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I have read that he was 22 and had a conceal carry permit.
You are correct, I got the cousins ages mixed up. Still a felony to have a weapon around drugs.
Yeah he was 22. The killer was 16 turned 17.
You are correct, I got the cousins ages mixed up. Still a felony to have a weapon around drugs.
Not quite. The law requires possession, not proximity. I haven't heard a claim of possession.
You are correct, I got the cousins ages mixed up. Still a felony to have a weapon around drugs.
I don't know if that's a felony or not. I would guess that a person would have to knowingly have a weapon around drugs for it to be crime. The kid who got shot had no police record and from what I have read was not a "thug". I didn't know the young man or his family.

I can understand drawing a weapon after being awakened by somebody breaking into the place where I was asleep. It would be my automatic response. I also have no criminal record.

I'm not a fan of no knock warrants.
Yes it’s a lot better if they knock on the door and get ambushed. How many cops have got killed that way? There’s a fine line here with split second decisions. I wouldn’t want to be on these warrant raids.
Yes it’s a lot better if they knock on the door and get ambushed. How many cops have got killed that way? There’s a fine line here with split second decisions. I wouldn’t want to be on these warrant raids.
Just wait until they start using these tactics on the 54 million gun owns Brandan has illegally collected data on. It’s all fun games until it’s your door they are coming through.
Did this guy have a crystal ball?? He said this in 1961 but it sounds like he was referring to 2022.
This shit going on has been in the works for many decades. We are the frogs and the water is boiling.

“We are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.”

“It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published; its mistakes are buried, not headlined; its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

– President John F. Kennedy
April 27, 1961
Speech to the Association of Newspaper Publishers
Did this guy have a crystal ball?? He said this in 1961 but it sounds like he was referring to 2022.
This shit going on has been in the works for many decades. We are the frogs and the water is boiling.

“We are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.”

“It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published; its mistakes are buried, not headlined; its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

– President John F. Kennedy
April 27, 1961
Speech to the Association of Newspaper Publishers
And then they assassinated him oh I mean some crackpot did it. My tinfoil hat fell off again.
Since it is Covid related

The Canadian Freedom protests seem like they are starting to work. Yesterday they were talking about big things happening this Saturday, but I never did find out what sort of big things.

The US Freedom convoy is suppose to start setting up in LA and making their presence known during the superbowl. I heard they are already setting up and staging in the ports in Southern Commifornia, then planning a convoy across the nation and to be in the DC area for the State of the Union address March 1st. I also see normal people in New York are starting protests already, and making their presence known around the state capitol in NY.

They are also setting up to block the bridge crossing from NY to Canada this weekend.

My conspiracy theorist mind tells me, Russia, and China were behind the virus, getting all of our countries fighting internally, and once we are all fighting amongst our selves, they will pounce on the western world. It would also make sense to put an old senile puppet in power in the most powerful military in the world. Then have Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China attack us, as we are all fighting our own civil wars.

But in reality, we are lucky to have a strong, mental minded president to take care of us all in these scary times. Wait, that was sarcasm. We would be screwed! LGB!
Perfectly safe "vaccine" strikes again... Imagine being one of the people that think this is all perfectly safe, normal or routine...

Perfectly safe "vaccine" strikes again... Imagine being one of the people that think this is all perfectly safe, normal or routine...

View attachment 41252

My doctor had these concerns last April when I had my physical and we were talking about the vaccine.

My daughter recently had her physical and Doc still has the same concerns.

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Did any of you watch the Superbowl?? I did not. Sounds like it was a real superspreader event. Celebrities, politicians, performers, and fans all masquerading around SoFi Stadium with no mask on. I saw a picture of Ellen. She was maskless in the crowd while she makes her audience mask up for her show. Meanwhile the serfs are punished with mask mandates, particularly our children in their schools. F*******g disgusting. About the only things left being taught in these schools are indoctrination, obedience and communism.
I have not watched a football game in at least 10 years. But does the maskless elites surprise you? It has never been about what they do, it is about doing what they tell you to do.
You wouldn't have known masks were even a thing. I got a kick out of the LA mayor who after the last game got caught with no mask and said he holds his breath when he takes his mask off. Could be the dumbest thing said in the last 2 years. He didn't even pretend this time. No mask for whole game.

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The boys in the mockingbird newsrooms better get serious about covering this up. Won't be good for business if people find out hospitals have gotten out of the help business.

The boys in the mockingbird newsrooms better get serious about covering this up. Won't be good for business if people find out hospitals have gotten out of the help business.

Jesus, that literally is a play by play of my first time in the er. My ox levels were actually lower than the guy in the recording,i had the dr literally telling me i was going to die also. The nurse actually went out and told my wife i was going to die, and there were no visitors allowed so go home and wait for the call. Word for word thats what she was told.
As soon as i got into the er room the first thing i requested was no ventilator no matter what. They gave me the dex steroid (i dont know how to spell it) and supplemental o2 and left me lay there for 3 hours. The doctor told me they were admitting me and i told him no vent again. Larer in the hospital room i requested the transfusion and they acted like they didn't know what i was talking about. They gave me.iv steroids they said , after the second run on the second day i found out they were giving me remdensivire i told them i didnt want it and requested ivermectin, hydroxy or the transfusion and again they acted lile they had no Idea what i was talking about. I was able to get out of there before they gave me anymore of the rem. As i said before my sister got me ivermectin and ive been steadily feeling better , had to do 2 rounds of it but it works when the crap the drs want to give doesnt.
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