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He is on Rumble, he is one of the ones I follow on there. In case you want don’t want to support YouTube anymore.

Some of my friends/family and I bought a bunch of Rumble stock. (CFVI) is the ticker. Rumble subscribers grew 19% last month alone. Last quarter Youtube made $8.3 billion dollars from ad revenue and its headed much higher....... If Rumble could get 5-7% of that action in a few years I'm gonna be smiling. Youtube has taken some of my comments down before.... LAME.
The commies are rearranging the goalpost again. No lady the science has not changed regarding mask. They haven't done a damn thing the whole time. That's the real science. Chin diapers and shirt sleeves worn as ceremonial virtue signals were no match for an airborne respiratory virus.

The commies are rearranging the goalpost again. No lady the science has not changed regarding mask. They haven't done a damn thing the whole time. That's the real science. Chin diapers and shirt sleeves worn as ceremonial virtue signals were no match for an airborne respiratory virus.

View attachment 41110
That lady is responsible for more deaths' that all of the Covid 19 ones WORLD WIDE.
Surely there is a perfectly good explanation for all of this.

sadly here’s another proven vax unnecessary death
Covid vaccine to blame for Southern tier man’s death Deputy Corener states.
24 year old college student from the southern tier has died from complications from the vax .

Lockwood NY
George Watts Junior.
“George Jr. collapsed in his room on Oct. 27 and was pronounced dead later that morning. His dad described him as healthy, saying he had no underlying medical conditions. An autopsy report from the Bradford County Coroner’s Office shows George Jr. died from “COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis.”

“The cause of death is the COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis,” Timothy Cahill Jr., Chief Deputy Coroner for Bradford County, said.”
The commies are trying to slither away from all their bullshit decrees.... Just look at that idiot wearing a chin diaper. Melvin Carter and Jacob Frey crushed more businesses then they ever helped. Disgusting pukes.

The commies are trying to slither away from all their bullshit decrees.... Just look at that idiot wearing a chin diaper. Melvin Carter and Jacob Frey crushed more businesses then they ever helped. Disgusting pukes.

View attachment 41185

I had purchased $500 worth of Monster truck tickets for myself and grandkids, none of us were vaccinated, then they came up with the mandate to be vaccinated or a negative test. So none of us wanted to deal with it really, so I sold the tickets for about half price. Then this morning I get an email that they lifted the mandate, and testing. Oh well, I really didn’t want to go to the shithole anyway. There will probably be riots all weekend, because another thug got shot by police, with having a gun in his hand. I am sure the city will just burn again.
As the rona seems to be headed under the rug at a feverish pace, it's important now that those of us that are still here never forget what happened, and make sure we never repeat this horror show ever again. So let's recap.

*Our government collaborated with the CCP through ecohealth alliance to create this virus.
*fauxi and collins colluded to discredit the Great Barrington Declaration.
*The fake Lancet studies that became the basis to block ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
*The federal government blocked and is still blocking all safe and effective treatments.
*Nearly all hospitals were willing participants in all of it.

*Nearly all pharmacies participated in keeping ivermectin from sick people.
*Pharmacies willing to sell ivermectin are marking it up to the moon.
*Hospitals are still getting paid huge sums to imprison, malnurish, and withhold treatment from anyone that seeks help (remdesivir/death bonuses).
*The military is covering up the 1000% spike in doctor visits/diseases/disorders from the troops after the jabs began.
*State medical boards attacked the doctors trying to save lives.

*Big Gov-tech cancelled countless people who all ended up later being proven right when accused of 'misinformation'.
*The CDC and NIH never got a single thing right, not one thing. That's a stunning display of incompetence, almost improbable?
*Masks never worked.
*The lockdowns killed more people than covid.
*94% of "covid deaths" had co-morbidities.

*The governors sent covid patients back to the nursing homes, falsified the death counts, and molested their staffers.
*Pfizer unblinded the study at the 60 day mark.
*The vaccine never showed effectiveness. We learned the trickery of relative risk reduction vs absolute risk reduction.
*There are over a million known (nobody has begun to quantify the unknown) vaccine injured in the United States that didn't die that will be left to suffer in the shadows, be denied care, and denied any acknowledgement that they exist. They will go down in history as one of the largest groups of victims covered up by the government, bigger than agent orange, gulf war syndrome, and the 9/11 first responders.

*The Alberta government had to scrub data that showed a massive spike in deaths and covid positives in the first 20 days following jab one.
*The media was revealed to be one giant arm of government propaganda, including Fox News.
*Hundreds of thousands of children in southeast asia died of starvation due to the lockdowns.
*The purposeful firebombing of black neighborhoods around the country was deemed peaceful and didn't spread the virus, but we couldn't go to church, school, or the bar.
*We can never allow government to skirt the rights of the people, for any reason, ever again.

*They forced our sick and elderly to die alone, many not understanding why nobody was coming to visit them any longer.
*Scientists can be bought like any other human.
*99% of the elected in Washington seem to not care about any of this.
There is a very long thread on tw*tter where people are sharing what and who they lost due to covid restrictions. It's a heartbreaking read. It's disturbing that it hasn't been memory holed by the truth police. Why are they allowing such heresy?

There is a very long thread on tw*tter where people are sharing what and who they lost due to covid restrictions. It's a heartbreaking read. It's disturbing that it hasn't been memory holed by the truth police. Why are they allowing such heresy?

I started reading it and I could not continue. :emoji_cry: I watch live streams from Ottawa every day and if I could right now I would go up there.
I had purchased $500 worth of Monster truck tickets for myself and grandkids, none of us were vaccinated, then they came up with the mandate to be vaccinated or a negative test. So none of us wanted to deal with it really, so I sold the tickets for about half price. Then this morning I get an email that they lifted the mandate, and testing. Oh well, I really didn’t want to go to the shithole anyway. There will probably be riots all weekend, because another thug got shot by police, with having a gun in his hand. I am sure the city will just burn again.
That sucks about your tickets. I too believe that it is possible that there will be some disturbances in the cities over the Amir Locke shooting. However, I do not place this incident in the same category as the other high profile incidents where criminals were resisting arrest. I'm very wary of saying it's OK for LEO's to shoot citizens, who have not had their rights restricted through legal process, simply for being in possession of a firearm in a dwelling that they lawfully occupy.
As the rona seems to be headed under the rug at a feverish pace, it's important now that those of us that are still here never forget what happened, and make sure we never repeat this horror show ever again. So let's recap.

*Our government collaborated with the CCP through ecohealth alliance to create this virus.
*fauxi and collins colluded to discredit the Great Barrington Declaration.
*The fake Lancet studies that became the basis to block ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
*The federal government blocked and is still blocking all safe and effective treatments.
*Nearly all hospitals were willing participants in all of it.

*Nearly all pharmacies participated in keeping ivermectin from sick people.
*Pharmacies willing to sell ivermectin are marking it up to the moon.
*Hospitals are still getting paid huge sums to imprison, malnurish, and withhold treatment from anyone that seeks help (remdesivir/death bonuses).
*The military is covering up the 1000% spike in doctor visits/diseases/disorders from the troops after the jabs began.
*State medical boards attacked the doctors trying to save lives.

*Big Gov-tech cancelled countless people who all ended up later being proven right when accused of 'misinformation'.
*The CDC and NIH never got a single thing right, not one thing. That's a stunning display of incompetence, almost improbable?
*Masks never worked.
*The lockdowns killed more people than covid.
*94% of "covid deaths" had co-morbidities.

*The governors sent covid patients back to the nursing homes, falsified the death counts, and molested their staffers.
*Pfizer unblinded the study at the 60 day mark.
*The vaccine never showed effectiveness. We learned the trickery of relative risk reduction vs absolute risk reduction.
*There are over a million known (nobody has begun to quantify the unknown) vaccine injured in the United States that didn't die that will be left to suffer in the shadows, be denied care, and denied any acknowledgement that they exist. They will go down in history as one of the largest groups of victims covered up by the government, bigger than agent orange, gulf war syndrome, and the 9/11 first responders.

*The Alberta government had to scrub data that showed a massive spike in deaths and covid positives in the first 20 days following jab one.
*The media was revealed to be one giant arm of government propaganda, including Fox News.
*Hundreds of thousands of children in southeast asia died of starvation due to the lockdowns.
*The purposeful firebombing of black neighborhoods around the country was deemed peaceful and didn't spread the virus, but we couldn't go to church, school, or the bar.
*We can never allow government to skirt the rights of the people, for any reason, ever again.

*They forced our sick and elderly to die alone, many not understanding why nobody was coming to visit them any longer.
*Scientists can be bought like any other human.
*99% of the elected in Washington seem to not care about any of this.
And just imagine all the other bullshit they are pulling on us that is yet to be revealed.
Sometimes I think covid was just a shiny object to draw our attention away from more sinister plots...the great reset for example?
There is a very long thread on tw*tter where people are sharing what and who they lost due to covid restrictions. It's a heartbreaking read. It's disturbing that it hasn't been memory holed by the truth police. Why are they allowing such heresy?

I have a 16 and 12 yo, we won’t know for years if ever how the last three years have impacted them. In our lovely state they have been masked and locked down since March 2020. I have seen grades plummet, anxiety, depression, anger, and happiness all effected. Still to this day they are masked and pushed to a vaccine they don’t need.
Yet they are trying to push it to children 5 and under. Is there any science that says they need to be vaccinated?
Yet they are trying to push it to children 5 and under. Is there any science that says they need to be vaccinated?
The pro rona vaxxers would say that evidence shows rona causes organ damage, and the worse the rona infection the worse the potential long term damage. The jab limits the severity of the case. This is what I'm told.
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The pro rona vaxxers would say that evidence shows rona causes organ damage, and the worse the rona infection the worse the potential long term damage. The jab limits the severity of the case. This is what I'm told.
Studies also show that the jab is causing the heart conditions in young men. Hate to see what it does to adolescence.
I'm very wary of saying it's OK for LEO's to shoot citizens, who have not had their rights restricted through legal process, simply for being in possession of a firearm in a dwelling that they lawfully occupy.
Well stated. I agree completely
I don't know enough of the story. Was he shacking up in the house of a murderer? Had he helped the authorities locate the murderer?
I don't know enough of the story. Was he shacking up in the house of a murderer? Had he helped the authorities locate the murderer?

I wasnt there, but from the media, and the video, I concluded, the kid was the cousin, and was staying at the murders house. Lots of other illegal stuff was going on at this house, stolen vehicles parked in the driveway, drugs, guns, etc.. so they got a no knock warrant, in the video it shows the cops knocked down the door, then yelled police 3 times, and the kid grabbed his gun and the cops shot him. He was 17, so in MN, he can not legally have a hand gun, and you cant have a weapon with drugs.

I look at this as another thug off the streets, which is a good thing, but I also think if cops kicked in my door without notice first, I would probably be grabbing for my gun as well. But the cops did anounce 3 times that they were police, and he still went for his gun. If it were me, and they pounded on the door, yelled police, then kicked it in, I would think it would be safer for them, at least from me.
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