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Nothing to see here folks..... Perfectly healthy military guys dropping over dead with no explanation.....

Two leading causes of US service member deaths:
1. Suicide
2. Murdered by Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Pfizer and Moderna

Vaccines remain the leading cause of coincidence and myocarditis

The brown shirts are at it again. Frey, Walz, Flanigan, Sec of State Steve Simon, and comrade Ellison all had covid after being "vaccinated and boosted." Why didnt their piece of paper stop them from getting and transmitting covid???

Their medicine didnt work cause I didn't take it.... The new Nazi party. Lots of minorities in the Twin Cities that dont trust this crap.

Let’s see who folds first the people not really needing to eat out or the businesses not making any money.
Who will they blame when everyone eating there has been jabbed and they still get sick from going to the restaurant?
^^^^Taco Bell, White Castle, and McDonalds...
What is the government doing to businesses that won't follow ILLEGAL policies? I would imagine they would impose ILLEGAL fines that should never stand up in court. So now they are once again trying to run businesses out of business and they are making the establishments do it to themselves. AGAIN. A negative test from 3 days earlier really has zero value. Now they say you should test a few minutes before you go in. When do we go ahead and overthrow the current leadership? If they thought 1-6-21 was an insurrection, they are in for a BIG surprise. imho

Disclaimer: By no means would I ever support anyone acting against our clueless leaders. Just asking for a friend.
If I was a betting man I wager Lieber is the fall guy for whatever nefarious activity Fauci/China/DNC has been up to. My gut also thinks the timing of this whole Covid thing certainly helped Brandon get elected. Coincidence that the most incompetent president we have ever had with strong ties to China gets elected ousting Trump who has single handedly screamed at the top of his lungs for at least the last 30 years that China has been screwing us blind. We now find ourselves in a situation where they are shredding our constitutional freedoms and election laws at a pace never before seen in our Nation’s history in the name of public safety. Yah probably all a coincidence I better tighten my tinfoil hat again it must of slipped off a bit.
The peak has come and gone. Wait time at testing station back down to pre surge levels (5 min) compared to over 3 hours two weeks ago.
The "pandemic" will end when Sleepy,creepy,sloppy Joe leaves office.
More evidence lockdowns killed. What none of these studies can quantify is how many kids were malnourished and neglected or molested by CNN producer types during lockdown. Drug overdose up massively. Mental health in horrible decline. Violent urban crime dramatically increasing.

And now the CDC admits that everyone is gonna get covid anyways. The death and destruction from lockdowns, mandates, and vaccines will exceed corona deaths by 10x when the history books have the final say.

Looks like we could have gotten to the point of herd immunity just a little sooner.
Back in December I had purchased my grandkids, myself, and my kids, and spouses tickets to Monster Jam, and pit passes at US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis. Come to find out the new Covid passport mandate applies to events as well. Well, none of us are vaccinated. So I contacted US Bank stadium, and asked about a refund. They told me that is up to the coordinator of the event, so I emailed Monster Jam, and Ticket Master, and basically got a response back that it is my fault, I had plenty of time, and opportunity to get vaccinated. So a big FU from them. US Bank stadium said they are working with their promoters on refunds for events, but it was up to the promoters, not them.

I knew I shouldnt have planned to attend anything in that shithole. Lesson learned!
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