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Well, you sure "know" it. And I have no belief in the democrats blind or otherwise just as I have no belief in your delusionary chatter.
Politics in a nutshell

Is this what COVID has moved onto?

Lots of suspicious stuff that happened on election night, and they all favored Biden. ALL!

Back to COVID talk. The convoy is circling DC, but who will wake Biden and tell him? Because he won’t have a clue they are there. While most states have moved on past COVID Mandates, the Feds haven’t, it is due time for them to end it, so we can move on to the Russia war.

I am hoping the snow melts soon, and I can do some outdoors work, I keep trying, but Mother Nature keeps fighting me.

Walking a couple hundred yards in ball deep wet snow really sucks, but I did it, just so I can say I did something productive today. But I was pretty much out of breath by the time I got out there, and I didn’t really accomplish much. Except it kept me off this topic arguing with Jack, so there is a win for me!
Is this what COVID has moved onto?

Lots of suspicious stuff that happened on election night, and they all favored Biden. ALL!

Back to COVID talk. The convoy is circling DC, but who will wake Biden and tell him? Because he won’t have a clue they are there. While most states have moved on past COVID Mandates, the Feds haven’t, it is due time for them to end it, so we can move on to the Russia war.

I am hoping the snow melts soon, and I can do some outdoors work, I keep trying, but Mother Nature keeps fighting me.

Walking a couple hundred yards in ball deep wet snow really sucks, but I did it, just so I can say I did something productive today. But I was pretty much out of breath by the time I got out there, and I didn’t really accomplish much. Except it kept me off this topic arguing with Jack, so there is a win for me!
I should have but to sore from walking through it yesterday. We are at 74 today out of nowhere. I am watching the webcam and we have lost 9” of snow since yesterday. Frickin awesome.
32 for a high here today. While 74 would be awesome, I would rather the temps gradually warm, I don’t need my trees awakening early and freezing. But it sure sounds tempting, and he’ll, they do sell apples at the store :)
Holy crap, this thread has come a long way since I last checked up on it. I see Jack has gotten involved...and is arguing with Bill. Can't say I'm surprised. Doesn't seem COVID-related, though. My skill set lies in a different area, and I try to refrain from touching on election law or politics.

We hit 70 degrees today, with 50 mph winds, and so the wife and I decided to trim apple trees. My fox red lab came home brown. A tree almost fell on us. And we saw an ugly motorcycle accident on the way home. Crazy day.

As for COVID, mask mandates are repealed (Yes!!), hospitalizations are negligible, long COVID is kicking some folks butts, and my former boss (postdoctoral advisor) is now head of NIH (to certain skeptics - of whom there were a few the one time I mentioned this previously here - please LMGTFY - ie, "let me Google that for you"). Moving in the right direction, IMHO. As things return to normal, the complainers are going to have to find another dog to kick. Hopefully we learned something, but I suspect people are people are people. I anticipate more personal health impact from spring allergies than from COVID, but as I say about my late father, there's some who are "fishing the other side of the river". God rest.
32 for a high here today. While 74 would be awesome, I would rather the temps gradually warm, I don’t need my trees awakening early and freezing. But it sure sounds tempting, and he’ll, they do sell apples at the store :)
It is only one day, we are still a long ways from waking up. I did cut some scion today just in case
And I've yet to see either of you post links to where this has been debunked?

Good point Barndog. I may be a bit late in my reply... I'm just catching up. So, I went to the website “Snopes”, which is an impartial site dedicated to finding if a rumor is fact or fiction. I typed in “Wisconsin Voter Fraud”. Apparently, an audit of registered voters in Fond du Lac County uncovered 5 people who had improperly registered with a P.O. Box as their address. Of the 5, 3 actually voted… 2 for Biden, 1 for Trump. This out of over 57,000 votes cast in this largely Republican County. Those are the facts, I’ll let everyone come to their own conclusions. Feel free to do your own searches on whatever site you like.
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Holy crap, this thread has come a long way since I last checked up on it. I see Jack has gotten involved...and is arguing with Bill. Can't say I'm surprised. Doesn't seem COVID-related, though. My skill set lies in a different area, and I try to refrain from touching on election law or politics.

We hit 70 degrees today, with 50 mph winds, and so the wife and I decided to trim apple trees. My fox red lab came home brown. A tree almost fell on us. And we saw an ugly motorcycle accident on the way home. Crazy day.

As for COVID, mask mandates are repealed (Yes!!), hospitalizations are negligible, long COVID is kicking some folks butts, and my former boss (postdoctoral advisor) is now head of NIH (to certain skeptics - of whom there were a few the one time I mentioned this previously here - please LMGTFY - ie, "let me Google that for you"). Moving in the right direction, IMHO. As things return to normal, the complainers are going to have to find another dog to kick. Hopefully we learned something, but I suspect people are people are people. I anticipate more personal health impact from spring allergies than from COVID, but as I say about my late father, there's some who are "fishing the other side of the river". God rest.
Don’t really want to rain on your parade but, There’s still mask mandates for public transportation and air travel. Still mask mandates for healthcare facilities. I have been around a few doctors offices as of late for various things with various relatives and the people that work in these offices are quite sick of it. No mask everywhere you go in life but walk into the eye doctor and put the mask on, then take it off when you leave is really ridiculous. Then there’s that pesky health care worker vax mandate that resulted in approx. 35,000 fired employees that are so desperately needed at this point. You can go anywhere now without being vaxed, stadiums , restaurants, bars but still can’t work in health care. when does the ridiculous stop? And I believe NYC is still keeping in place vax mandates for any business in the city. Patrons not required to be vaxed but employees need to or again you’re fired. NYS lives on some mandate or another, they love them.
Moving in the right direction, IMHO. As things return to normal, the complainers are going to have to find another dog to kick.
Know how I know you're a jackass? You call people who believe in individual freedom and personal responsibility, and are willing to fight for them, as 'complainers'.
Good point Barndog. I may be a bit late in my reply... I'm just catching up. So, I went to the website “Snopes”, which is an impartial site dedicated to finding if a rumor is fact or fiction. I typed in “Wisconsin Voter Fraud”. Apparently, an audit of registered voters in Fond du Lac County uncovered 5 people who had improperly registered with a P.O. Box as their address. Of the 5, 3 actually voted… 2 for Biden, 1 for Trump. This out of over 57,000 votes cast in this largely Republican County. Those are the facts, I’ll let everyone come to their own conclusions. Feel free to do your own searches on whatever site you like.
Your post is basically meaningless for two reasons. You called Snopes an impartial site when it is not even close. And you used Fond Du Lac county, with it's 57k votes, when the 3 am mystery vote drops came in Milwaukee and Dane counties, with roughly 800k votes between them.
Maybe it is me, and I'm sure most of you think it is, but I'm amazed at how many folks whose intelligence and insight I respect from reading habitat related post on other threads are completely duped by some of this stuff. It is either me or them, but I just find it amazing. Folks who can easily see the gimmicktry and dig into the science discerning fact from fiction suddenly take as fact notions espoused by folks simply because they are of the same political persuasion.

We find ourselves focused on internal divisions at a time when external threats abound....

Lies are truth if it comes from "my side" and truth is a lie when it comes from "those people"... Disheartening!
You seemed to take well to the fruit tree pruning advice so maybe there’s hope for you yet! Maybe you’ll come around LOL
I'd say the most vocal lefty on this thread is lucky that Bill is an even handed moderator.
Maybe it is me, and I'm sure most of you think it is, but I'm amazed at how many folks whose intelligence and insight I respect from reading habitat related post on other threads are completely duped by some of this stuff. It is either me or them, but I just find it amazing. Folks who can easily see the gimmicktry and dig into the science discerning fact from fiction suddenly take as fact notions espoused by folks simply because they are of the same political persuasion.

We find ourselves focused on internal divisions at a time when external threats abound....

Lies are truth if it comes from "my side" and truth is a lie when it comes from "those people"... Disheartening
So its only truth when you and the rest on the left deem it to be so. Anyone who actually looks into it and finds the truth, those are the conspiracy theorists. Gotcha!
This place is great. It's like letting guys duke it out until they are just too tired to continue. Plus, it's free! Thanks to Bill for letting people "express themselves".
So its only truth when you and the rest on the left deem it to be so. Anyone who actually looks into it and finds the truth, those are the conspiracy theorists. Gotcha!
The completely baffling response surely illustrates you have a much greater capacity for the suspension of disbelief than I. I'm jelly...movies would be a lot more enjoyable if I had your skill set.
The completely baffling response surely illustrates you have a much greater capacity for the suspension of disbelief than I. I'm jelly...movies would be a lot more enjoyable if I had your skill set.
Ok, let me simplify it for you then,
Just because you want it to be true,that does not mean it is true.
Lilewise, just because you believe something it doesnt mean everyone else is wrong.
Your capacity for attempting to talk down to people is very underwhelming.
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