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Is this the CDC way of admitting there may be some issues?

The link says this concern about heart inflammation is mainly for the immune compromised.

I still feel people should consult a doctor they trust before getting vaccinated. It should then be an individual’s decision without any mandates.

Don’t rely on your neighbor, a government health official, an employer, a pastor, a town drunk or addict to give you advice. Mebbe not even those on this forum. ;)

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The CDC saying 90% underlying vs 10% contributing works out to be opposite of how I interpreted your post. I.E. if COVID is considered the underlying cause, they are saying COVID is the primary reason that person died.

Definitions I found on the internets:
If they had Terminal Cancer, then got Covid and died, you think Covid killed them. Everyone is allowed their opinion and that is ok with me but you can't change the facts my friend. If you get mangled in a car accident and are DOA but at the hospital you test positive for Covid, or had tested positive in the last 30 days, Covid didn't kill you but it is counted that way.
In the link you are commenting about, the CDC states below on that very link. I am hoping you are opening the links to look at what I am showing rather then looking for alternate definitions found on the internet. Look at flu or pneumonia deaths and how they are counted, there are no shot in the head deaths counted there, but Covid is counted differently? Why? There is only one reason right? To maximize the numbers is the only conclusion I come to.

Comorbidities and other conditions​

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups. For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death."

According to the Colorado State Health Department, the CDC dictates to all states that --> "deaths for people who died with but not necessarily because of COVID-19 come from epidemiological data. Thus, anyone who died within 30 days after testing positive for COVID is included in the count regardless of official cause of death.'

This was discovered in a small rural town in Colorado where the Coroner had only a couple Covid deaths and suddenly saw the number increase by 2. She looked to see who it was and it was a murder suicide she did the autopsies on. The boyfriend shot his girlfriend in the head, then shot himself, yet they were counted as Covid deaths and she (the Coroner) didn't fill out the death certificates that way. It was changed above her by the State Health Department.

This IS how Covid deaths are counted, I am not ok with that given the amount of fear stoked with Covid.

NPR has changed their story a bit. Today they were discussing natural immunity after infection and the reporter said they felt it should last 3-6 months. 40% of Americans had delta or previous strains and probably 40% more will get or have had omicron.

If you had vaccine or not, you will probably get covid and expect it at more times in the future.

They did also discuss vaccine and that some people should get it and boosters.

The way it is going mimics what I saw in dairy cattle herds with Rota and corona for decades. Vaccine helps, in some cases.

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If you haven't read up on the power of the zinc/quercetin combo, here's a good short article on it.

"There are two risk factors for dying from COVID: It’s the doctor you choose and the government you live under. Besides that, there’s no reason a person should die from COVID."

Well my daughter gets fired on Monday. Even though she got the two first doses and then later actually got Covid she decided not to get the booster because she’s pregnant now. So they told her sorry you’re not fully vaxed. Don’t come to work Monday. Great things the Governor is doing for the people of NY.
Well my daughter gets fired on Monday. Even though she got the two first doses and then later actually got Covid she decided not to get the booster because she’s pregnant now. So they told her sorry you’re not fully vaxed. Don’t come to work Monday. Great things the Governor is doing for the people of NY.
That is un Fing believable. I really hate this state.
as you know it’s not a law, just a mandate from the Governor but wholly enforced by the courts I guess. She was going to take some time off anyway after the baby, then maybe some part time. She’s looking at different career paths other than health care now as there is no way NY is going to back off on this. My guess is 5 years from now when nobody even mentions the virus anymore there will still be this mandate in place.
My question to those that live in blue states have the majority of voter’s seen the marxist writing on the wall yet in those states, particularly with the Covid BS or are they so entrenched in the narrative that they can’t see the forest because of the trees?
My question to those that live in blue states have the majority of voter’s seen the marxist writing on the wall yet in those states, particularly with the Covid BS or are they so entrenched in the narrative that they can’t see the forest because of the trees?
Unfortunately the majority of voters are in NYC so no.
My question to those that live in blue states have the majority of voter’s seen the marxist writing on the wall yet in those states, particularly with the Covid BS or are they so entrenched in the narrative that they can’t see the forest because of the trees?

They eat up anything their governments tell them and spew it all as facts, and if you don’t agree, you are a conspiracist.
One only has to look at. Virginia. The new Governor made masks optional as one of his first moves and was sued by 7 school districts. The Left is so entrenched that if restrictions are removed they just don’t believe it. Here in NY the second largest Dem area is Buffalo in Erie County. The Executive has already announced that even if NY lifts restrictions he has the authority to keep them forever under some technicality. Watch any news outlet in NY and you will see they only mention one side. In summary, the left Here in NY loves the Marxist writing on the wall. It’s their whole end game, total control. The only option is to leave and a lot of people already have. The State notes that population is increasing in the cities. Well of course And it’s illegals or as the left call them voters. NYC is now allowing illegals to vote in local and school elections.
In Illinois a district judge ruled masks will be optional in schools determined by the students if they want to wear one. But the Chicago school districts said they are choosing not to follow the judges ruling. I guess I didnt realize schools had more authority then a district judge?
Is anyone else following some of these live streams of the Trucker Protests from Ottawa? It's just incredible. The media is totally lying about what is going on there.
I try to follow them, Rumble has a live feed, and then there are just a few smaller videos of older footage. Where have you been watching it?

I try to avoid Facebook, and Youtube, unless I have to go to them.
In Illinois a district judge ruled masks will be optional in schools determined by the students if they want to wear one. But the Chicago school districts said they are choosing not to follow the judges ruling. I guess I didnt realize schools had more authority then a district judge?
Commentary on WLS said they'll likely get the judge's ruling reversed on appeal. Too bad. Kids in masks is ridiculous. My sister is a teacher in the NW burbs and she said the fight is really nasty.
I try to follow them, Rumble has a live feed, and then there are just a few smaller videos of older footage. Where have you been watching it?

I try to avoid Facebook, and Youtube, unless I have to go to them.
The ones on You Tube. I know what you mean as afar as using You Tube but there is too much there still that I like. The guys channel is called Viva Frei and he seems to be one of the better ones.
The ones on You Tube. I know what you mean as afar as using You Tube but there is too much there still that I like. The guys channel is called Viva Frei and he seems to be one of the better ones.
He is on Rumble, he is one of the ones I follow on there. In case you want don’t want to support YouTube anymore.
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