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That's a slippery slope. Should we do the same for tobacco users, drinkers, sedentary people, and overweight people?
They already do. Where I work smokers (even if you smoke one cigar in 6 months) pay 10% more for insurance. But you could be 500 #'s overweight and have HIV and not have to pay more. :emoji_thinking:

I've been reading lately about more and more people having to go to court against hospital systems that won't treat, or release a loved one battling the 'vid. It didn't make any sense. Why are some doctors treating patients with the patient outcome in mind, and others are not only refusing to treat, but actively blocking treatment? The gang over at Epoch had a great article that mentioned a physician that did some deep diving on this.

The short version: If the hospital deviates from the NIH 'rona protocol, they are disqualified from all the bonuses and incentives rewarded for negative patient outcomes. If a hospital tested someone, they came back positive, they were hospitalized, and given remdesivir, and then treated with non-NIH protocols and lived, the hospital would lose the test, positive, admittance, and remdesivir bonus. What's worse, is you cannot intervene in their care and just check your loved ones out and go to a doctor that will treat them. Seems once they are in, depending on which hospital you go to, your loved one may become a prisoner and have treatment withheld in exchange for rich federal payouts. There are two cases I came across just this week.

SD, I know you don‘t make these but why use the Hilary Faucci over Col Jessup saying “you‘re god damn right I did”? excellent work as usual, carry on.
Most I mine from the meme fields. When there is something pressing, I'll have to make them myself. That one with Rand and the hillsniz body was one sent to me. If I had made that one, I'd have used Jessup's torso for sure.
I just got back from a quick long weekend in Vegas with my wife. It wasn’t my preferred choice to go, but my wife wanted to go, so we went. Where I am from in the north land, we don’t do masks, even when masks were ordered, most didn’t wear them, and the majority didn’t care. Vegas still has a mask mandate indoors and in public, so do the airports, and planes. But I will say it has relaxed, I rarely wore a mask, and other then check in, and 2 times someone told me I needed one, I would take it out of my pocket and put it on my chin. It shut them up. I had 1 person in the elevator jump me a bit, but he shut up when I told him I outgrew diapers a long time ago.

I haven’t been to Vegas since the mid 90’s, and I still don’t like it, and prefer I never go back, and the wife agrees.

I am not a drinker, or a gambler, but I did way to much of both this trip.

A few notes from my trip, it smells like weed outside all over, and I hate the smell. Feathered slutty looking show girls wandering all over are scam artists. I had my picture taken with 2, then they tell me they want $100, $50 each for posing for pictures. This was just a picture that my wife took, from my phone. No, I didn’t pay them that much, I gave them each a $20, and still felt I got screwed.

When you drink like once a month, and only have 2-3, then go to Vegas, and start drinking at 11 for lunch, then continue drinking all day and into the night, the next morning felt like a real life Hangover movie. Luckily there was no tiger in our suite, and we weren’t missing anything, other then a bunch of money, and some short term memory.

I was suppose to catch a 715 flight yesterday morning, but after hanging out with Captain Morgan all day Saturday, we didn’t make that flight, and had to catch a late flight back to Minneapolis then I had a 2.5 hour drive home after that. Made it home a little after 3 am.

A couple lessons from the trip, weed smells really bad, and I think everyone in Vegas smokes it. Captain Morgan is not your friend. Feathered slutty chics only want to screw you, but you don’t get the satisfaction of being screwed. Leave you debit card at your room when you have been drinking all day, and decide you are going to just gamble $200 per day. Alcohol and gambling don’t mix well.

During our stay, we had to stop at the Trump motel and have a few there. Completely different crowd there then at the Venetian where we stayed.

The biggest lesson, don’t go to Vegas. 9CC931E9-D2F5-43B7-A84F-62B5B5A04974.jpeg2978F136-FC45-4D50-BEA2-63218574ADF5.jpeg8C297FD3-35FB-46C5-BE4E-EB892703D2BC.jpeg
I just got back from a quick long weekend in Vegas with my wife. It wasn’t my preferred choice to go, but my wife wanted to go, so we went. Where I am from in the north land, we don’t do masks, even when masks were ordered, most didn’t wear them, and the majority didn’t care. Vegas still has a mask mandate indoors and in public, so do the airports, and planes. But I will say it has relaxed, I rarely wore a mask, and other then check in, and 2 times someone told me I needed one, I would take it out of my pocket and put it on my chin. It shut them up. I had 1 person in the elevator jump me a bit, but he shut up when I told him I outgrew diapers a long time ago.

I haven’t been to Vegas since the mid 90’s, and I still don’t like it, and prefer I never go back, and the wife agrees.

I am not a drinker, or a gambler, but I did way to much of both this trip.

A few notes from my trip, it smells like weed outside all over, and I hate the smell. Feathered slutty looking show girls wandering all over are scam artists. I had my picture taken with 2, then they tell me they want $100, $50 each for posing for pictures. This was just a picture that my wife took, from my phone. No, I didn’t pay them that much, I gave them each a $20, and still felt I got screwed.

When you drink like once a month, and only have 2-3, then go to Vegas, and start drinking at 11 for lunch, then continue drinking all day and into the night, the next morning felt like a real life Hangover movie. Luckily there was no tiger in our suite, and we weren’t missing anything, other then a bunch of money, and some short term memory.

I was suppose to catch a 715 flight yesterday morning, but after hanging out with Captain Morgan all day Saturday, we didn’t make that flight, and had to catch a late flight back to Minneapolis then I had a 2.5 hour drive home after that. Made it home a little after 3 am.

A couple lessons from the trip, weed smells really bad, and I think everyone in Vegas smokes it. Captain Morgan is not your friend. Feathered slutty chics only want to screw you, but you don’t get the satisfaction of being screwed. Leave you debit card at your room when you have been drinking all day, and decide you are going to just gamble $200 per day. Alcohol and gambling don’t mix well.

During our stay, we had to stop at the Trump motel and have a few there. Completely different crowd there then at the Venetian where we stayed.

The biggest lesson, don’t go to Vegas. View attachment 40275View attachment 40276View attachment 40277

Those feather girls were everywhere last time we went. Just prior to the fauci experiments, I think they figured out how to make $ while dressed.
The fakecine has completely fallen on its ass in Australia. Major lockdowns, concentration camps, mask mandates, forced vaccination, boosters. They dont have any unvaccinated people left to blame. Only about 7% unvaccinated according to their gov't. Deaths up by over 350%, hospitals filling up fast, cases exploding.


They need a booster in each arm, otherwise it won't work. Then they need 2 in each arm. They just aren't getting boosted enough. Maybe they should take every brand of vaccination or just mix them all together. The vax is the only answer. People don't have immune systems anymore. It's all Trumps fault I tell ya
Australia completely locked down early and was able to somewhat quarantine the whole continent. As a result, they had a low case count for a while. Then, when they started to open up, well after the rest of the planet had recovered from the initial spread and resulting herd immunity, they are now getting hit with it. All they did was postpone the inevitable. Covid is essentially over for the rest world, but Australia is about to be hammered. Viruses are gonna virus...
Sounds like their version of "two weeks to flatten the curve".
Why on earth would hospitals get bonuses for COVID events? Who decided they should get them? Where does the bonus money come from?
I believe he goes by LORD FAUCCI now. Probably wakes up screaming at Rand Paul who has really climbed my ladder of people I like to listen to lately.
Why on earth would hospitals get bonuses for COVID events? Who decided they should get them? Where does the bonus money come from?

Its called a plandemic. Rich powerful people invest some of their own money into a bioweapon, and then get YOU, the taxpayer, to finance fighting it. They make sure to enrich their cooperators along the way. Bill Gates was bragging on CNBC today all the money he has made from "vaccines." Gates and Fauci and all their little smurfs successfully killed off all the medicine that would have countered this plandemic. Instead they forced their "cure" onto the country and I think the results speak for themselves.

And they got the serfs to fight each other the entire time.... Just think of all the lathered up Karens bitching at the intelligent people of the world for not wearing ceremonial face diapers.... Try to lock other people up for not taking an "experimental medical treatment" so their experimental medicine would work better. Or crushing the mom and pop stores of the world while they happily marched up and down the aisles of shithole Walmart and Menards to accumulate the cheap trash from Walmart.

You awake yet Karen??? How about you "science???"

There was a really big update from Dr. McCullough in the last few days. Some important notes from it:

*Omicron is hogging hosts and choking out delta as it spreads 70 times faster
*Current research shows once you get the 'cron, you can't get delta.
*Boosters are showing zero efficacy against 'cron, pointing to the need to pivot away from vaccination and to early treatment and overall health improvement.
*There are only 500 doctors in the United States who are willing to provide early treatment. They need support and they're burning out.

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