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I dont know about other states, but in Wisconsin they were sitting on a shit load of stats for some time and dumped everything into the system in one day. Spurring a whole lota doomsday reports from the media. That scewed the numbers quite a bit im sure.
Can't understand why they would do that......

We are 5-6 weeks behind on data of "breakthrough" cases for "vaccinated" people in MN. I'm guessing the number of "breakthrough" cases in MN is well over 500,000 currently and may have a shot at 1 million eventually. At some point the scientist, vaccine salesmen, goal post movers and communist sympathizers are gonna have to admit total failure. MN hospitals are full of vaccinated covid spreaders. Number of "vaccinated" people dying in MN is accelerating. Our Canadian friends to the north in Ontario are able to update their system almost daily. Our data manipulators here just recently shut down businesses in the Twin Cities to unvaccinated people. You have to show pharmaceutical experimentation papers to get a cheeseburger. The same people will telling us about voter suppression will happily suppress those that dont want to be part of the largest experiment in world history.

Isnt it grand?
They tell us how effective the shot is, but they have so many medical professionals out with covid that they are begging covid positive workers to come in.... you know because the vax keeps you from getting it.
Here is liberal Bari Weiss (former editor of the New York Times) on flaming liberal Bill Maher's show last night. Good 2 min video for "follow the science" people to watch.... It's about damn time some of the liberals wake up to the bullshit. Hopefully her and Bill Maher can get some of the Karens to come back to the side of reality, cause us unvaccinated conspiracy theorist could use some help pulling the cart.

My wife and I did not get vaxxed because we did not believe it to be safe. Others in our family did, either by choice or job requirements. Over half of them still got infected.

At the time we made our choice 'science' said the vax was 94% effective at preventing infection. Now that we all know that's obviously untrue, do people still take their word that the shots are safe?? Should we be expected to believe that it really does help lessen the chance of hospitalizations and death??

You can't lie to me over and over, and then still expect me to believe you on other things.
Here is liberal Bari Weiss (former editor of the New York Times) on flaming liberal Bill Maher's show last night. Good 2 min video for "follow the science" people to watch.... It's about damn time some of the liberals wake up to the bullshit. Hopefully her and Bill Maher can get some of the Karens to come back to the side of reality, cause us unvaccinated conspiracy theorist could use some help pulling the cart.

She has it figured out.

A small Israel study seems to show that a 4th booster doesn’t give enough immunity to stop omicron infections. Three doctors were just on a pod cast and said vaccine does not work to stop omicron from infecting people and spreading. One of those Docs was Scott Jensen from central Minnesota.

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I bet no one has ridicculed you for your choice to be vaccinated. I cant say the same for not being vaccinated.

I'll be honest, while I haven't ridiculed anyone on here, I did in real life.
Old friend of mine is a nurse and was vaxed early and boosted. He smugly told me the unvaxed vs vaxed was an IQ test, implying I was an idiot. He got Covid over new years and YES I rode his A$$:emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Covid scare starting to wear off CDC had to release the next kraken
You may not see this on the news tonight, but the frontline doctors had their chance at the podium in the US Senate today. All government pandemic agencies were invited to attend, all declined to face these physicians. There's a solid four hours here, but you'll never get this much brain power, experience, and willingness to try to save lives in one room again. You can start around the 51 minute mark to skip the dead time at the beginning, and the opening stuff from Senator Johnson.

Israel has well over a 90% vaccination rate with Pfizer "vaccine". Majority (80+%) of the country boosted with 3rd shot. A good percentage has drank the kool-aid 4 times and taken the 4th shot. Their case rates and hospitalizations are EXPLODING...... The majority of coronavirus spread is coming from vaccinated people across the world. The next variant will come out of one of these vaccinated lab rats. 4 shots and then corona ontop anyway is gonna cause this thing to mutate.


Maybe they should double down and do a 5 and 6th shot..... Maybe 3+ face diapers........ Remember when the science people told you it stops transmission....and you couldnt spread it after vaccination.....???
We could really use a scientist here to help move the goalpost and come up with some new excuses.....

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I'm going to take a break from the meme front. With the information that came out in Senator Johnson's hearing yesterday, I don't think there is any need for further drum banging about what's going on. The information is out there now, and it is up to anyone interested to decide if they want to hear it, and whether or not it is trustworthy.

I will say this. Watch this entire hearing. Watch every minute after the 51 minute mark. Take it in chunks over a few days if need be, and don't multitask. Four plus hours is a lot. But what you're really getting is the best 15 minutes of what would be 3-hour podcasts with 20 different experts in one sitting.

Watch it. Don't watch it. That's a choice.

I'm going to take a break from the meme front. With the information that came out in Senator Johnson's hearing yesterday, I don't think there is any need for further drum banging about what's going on. The information is out there now, and it is up to anyone interested to decide if they want to hear it, and whether or not it is trustworthy.

I will say this. Watch this entire hearing. Watch every minute after the 51 minute mark. Take it in chunks over a few days if need be, and don't multitask. Four plus hours is a lot. But what you're really getting is the best 15 minutes of what would be 3-hour podcasts with 20 different experts in one sitting.

Watch it. Don't watch it. That's a choice.

Thanks for all of your effort and contribution to this thread.
Stay healthy. Hunt hard.
No more memes now I am distraught they have been a small highlight of my day.
Thanks for all of your effort and contribution to this thread.
Stay healthy. Hunt hard.

I'll still keep an eye on it, I'm not going anywhere. We've just got to get on with other things. I'm 2 months out from planting brassicas in northern MN, and I've gotta finish my plans for the super mega subterranean carbon garden beds I'm building at camp this year. I've also got some machinery work to do in the garage before winter is over. 2022 is gonna be a big year at stab camp.
Careful. March 25th planting date is a trap designed to start a new discussion in another thread. Don't take the bait.

Some of us can guess at what you have planned. Greens!

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