice cream cone of folks with similar views.

The more we distain folks in the country with different views, the weaker we are as a nation. When there is a serious situation that calls for a national unity against an opposing foreign power like the Ukraine situation, I'm glad to see Republicans in congress voice their support, just as I was glad to see Democrats do likewise after 9/11.
Found it. The Alberta data.

View attachment 40191

I hope we didn't run off our forum epidemiologists. I've got new questions. The data below certainly looks like the vaccine is the virus. I always wondered why the government data illusionists didn't start counting anyone as vaccinated until 6 weeks after their first dose. Take a look at this Alberta data. Berenson covered this, but I also went to the source document. The way that chart lays out, it's as if the vaccine is shooting everyone full of covid prions. It also makes a ton of sense why nobody was getting the rona after 60 days, cause most everyone just got over it. This was also described as the period of "If you're sicker than shit, you know the vaccine is working."

These graphs are all in figure 12 at the bottom of the page in this link from the Albertians Government's website:

View attachment 40187

But then you see the need for cancelling everyone's vaccinated status after 4.5 months. That second wave would have made the efficacy numbers look bad. This was also the same point when efficacy starting going scud missle downward below zero.

View attachment 40188

They tracked all of this from the moment people were jabbed. No excluding the first 6 weeks, like the government data-magicians in the US.

View attachment 40189

And about that 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'... If you were killed immediately after the first jab like these poor souls, you are not only dead, but you died a horrible person for dying technically 'unvaccinated'.

View attachment 40190

I think Chris Farley is going to have some follow up questions for the doctor.

Just like the liberal press juxtaposing things a leaving out relevant details to lead folks to the wrong conclusions. Guess it doesn't matter one's political persuasion. It's just missing the "Man boosting formula...and she'll like it too!"
LOL. What wrong conclusion could you possibly draw from that?
LOL. What wrong conclusion could you possibly draw from that?

Exactly. If that is not obvious, there is clearly relevant context missing. It is the typical cherry picking of information to support a political position. The mainstream press has done this historically, sometimes intentionally, and sometimes through the natural human bias we all have. Things are even worse today when political actors can make up information from whole cloth and put it on an internet site hiding the ownership. They then use social media and link to the intentional misinformation. Like mined folks read it, believe it, and post more links to it. Before long, many folks can't tell the difference between truth and lies which is that actual intent, to cause confusion and increase division. Russia did this quite effectively at home be creating and funding their own opposition parties.

I'm not critiquing the position regardless of what I think of it. I'm just pointing out the same methods are used by different sides to support a political view point rather than an honest discussion aimed at resolving issues based on objective truth.
The media has been ONE SIDED for a little over 5 years now.
Exactly. If that is not obvious, there is clearly relevant context missing. It is the typical cherry picking of information to support a political position. The mainstream press has done this historically, sometimes intentionally, and sometimes through the natural human bias we all have. Things are even worse today when political actors can make up information from whole cloth and put it on an internet site hiding the ownership. They then use social media and link to the intentional misinformation. Like mined folks read it, believe it, and post more links to it. Before long, many folks can't tell the difference between truth and lies which is that actual intent, to cause confusion and increase division. Russia did this quite effectively at home be creating and funding their own opposition parties.

I'm not critiquing the position regardless of what I think of it. I'm just pointing out the same methods are used by different sides to support a political view point rather than an honest discussion aimed at resolving issues based on objective truth.
I think you missed the point there Jack. Those pictures are real and self explanatory. You can not mistake the message but, for those that live in Rio Linda. The masks were nothing more than political.
I think you missed the point there Jack. Those pictures are real and self explanatory. You can not mistake the message but, for those that live in Rio Linda. The masks were nothing more than political.
I didn't miss the point. My comments stand.

Just for you belcher.
This actually could be real given the players.
The media has been ONE SIDED for a little over 5 years now.
Lol that’s funny I’m almost 50 and can remember watching the nightly news when we got 3 stations 4 in good weather and thought to myself wow that was ridiculously one sided. It’s been this way a lot longer than 5 years.
Lol that’s funny I’m almost 50 and can remember watching the nightly news when we got 3 stations 4 in good weather and thought to myself wow that was ridiculously one sided. It’s been this way a lot longer than 5 years.
Trump just unhinged them enough to not even try to hide it.
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