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View attachment 40780In case you missed the news reports (that never happened because they mainly report the negative stuff).

Back in December the CDC finally separated those that died FROM Covid and those that died WITH Covid. Turns out that only 10% of all Covid deaths were just from Covid and in just over 2 years of this we only lost 87,000 people to Covid. The other 90% have Covid listed as an underlying cause on the death certificates.
If you’ve followed my comments here you already know that the CDC states “94% of Covid deaths had 4 or more serious underlying health conditions” and they give the example of underlying conditions as “Terminal Cancer”. I can repost that link if some missed it.

Please do repost the link. The numbers I saw in the cdc link above don’t align with the post.
Are we still pretending this isn't going on across the whole country at the direction of the NIH, fauxi, and the biden administration?

I heard lawyers on a local radio show today who are starting law suits against local hospitals for lack of/or refusal of care.
wait until a few win. Commercials will be....Did you or loved one die of covid in a hospital...

I can't figure out why the hospital insurance companies haven't figured out lack of treatment. maybe because it's off label stuff
Elon Musk’s comment about Brandon being a wet sock puppet is hilarious. I wish I could draw. I’d draw a cartoon with a guy labeled China sitting next to a guy labeled Ukraine both of them with a arm up the same Brandon dummy’s backside.
Please do repost the link. The numbers I saw in the cdc link above don’t align with the post.
I sure will look for it again and repost it bud. They constantly change the tabs and internal search results, as well as the numbers from one area to another with only slight alteration to the meaning. I do understand that numbers can change from year to year so it won't always line up in yearly tallies. If you click on the link in the comment you replied to it says "90% of all Covid deaths had Covid listed as an underlying condition, the remaining 10% Covid was listed as contributing to the cause of death." This isn't clear to me since further down the same page under " Most frequently listed comorbidities" section, it states 95% of all deaths had comorbidities. The other 5% of death certificates in which Covid was the only condition listed was likely related to a lack of detail listed about other conditions present at the time of death." That graph lists "influenza and Pneaumonia" as 49% of comorbidities. Not only that but they are saying that 100% of Covid deaths had comorbidities, they just weren’t listed lol

It is like a word slurry that you have to puzzle together. I am at work but I will look for the Terminal Cancer page if it is still there, like I said they constantly move things to different areas and the same search query ends with different results. I posted it in this thread so worst case scenario I can go back and look for the link to see if it is still there.
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I'm sorry, this is just hilarous.. Directly from the CDC website.

Here are the side affects of Covid Vax:

Now here are the side affects of Covid:

LMAO.. its the same list, just reworded. Sorry that's just funny..
It's like the article I just got baited into clicking - 98 signs you've had covid. Examples are weight loss, weight gain, dry throat, wet throat, drop in blood pressure, spike in blood pressure, difficulty sleeping, sleeps longer than normal. Pretty sure 98 symptoms cover every feeling in the world.
05DAC196-30D6-4AF2-8D79-8BFACD7F89D3.pngThey definitely changed the wording and it’s difficult to discern what changed. On one page they list “Cancer” as the most reported comorbidity. On another it lists “Flu and pneumonia” at the top.
I do have an old screenshot of the Terminal Cancer example so that is all I can share regarding that.
Here is a link to a similar CDC page that goes more by way of age than comorbidities but still shows some of what I am saying. This page does give some pertinant info about age groups at risk of dying from Covid though.
"The conditions are grouped by the level of evidence, with the highest level at the top." Cancer is on top of the list.

Do people still die of old age, and natural causes? Or does covid need to be linked to all deaths?
Do people still die of old age, and natural causes? Or does covid need to be linked to all deaths?
I have a hard time tracking down any recent info on hospital payments attached to various rona conditions. Is it fake news? Real news? Anyone shed any light on that, or any of the hospital people or doctors here able to? I know it's been said that a rona patient that checks off the right steps and ends in death can equal $100K in additional payments.
I have a hard time tracking down any recent info on hospital payments attached to various rona conditions. Is it fake news? Real news? Anyone shed any light on that, or any of the hospital people or doctors here able to? I know it's been said that a rona patient that checks off the right steps and ends in death can equal $100K in additional payments.
Despite searching several times in multiple places I have never found direct evidence of it. I started looking because of the whistleblower videos from nurses and Dr's but I can never find that specifically. I still can't find out how much each jab costs the taxpayers even though all of that is supposed to be public information.
That one is quite long winded but informative, I had it bookmarked because this is what I do now when I can't plant trees lol

Here is the actual study the article is referencing if anyone is interested.

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I have a hard time tracking down any recent info on hospital payments attached to various rona conditions. Is it fake news? Real news? Anyone shed any light on that, or any of the hospital people or doctors here able to? I know it's been said that a rona patient that checks off the right steps and ends in death can equal $100K in additional payments.
You need to know which program your hospital is on before you let them evaluate you. You don't wanna end up getting Scott Quiner'd or Danny Groom'd, when all you needed was about $20 in OTC outpatient treatments.

I sure will look for it again and repost it bud. They constantly change the tabs and internal search results, as well as the numbers from one area to another with only slight alteration to the meaning. I do understand that numbers can change from year to year so it won't always line up in yearly tallies. If you click on the link in the comment you replied to it says "90% of all Covid deaths had Covid listed as an underlying condition, the remaining 10% Covid was listed as contributing to the cause of death." This isn't clear to me since further down the same page under " Most frequently listed comorbidities" section, it states 95% of all deaths had comorbidities. The other 5% of death certificates in which Covid was the only condition listed was likely related to a lack of detail listed about other conditions present at the time of death." That graph lists "influenza and Pneaumonia" as 49% of comorbidities. Not only that but they are saying that 100% of Covid deaths had comorbidities, they just weren’t listed lol

It is like a word slurry that you have to puzzle together. I am at work but I will look for the Terminal Cancer page if it is still there, like I said they constantly move things to different areas and the same search query ends with different results. I posted it in this thread so worst case scenario I can go back and look for the link to see if it is still there.

The CDC saying 90% underlying vs 10% contributing works out to be opposite of how I interpreted your post. I.E. if COVID is considered the underlying cause, they are saying COVID is the primary reason that person died.

Definitions I found on the internets:
The underlying cause of death refers to the disease or injury that initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death or the circumstances of the accident or violence that produced the injury
A contributory cause of death is a significant condition that unfavourably influences the course of the morbid process and thus contributes to the fatal outcome, but which is not related to the disease or condition directly causing death.
Looks like Melinda Gates was so disgusted with the Gates Foundation that she is taking her half of the money out.... Releasing a plandemic onto the world, pharmaceutical experimentation, and being part of the Epstein international pedophile ring must have been more then she could stomach. Oh to be a fly on the wall when she found out all that Bill has done... Wonder which part put her over the top??

Surely she could have easily given money to whomever she wanted through the Gates Foundation. Like a rat jumping off a sinking ship.

If you could describe hospitals by any other term right now, what would you use?

**and the parents in this story rolled immediately and presented themselves to the state for injection and were still denied because it would take 6 weeks to be 'fully' compliant.
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