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When this Covid BS first started it was discovered that almost all our medications are made over seas. Has anyone heard about any bills moving thru Congress to remedy this situation? I seriously doubt they will fix it but one can dream.
I think everything is going according to their plan. They pretty much shut down anyone being able to get an affordable cure and force everyone to get multiple jabs while the drug companies get stinking rich along with the crooked leaders promoting and forcing compliance from the "free" citizens. Don't seem them voluntarily stopping this from happening. Politicians and Diapers need to be changed often and for the same reason!
Well, the first news thats real out of the NY State dept of Health has finally came out. The Pfizer vax was only 12% effective in kids 5-11 so their studies conclude. I guess I have to commend them for at least putting it out. Their normal MO would be to bury it or spin it. NY has been absolutely relentless in its pitch to get kids vaxed. We’ll see if they follow their own data and knock of the attacks on kids.
Well, the first news thats real out of the NY State dept of Health has finally came out. The Pfizer vax was only 12% effective in kids 5-11 so their studies conclude. I guess I have to commend them for at least putting it out. Their normal MO would be to bury it or spin it. NY has been absolutely relentless in its pitch to get kids vaxed. We’ll see if they follow their own data and knock of the attacks on kids.
Yup, and masks come off tomorrow at my kids school. They have been wearing these for part of three school years. It is criminal what this state has done to these kids. Even after admitting the vaccine doesn’t work they still said they want the kids to get it. They can never admit they were wrong. Why not say we are pausing vaccinations until further notice?
The local TV commercials around me are still targeting school kids to get vaccinated. They cant admit that they are wrong.
They should be charged for intentionally misleading people for monetary gains when they know it's harmful and unproven. People do have immune systems. Corruption at it's finest. Can't wait to hear how Biden is saving our country with his speech that someone else wrote that he won't understand or be able to read off the prompter without sounding completely confused and delusional.jmo
The local TV commercials around me are still targeting school kids to get vaccinated. They cant admit that they are wrong.
As long as there is money involved it won't stop, these people have no morals, and anyone who supports them or defends them are just as bad maybe worse.
They should be charged for intentionally misleading people for monetary gains when they know it's harmful and unproven. People do have immune systems. Corruption at it's finest. Can't wait to hear how Biden is saving our country with his speech that someone else wrote that he won't understand or be able to read off the prompter without sounding completely confused and delusional.jmo
They will have him so hopped up on drugs he will probably sound like a 22 yearold!
They should be charged for intentionally misleading people for monetary gains when they know it's harmful and unproven. People do have immune systems. Corruption at it's finest. Can't wait to hear how Biden is saving our country with his speech that someone else wrote that he won't understand or be able to read off the prompter without sounding completely confused and delusional.jmo

It wont be a speech, it will be a slur and word salad. I wonder if he will be coughing all over the place like normal? He came back from Delaware yesterday and strolled across the white house lawn all by himself with his chin diaper on. The CDC didnt tell him they gave up on mask last Friday...

For one of Putin's last acts I wish he could hack the teleprompter and shut it off about 30 seconds into the speech. That would make for some hilarious entertainment.
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It wont be a speech, it will be a slur and word salad. I wonder if he will be coughing all over the place like normal? He came back from Delaware yesterday and strolled across the white house lawn all by himself with his chin diaper on yesterday. The CDC didnt tell him they gave up on mask last Friday...

For one of Putin's last acts I wish he could hack the teleprompter and shut it off about 30 seconds into the speech. That would make for some hilarious entertainment.
I disagree with the last line. Its not hilarious, its sad. Both what the democratic party is doing to the obviously not well old man and more importantly how we look to the world. It makes our entire country look weak and stupid.
I disagree with the last line. Its not hilarious, its sad. Both what the democratic party is doing to the obviously not well old man and more importantly how we look to the world. It makes our entire country look weak and stupid.
The democrats are the ones propping him up there. I agree it makes our country as a whole look bad, but it makes the democrats look worse. He doesnt do to bad reading the prompts, so if he stays on script, he can read. It is when he goes off script is when he looks his age, and shows how bad his mind is.
Should be entertaining to say the least.
I watched Biden's SOTU and it was great,.. he sounded sane, spot on, and sharp. Nothing wrong with that mans faculties.

Anyone who says otherwise simply did not watch the speech. Even the Republics stood in thunderous applause.

What the hell is wrong with you folks?

You are the most unpatriotic bunch of folks I ever seen. Maybe go live in Russia or something?

Aught to be ashamed of yourselves.
WTF were you watching? He was a stumbling bumbling idiot. Even with a prompter he still had trouble putting coherent sentences together. Maybe it was the 1000lbs of Botox they obviously shot into his face? Or maybe the gallons of drug they most likely had to shoot hm up with to make him even a little bit presentable? Either way the way he mumbles, and stumbles makes us all look bad.
2 other notes, 1. did anyone else notice that some of the things he said that we could actually discern from the incoherent sounds he was making really sounded a lot like what Trump said. Thats what got the most applause. The supposedly popular trillion-dollar spending spree got a trepid applause at best. Oh and dont forget he wants to find a cure for cancer.
2. WTF was Pelosi doing back there? Looked like she was either trying to suck lunch remnants out of her dentures or was trying to keep from swallowing said dentures. Either way she looked even worse than she usually does.
My favorite was when he called the Urainens..
Yeah hes all there...
It’s almost like most of the people that died were on their way out already….



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