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Here's a wellness tip for anyone trying to head off or shorten a dance with the 'cron.

Sorry investors, no dividend for this one.

I have little doubt that lack of medical care people are receiving can be laid directly at the feet of Obummer care changes to our healthcare system. Anyone who thought totally nationalizing the healthcare system in this country is crazy. We are clearly seeing the effects a national approach with this pandemic and it’s nothing I’m interested in for myself or my childrens future. They are happy to watch you die and do nothing that might jeopardize their government reimbursement for Covid care. My only hope is this energizes enough of my fellow Americans to seek political change.
Government has never cared and probably never will. jmo
I just got back from a quick long weekend in Vegas with my wife. It wasn’t my preferred choice to go, but my wife wanted to go, so we went. Where I am from in the north land, we don’t do masks, even when masks were ordered, most didn’t wear them, and the majority didn’t care. Vegas still has a mask mandate indoors and in public, so do the airports, and planes. But I will say it has relaxed, I rarely wore a mask, and other then check in, and 2 times someone told me I needed one, I would take it out of my pocket and put it on my chin. It shut them up. I had 1 person in the elevator jump me a bit, but he shut up when I told him I outgrew diapers a long time ago.

I haven’t been to Vegas since the mid 90’s, and I still don’t like it, and prefer I never go back, and the wife agrees.

I am not a drinker, or a gambler, but I did way to much of both this trip.

A few notes from my trip, it smells like weed outside all over, and I hate the smell. Feathered slutty looking show girls wandering all over are scam artists. I had my picture taken with 2, then they tell me they want $100, $50 each for posing for pictures. This was just a picture that my wife took, from my phone. No, I didn’t pay them that much, I gave them each a $20, and still felt I got screwed.

When you drink like once a month, and only have 2-3, then go to Vegas, and start drinking at 11 for lunch, then continue drinking all day and into the night, the next morning felt like a real life Hangover movie. Luckily there was no tiger in our suite, and we weren’t missing anything, other then a bunch of money, and some short term memory.

I was suppose to catch a 715 flight yesterday morning, but after hanging out with Captain Morgan all day Saturday, we didn’t make that flight, and had to catch a late flight back to Minneapolis then I had a 2.5 hour drive home after that. Made it home a little after 3 am.

A couple lessons from the trip, weed smells really bad, and I think everyone in Vegas smokes it. Captain Morgan is not your friend. Feathered slutty chics only want to screw you, but you don’t get the satisfaction of being screwed. Leave you debit card at your room when you have been drinking all day, and decide you are going to just gamble $200 per day. Alcohol and gambling don’t mix well.

During our stay, we had to stop at the Trump motel and have a few there. Completely different crowd there then at the Venetian where we stayed.

The biggest lesson, don’t go to Vegas. View attachment 40275View attachment 40276View attachment 40277

My wife wanted her pic with some shows girls there a few years ago.
Pretty sure I can see some nipple on girl on right.

I’m like you, Vegas has nothing much for me..I hardly drink and don’t enjoy gambling.
People watching can be fun..and some of the shows in the big casinos are cool like Copperfields or a known stand up comedian.

I would rather go to Key one judges anyone there.
I like/love Vegas. I love to play Texas holdem (especially when the sheep are in town for conventions or big weekends). I'm a huge fan of buffets. Sadly I've never eaten at the Bacchanal buffet at Caesar's Palace. Supposedly one of the best buffets on the planet. It wont escape me next time I go. The Wynn/Encore is a wonderful place to stay. Tacos el Gordo and In and out burger are fantastic. I used to party plenty, but am pretty much over that now. Eventually I wanna fly out by myself and play poker for 4-5 days straight. I have no problem sitting there for 12-15+ hours in a session. I can do without the street hustlers. Annoying as hell.
Surprise surprise...... Ball girl at the Australian Open collapses on the court..... Nothing to see here......

For the Vegas crew. When my wife and I went we Never gambled a penny. (Did have drinks)
We did a lot of hiking. Hit a state park or national park everyday within an hours drive.

Sure we looked stupid walking into the cosmopolitan everyday in boots with backpacks, but we did it, The valet guys looked confused. But took the tip. :emoji_relaxed:

Had some good dinners, saw a few shows, came home. Cheap trip considering.

Sorry to derail the thread.
For the Vegas crew. When my wife and I went we Never gambled a penny. (Did have drinks)
We did a lot of hiking. Hit a state park or national park everyday within an hours drive.

Sure we looked stupid walking into the cosmopolitan everyday in boots with backpacks, but we did it, The valet guys looked confused. But took the tip. :emoji_relaxed:

Had some good dinners, saw a few shows, came home. Cheap trip considering.

Sorry to derail the thread.

For 40 years the thought of hiking was stupid to me.....Then the last week of March 2021, I decided to take the family to Estes Park, Colorado and go hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park. To say it was a life changing experience is an understatement. We were all damn near in tears to leave. 3 days wasnt nearly enough time, and we cant wait to go back. Visited Smokey Mountain National Park this summer. in TN. We now wanna visit Yellowstone and Glacier. RMNP was easily the best place I have ever visited. I would sell everything I have and move there tomorrow if I could convince the wife. I daydream about it often.

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So Carhartt is forcing their employees to get the jab or be fired on Feb 15th. Looks like it is time for me to find a better clothing line. You would think a company that caters to outdoorsman, and the working class wouldnt cave to political bullshit, oh well. Time to toss out almost my entire closet and find a company that isnt woke.
I would still wear it but not in public. Kinda like some Christmas presents I get once in awhile.
I also own some Duluth trading company jeans, but what is their policy going to be? Before I go all out and heat my house with a couple grand worth of jackets, hoodies, and jeans, and replace them with Duluth trading company clothing, will they be the next ones to cave to the woke crowd?
You can always wear the buck naked underwear as a mask. LOL. Haha. Very sleek
I also own some Duluth trading company jeans, but what is their policy going to be? Before I go all out and heat my house with a couple grand worth of jackets, hoodies, and jeans, and replace them with Duluth trading company clothing, will they be the next ones to cave to the woke crowd?
Burning our own clothes won't hurt carhart. It's not buying it the next time you need a hat, coat, or sweatshirt.
Burning our own clothes won't hurt carhart. It's not buying it the next time you need a hat, coat, or sweatshirt.
But wearing a hoodie that says Carhartt on it in public, just advertises their product, and makes other people think I support their thinking.
Not buying any more of their clothing. I'll keep wearing it when I'm out working alone. If I have to be seen by others I'll take it off! It's bought and paid for, so the only 2 sensible things are wear it til its useless or donate it the homeless.
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