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Back in December I had purchased my grandkids, myself, and my kids, and spouses tickets to Monster Jam, and pit passes at US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis. Come to find out the new Covid passport mandate applies to events as well. Well, none of us are vaccinated. So I contacted US Bank stadium, and asked about a refund. They told me that is up to the coordinator of the event, so I emailed Monster Jam, and Ticket Master, and basically got a response back that it is my fault, I had plenty of time, and opportunity to get vaccinated. So a big FU from them. US Bank stadium said they are working with their promoters on refunds for events, but it was up to the promoters, not them.

I knew I shouldnt have planned to attend anything in that shithole. Lesson learned!

You do know there are copies of the vaccine card all over the inter web and Amazon sells card stock.
Just sayin……not proposing anything nefarious. Cause it’s a crime to use their logos without permission.
You do know there are copies of the vaccine card all over the inter web and Amazon sells card stock.
Just sayin……not proposing anything nefarious. Cause it’s a crime to use their logos without permission.

You can’t say that on FB or tweeter. :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
You do know there are copies of the vaccine card all over the inter web and Amazon sells card stock.
Just sayin……not proposing anything nefarious. Cause it’s a crime to use their logos without permission.
I would assume any site selling a fake passport is being run by the FBI and you're writing your own one way ticket to federal prison. These guys are serious about their power, royalties, and dividends.
I would assume any site selling a fake passport is being run by the FBI and you're writing your own one way ticket to federal prison. These guys are serious about their power, royalties, and dividends.

If it becomes required to fly I’m a criminal.
Kinda like gun control. I wasn’t a criminal, they made me one…..
Oh, reread that. I wouldn’t sell one. But I’m not above making one.
Hate to even look at that pathetic joker. Poopy,droopy Joe that is.
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Looks like we could have gotten to the point of herd immunity just a little sooner.
Spanish flu lasted 2 years. When covid first hit here there was lots of talk of it lasting 2 years and coming in 2 waves like the Spanish flu. But then the vaccines came out and were supposed to stop it in it's tracks lol.
Back in December I had purchased my grandkids, myself, and my kids, and spouses tickets to Monster Jam, and pit passes at US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis. Come to find out the new Covid passport mandate applies to events as well. Well, none of us are vaccinated. So I contacted US Bank stadium, and asked about a refund. They told me that is up to the coordinator of the event, so I emailed Monster Jam, and Ticket Master, and basically got a response back that it is my fault, I had plenty of time, and opportunity to get vaccinated. So a big FU from them. US Bank stadium said they are working with their promoters on refunds for events, but it was up to the promoters, not them.

I knew I shouldnt have planned to attend anything in that shithole. Lesson learned!
Just contact them a couple days before and tell them you all have covid. You need a refund or you are showing up

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Two years into the plandemic and these dipshits (experts) are just now figuring out that cloth face diapers and the stupid little surgical mask dont do jack shit to stop a microscopic/airborne respiratory virus..... Some of our own local scientist and "follow the science" worshippers must be in total disbelief. Anyone "following the science" reminds me of the 2008, Detroit Lions. The mask, just like the fakecines have NEVER worked as advertised. The intelligent people have been skeptical all along. Cue the goalpost movers to come correct the people that have actually been correct for two years.....

This fall I cleaned my combine with a properly fitted N95 3M mask just like I always do. I have a cordless gas leaf blower that I use to blow dust( large particle), dirt and chaff off of it for approximately 40-45 mins. I made damn sure it was fitted to my face properly. Both straps on and the wire bent around my nose. I didnt touch the thing for the entire time I had it on so I could show people for demonstration purposes why these mask dont work. The inside of my mask was FILTHY, just like it always is. I have been wearing these things for 15+ years. I didnt touch my mask once. The average person I see in public touches their mask 2-3 times a minute. The dust molecules inside my mask are MASSIVE compared to corona. Looks like I actually did follow the science unlike the "scientist."

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I’ve been saying all along the masks for Covid are like using a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes.
Company rescinded the Vaccine or Weekly Testing today. Still more work to do as the poor health care workers still have to put up with this BS.

Don’t forget about us lowly DOD workers…

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It just makes no sense. If , according to Fauci and others that everybody’s going to get the virus vaxed or not why in the world would mandates still be in place. Now they’re talking about letting vaxed Covid pos health care workers keep working with no or mild symptoms because of staff shortages. While all the poor unvaxed that got fired are still unemployed.
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