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I'm a teacher. I'm taking next Monday and Tuesday off to hunt the rut a little and then travel to MO to visit with the BIL who just got back from a yr in Korea. I told the Principal and Super exactly what I was planning to do and asked for their blessings to burn my own personal vacation days. Even offered to change my plans and not take the time off if they couldn't find a sub. I must be lazy and spoiled.

I read your article. It's mostly about districts shutting down a day or two due to lack of subs, bus drivers, and other staff. How the hell is a labor shortage the teacher's fault, and why do those (unrelated to teacher's) positions garner such hatred from you towards teacher's? What other professions and jobs do you get angry with for using their vacation days? Do you randomly get pissed at solders on leave when there is still a war going on? Do you belittle carpenters for taking a vacation day before the remodel is complete? I sure feel for your mechanic if you catch him taking a long lunch before you car is fixed! Maybe you should become the Superintendent for Denver schools so that you can deny employees vacation days as you see fit, and then find 600 substitutes that quit due to brandon's economy and mandates.

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No to all your questions. I do jot harbor any hatred towards teachers. Many of my closest friends in fact are teachers. I respect them and the work they do. I get the idea that you would probably be cut from the same cloth as them.
What i do have an issue with is teachers who willingly took jobs working with children now refusing to work with those children because of fake fear of a cold , a cold they almost 100% can not get from any of the children in their classroom.
I have a problem with some teachers and the teachers unions telling us all they need is more money and then everything will be fine.
I have a problem with teachers unions spoon feeding the teachers fear porn to the point of some of the teachers being affraid to go do their jobs. Im sick of some of the teachers who are supposed to be teaching our youth not being able to learn themselves.
Im tired of some of the teachers using their unfounded fear to force our children to wear masks all day, and of those same teachers possibly forcing our children to get a shot they dont need in order to go to school.
Im sick of the public schools which we pay for telling us we dont have any say in the measures they decide to take regarding our childrens "safety".
Do i blame all the teachers ? Deffinately not. I blame the blind followers and the fear mongers among them.
If you are a teacher then you know the ones im talking about.
That article was about way more than what you choose to see.
I do agree with you that many of the teachers are quiting due to the mandates. I know alot of the teachers in our school are not going to get the shot. Weather they will cave or quit remains to be seen.
My wife just retired from teaching this past summer. She still gets the teacher union propaganda in the mail. When she was a teacher she was partially blind by the political crap in it, now that she is retired she can’t even look at it without being disgusted.

And just for any of you that think CRT isn’t taught in our schools, you are totally wrong, my wife taught CIS (college in schools), and it was all CRT, she was an English teacher, and the only books that were approved by the college for her to teach was nothing but racist crap. It was one of the biggest reasons she wanted to retire, that and the rest of the political crap, and parents.

Working from home was new to most of the teacher, lots of learning for them to teach a student that wasn’t there, lots of behind the scenes meetings, then you had some kids in school, and some at home, this was twice the work. Lesson plans for both, paper, and on line.

But I agree a lot of your more liberal states have unions that pushed fear into the teachers, and they were to “scared” to go back in schools, and preceded to teach from the Mexican beach they were on vacation at, or in their campers touring the US parks, while trying to teach.

My wife couldn’t wait to be back in school, and have the students in school.
My wife just retired from teaching this past summer. She still gets the teacher union propaganda in the mail. When she was a teacher she was partially blind by the political crap in it, now that she is retired she can’t even look at it without being disgusted.

And just for any of you that think CRT isn’t taught in our schools, you are totally wrong, my wife taught CIS (college in schools), and it was all CRT, she was an English teacher, and the only books that were approved by the college for her to teach was nothing but racist crap. It was one of the biggest reasons she wanted to retire, that and the rest of the political crap, and parents.

Working from home was new to most of the teacher, lots of learning for them to teach a student that wasn’t there, lots of behind the scenes meetings, then you had some kids in school, and some at home, this was twice the work. Lesson plans for both, paper, and on line.

But I agree a lot of your more liberal states have unions that pushed fear into the teachers, and they were to “scared” to go back in schools, and preceded to teach from the Mexican beach they were on vacation at, or in their campers touring the US parks, while trying to teach.

My wife couldn’t wait to be back in school, and have the students in school.
We had reports of teachers in the milwaukee schools that would put an hour or 2 in for virtual learning and then off to a second job they took at amazon. And it wasnt just one techer. So they were getting full pay for doing virtually (see what i did there?) nothing and then working full time somewhere else. You know ,because they were terrified of going into a building with other people.....
I know of a couple teachers that refused to go back into schools because they were scared, but they had posted pictures on Facebook of their vacation they went on in Mexico.
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Just remember it's not all or probably even most teachers. Just like most occupations, there are slugs in all of them. NattyBumbo and Catscrathc sound like teachers we would have all liked to have had in school. Its just too bad they get lumped in with the rest.
Just remember it's not all or probably even most teachers. Just like most occupations, there are slugs in all of them. NattyBumbo and Catscrathc sound like teachers we would have all liked to have had in school. Its just too bad they get lumped in with the rest.
I agree.
I didnt mean to lump all together. Should have worded it better maybe. There are great teachers out there. We are blessed to have a bunch in our school .
We do need more teacher like Natty! Back when I was in school we had a building class, they taught us construction skills, how to build a garage, small houses, sheds, etc.. Then they would either donate them, or sell them to get money for the next projects. When my son was in school he was in a construction class as well, unfortunately they ended the class shortly after he graduated. It is a shame, they teach more about racism, and gender then they do about trades now.

I personally never cared much for book learning, not that I wasnt smart enough, I just had little interest. But give me something I could do with my hands, and it peaked my interests, and I participated in class.

Our last child graduated last year. About the only hands on class they offered was art. No shop classes, no welding, no homec class, no typing class,

Sorry, I got off topic....
Is it 1 pill or do you have to take it every 4 hours or something? Problem is the same as the flu antivirals. You need them in the first days. By the time you think you need them and then get an appointment and then get the pills it’s too late for them to do any good.
“You would assume that if the CDC was going to crush the civil and individual rights of those with natural immunity by having them expelled from school, fired from their jobs, separated from the military, and worse, the CDC would have proof of at least one instance of an unvaccinated, naturally immune individual transmitting the COVID-19 virus to another individual. If you thought this, you would be wrong,” Aaron Siri

“You would assume that if the CDC was going to crush the civil and individual rights of those with natural immunity by having them expelled from school, fired from their jobs, separated from the military, and worse, the CDC would have proof of at least one instance of an unvaccinated, naturally immune individual transmitting the COVID-19 virus to another individual. If you thought this, you would be wrong,” Aaron Siri

But literally 10s of thousands examples of vaccinated people transmitting the dreaded disease... almost seems like a conspiracy?
Glenn Beck 3 hour special tonight on
It's billed as eye opening and mind blowing for those not already informed.
2 hours will be on Beck and following that is 1 hour of Steve Deace. Deace is highly informed on the entire covid mess.
If you go to there's a free trial subscription and a discount code.
I will say that Glenn's website can be a challenge to negotiate your way thru. Some things are difficult to find.
Just thought I'd let everyone know about the special tonight.
Some of it should be on Youtube but there's a chance that they could block the show. Too much truth for them I guess.
It's been a while since I looked, but I think BlazeTV is also on Pluto for anyone that has a package that doesn't carry Blaze.
Maybe the lockdowns would work better if they concentrated all the unjabbed in one spot, like a special camp?

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