Bill Loser
5 year old buck +
You know, if i wasnt being told differently every day by the drive by media I would have to think the shots don't work.....
Looks like India (1.3 billion people) is pretty much done with corona... They gave their population Ivermectin.... Team science please come and tell me how I'm wrong. Meanwhile all the shithole western countries are exploding with corona. The "vaccine" is a fcking joke.
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Is there proof of this? How is one to know that for sure? Is the less deaths from a weaker strain? Which the Delta variant is suppose to be weaker, or because the shot made people fight it better?but does decrease chances of mortality and morbidity (death and need for hospitalization), so it makes sense for the high risk and elderly.
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I just can’t believe how far the madness goes.
Wisconsin health officials recommend hunters wear a mask when field dressing deer
SARS-CoV-2 virus has been found in white-tailed deer, leading to the advice that hunters should take one more precaution while handling a