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Week 4 and my cough is just now coming to an end. My wife still has some body aches, and her lost sense of taste and smell. I didn't lose mine but anything sweet tastes awful. And not just chocolate or caramel, but spaghetti sauce, ketchup, salad dressing.....

On a good note I have kicked the soda habit, and we both lost about 10 pounds.

COVID hit others where we work, with 6 people missing a couple weeks, with 1 being hospitalized with pneumonia before getting better.
Barndog, were you and your wife vaccinated?

Of my family that has gotten it, unvaccinated (5 people) never got more then a sore throat and a cough for a few days to a couple weeks. Those vaccinated (7 people) 2 are still coughing, and body aches 6 weeks later, the other 5 back to normal after a few days, to a couple weeks. To me that says the vaccine does nothing.

A virus is going to do what a virus is going to do.
Count me and my family as those unvaccinated and we all had sore throats and a cough. One thing that was weird for all of us was a knot in the middle of the back right between the shoulder blades. I took some ZICAM and it went away in about an hour. This was after living with it for a few days. I can't say for sure any of us had Covid because we aren't getting tested either.
I am sitting here with one heck of a chest cold. I might have turned the corner.

If a guy had ivermectin, ...

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Although Ivermectin has proven to have anti-viral properties it isn't a broad spectrum anti-viral so I doubt it would help with a common cold, but maybe :)

I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic but if you are genuinely looking for Ivermectin this is a great resource that does televisits and the same site gives a list of pharmacies that don't discriminate against their drugs.

I know this is a tight anti-vax group, but after hearing what you guys have gone through, needlessly in my opinion, makes no sense at all. Charts and memes aside, the proof is in the pudding. I am glad you're all getting better because your habitat experiences are invaluable. STAY well.
I know this is a tight anti-vax group, but after hearing what you guys have gone through, needlessly in my opinion, makes no sense at all. Charts and memes aside, the proof is in the pudding. I am glad you're all getting better because your habitat experiences are invaluable. STAY well.
Your right it is needless. Easy access to early teatment and very very few people would have needlessly died or suffered through this as some of us have.
The vax probably wouldn't have helped anything with my situation. And with almost as many vaxed in the hospital as unvaxed really, whats the point?
More dr visits and still battimg .1000 on medical personnel who got the shot only because they had to, not because they wanted it. I make it a point to ask asany as possible.
I know this is a tight anti-vax group, but after hearing what you guys have gone through, needlessly in my opinion, makes no sense at all. Charts and memes aside, the proof is in the pudding. I am glad you're all getting better because your habitat experiences are invaluable. STAY well.
For the majority of us, it has been no worse then the common cold. Not quite worth the hype in my opinion. But maybe brainwashing everyone, instilling fear into your base, and separating the country is better then letting people live their own lives.
I’ll say it. I’m triple vaccinated and I still love the memes. I’m here for the memes.

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I bet no one has ridicculed you for your choice to be vaccinated. I cant say the same for not being vaccinated.
I bet no one has ridicculed you for your choice to be vaccinated.
have you been reading this thread? lol
I'm double vaxed, but certainly don't support any government mandates. This thread really has had no room for anybody who has chosen to get vaxed.
I’m tripled vaxed but I am on immunosuppressants and so is my wife so I think it is well worth the risk to get the vax. I am 100% against mandates and fight everyday to keep my kids away from the vax. This vax should have been sold as a tool to keep fat people with pre existing conditions out of the hospitals. Anything beyond that has been proven to be pointless and if they allowed everyone the early treatments the vax debate wouldn’t exist. I still find the memes fabulous.
have you been reading this thread? lol
I'm double vaxed, but certainly don't support any government mandates. This thread really has had no room for anybody who has chosen to get vaxed.

I think most is just a reaction to all the negative of not getting vaxed.

My wife is vaxed, and 3 out of 5 of our children are vaxed. It is just a personal choice, or force from employment. I have 4 grandchildren, ages 9,8 4, and 4 months, none are vaxed. Although one has Cystic fibrosis (CF) which is a major lung disease, and his CF doctors havent recommended it to him, being he is 8, and it is unknown if it will effect him as a child, or the CF, and all his meds, so they havent recommended it for him. I have 2 siblings, neither are vaxed. My wife side of the family, all are democrats, and all are vaxed.
I bet no one has ridicculed you for your choice to be vaccinated. I cant say the same for not being vaccinated.

Actually not true. But whatever. Personal choice and a that. I do my thing and don’t worry whether people agree with it or not.

The memes are legit though.

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My wife side of the family, all are democrats, and all are vaxed.
Unlike many apparently, I don't consider the choice to get vaxed as a Dem or Rep decision. Trump just got his booster, but of course he was a registered Dem at least at one point in his life.
Actually not true. But whatever. Personal choice and a that. I do my thing and don’t worry whether people agree with it or not.

The memes are legit though.

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I do have a dick growing out of my forehead now though. I’m undecided if I like it there or not.

It’s a real conversation starter.

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have you been reading this thread? lol
I'm double vaxed, but certainly don't support any government mandates. This thread really has had no room for anybody who has chosen to get vaxed.

Man I’m here and none of it has hurt my feelings. I doubt anything going forward in this thread will hurt my feelings either. It’s an internet habitat forum.

SD and me are complete opposites on this but we are actually friends in real life. One time he pointed my .357 at a hibernating bear while I poked it with a stick to see what would happen. No shit.

Nothing happened. We were ready to sprint.

I get investment advice from his cat.

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