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You can point to a study that says masks work but you really can’t prove it. No, you can’t. Everybody’s wearing them for the most part. At work, in stores, in cars Still infection occur and occur and occur. so no they don’t work. If masked worked then there would hardly be a case. Not the case LOL
You can point to a study that says masks work but you really can’t prove it. No, you can’t. Everybody’s wearing them for the most part. At work, in stores, in cars Still infection occur and occur and occur. so no they don’t work. If masked worked then there would hardly be a case. Not the case LOL
If you're referring to my post - there's nothing in it that definitively says masks work. I fact, if I were to paraphrase the article, this ONE article - this ONE piece of research - I'd say it provides some (some) evidence that masks are of marginal value. But, it's possible they might reduce the number of people infected by other people. And, for now, just for now, I'm willing to run with that. LOL...

If you look at the case load, the running totals, then one might wonder what those numbers would be without masks. I don't know and neither do you.
Let's stop arguing about masks. What's your real beef?
Didnt say it did. Not wearing one saves me my sanity.

Hitting on a post above from k, if the masks work so well how come the hospital is nearly full?

You're grasping at ever possible reason to prove you are right -and you might be but for all the wrong reasons. You ask if masks work so well how come the hospital is nearly full? Let's assume it is. Maybe the hospital would be totally full without mask. I concede without masks maybe we be right were we are at. I don't know. To me, the obvious reason the hospital is nearly full is because people are people. How is it the surge in new cases and hospitalizations correspond to a couple of holidays, one in November and one in December? Because people are people and they are tired of isolating and they want their traditions. Who can blame them? Off come the masks, probably - and here we are. Hey, my argument is is good or better than yours!
Loss of rights and freedoms for nothing more than a political agenda.
Being told i have to do something when i know it will make no difference to anyone , simply because it will make someone else a little less scared.
The weakening of the American public over a ailment that literally harms nearly no one.
Being led to economic ruins because of governments decision to shut some of society down. Then printing money and giving it out to everyone in an effort to buy votes.
Shall i go on?

Look No one is telling you you can't wear one. Just don't tell me i have to.
Just to clarify when I said you, I did t mean you specifically. I mean you as a figure of speech that could be me, you or anybody. Just a person LOL.
I think you hit the head on the nail. Nobody knows. from the top on down but, as the saying goes if you say something enough times people will believe it to be fact when in some cases it’s not.
What exactly do you mean by all the wrong reasons?
Also, how do you grab portions of posts and stick your posts? I cant figure out how that works!
Cover your face, don't sing, don't cheer, don't date, don't kiss, don't hug. Don't step out of line on social media. Take your vaccination. Here's a bucket of oats (stimulus). Stay calm in your pen, and you will be safe.
Cover your face, don't sing, don't cheer, don't date, don't kiss, don't hug. Don't step out of line on social media. Take your vaccination. Here's a bucket of oats (stimulus). Stay calm in your pen, and you will be safe.
Or better yet, do as we say not as we do
How many of you have ever painted a tractor, truck, or any other piece of equipment while wearing a n95 mask?

If you have you know what we are referring to. If you haven’t, there is no reason to enter the conversation.

I am all to familiar with masks and ventilators. In the production area of my business the sand blast runs for 8+ hours a day 5-6 days a week. If our guys would wear the masks that the vast majority of people are wearing it wouldn’t be pretty.

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Better yet, see what osha has to say
How many of you have ever painted a tractor, truck, or any other piece of equipment while wearing a n95 mask?

If you have you know what we are referring to. If you haven’t, there is no reason to enter the conversation.

I am all to familiar with masks and ventilators. In the production area of my business the sand blast runs for 8+ hours a day 5-6 days a week. If our guys would wear the masks that the vast majority of people are wearing it wouldn’t be pretty.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What if I painted the tractor with no mask? I am screwed.
What was normal ICU capacity utilization in winter before rona?
About half what it is now.

I can't say anything about masks that's going to change somebody's mind when they aren't open to being challenged. But I will point out that most of the arguments I read are of extremely faulty logic. Comparing fumes and viruses is apples and oranges. Saying that masks don't work because some folks are pulling tee shirts over their faces makes zero sense. Of course tee shirts don't work. And the facts bear that out. It doesn't mean that masks are useless - why not extend the analogy and say that ventilators don't work? Hazmat suits?

Properly worn, suitable masks slow the spread of virus. Sorry if you don't want to believe it. Doesn't change the facts.

And if your lead-off hitter is batting for the whole "COVID doesn't exist" conspiracy....well, there's no evidence whatsoever that's going to change your mind on masks. God bless.
1. I dont think anyone on here has ever said it doesnt exist. Just that its completely overblown.
2. How come its only faulty logic when it comes from the opposite side of yours? Seem quite hypocritical.
3. Your right comparing fumes and viruses is flawed. Fumes are much easier to block than viruses.
4. T shirts ARE what most people are wearing, at the same time telling me im not doing enough.
5. Thats complete and total bs saying hospitals are usually half of what they are now. Hospitals routinely run betweem 75 and 85% capacity. Otherwise they wouldnt make any money.
6. Its you and people like you who try to tell anyone who apllies logic to the situation that they are deniers, or to stupid to understand that are the problem. In reality its you who refuses to look at anything from a different perspective. As a matter of fact there was a couple weeks when this started i to was worried. Then i started paying attention and watching numbers and how they reported. I realized the agenda behind it all. Not to mention the fear mongering the media does.
7. Again, if masks and t shirts work, why are numbers still up? Why are you screaming hair on fire because the hospital is at 90%? Shouldn't it be much much lower?
If anyones logic is flawed its yours.
Loss of rights and freedoms for nothing more than a political agenda.
Being told i have to do something when i know it will make no difference to anyone , simply because it will make someone else a little less scared.
The weakening of the American public over a ailment that literally harms nearly no one.
Being led to economic ruins because of governments decision to shut some of society down. Then printing money and giving it out to everyone in an effort to buy votes.
Shall i go on?

Look No one is telling you you can't wear one. Just don't tell me i have to.

Where to start. It may surprise you to learn that, maybe, I share some of your concerns. I think one of the themes that at least runs thru my mind and that I apparently don't convey here too well is the need to separate what we know or don't know about the Corona virus and the associated COVID disease from government actions concerning it. I'm trying to follow the science of the health issue and separate it from government policy.

I don't like how any of our governments are functioning and I don't know if its always been that way or if this is something new. While we are debating the merits of masks and other COVID issues it detracts from the need to focus on what are the true major threats. And, perhaps you (generally) will argue it's all mixed in here. But, in my mind all the discussion is destructive as in demolition, but what are we going to build in the place where 'the building' once stood? We know what we don't want, but do we know what we do want in its place?

I'll stop there and wish everyone well....
I think we should ban chicken wings again. Things really started to turn when you couldn’t count those as a meal. Covid didn’t know what to do. Is it a chicken finger or chicken wing?
Most of the masks I see are made from t-shirt material. The ones I bought were even made by Haynes.
Besides having COVID the real consequences just hit home. My 15 year old honor roll daughter just got her grades in the mail. Failing ever subject except gym. Even has a zero in math. After her breakdown we got to what happened. She only goes to school one day a week and then there are some zooms and assignments. She is in AP math, history, and physics. Her grades were 90’s last quarter. She started to not understand the math and physics and it snow balled into everything else. She started having anxiety and stopped participating in all her classes. She did not know how to deal with not being able to fix it so she shut down. This was heartbreaking to hear her explain this. I am very close with her and she tells me everything. I could sense something has been wrong but what hasn’t been wrong for the last year. We are going to come up with a plan to get back on track, but my real problem is with the teachers. How do you give a kid a 0, or any of the other grades without telling the parents something is wrong. One teacher emailed a couple weeks ago that he was worried she stopped participating in class. Nothing about the 45 average. I assume this is a district wide problem because yesterday they said March 1st we are going to go up to 2 whole days of school. NY has allowed teachers to be vaccinated but we still won’t open the schools. What happened to follow the science? The damage this has done to our kids will far out way anything else and hasn’t even begun to be added up yet. I hope it was worth it to get rid of the mean orange man.
Latest official govt reported tally for my city... 250 deaths out of 26,435 positive cases... so less than a 1% death rate AND that's with certainty that not all infected were tested, especially many of the early asymptomatic as well as unconcerned college kids, etc. Which I'd bet a wallet full of money equates to a fatality rate of around half of a percent (if even that) after factoring in the asymptomatic / college kids who didn't care and / or who were never tested.

And this from a city of 300,000 and over a year's time now... and again I'd be willing to bet based on numerous study reviews that the 250 deaths involved a majority of individuals with major existing disease comorbidities (cancer, heart disease, severe diabetes, etc), with it quite possible a fair number of those who died were short of this world to begin with.

Said it before, say it again... for the working aged and younger this disease has NOT posed the inflated threat painted (though before Knehrke potentially chimes in I appreciate there are sad exceptions to the statistical norm). Keeping kids out of schools has been a true evil, and I thank God my honor student daughter's school gave on-site as an option after a very brief virtual attempt in the spring of 2020, as much like Chummer I could see that her engagement level / grasp of what was being presented was absolutely CRIPPLED via crappy Zoom video conferences.

End with the caveat yet again, I'm not some covid denier... but do believe in being a realist and basing logical observations on data. The sin is that MUCH more effort wasn't taken on focused smart efforts to protect those really at risk... the elderly, those dark skinned deficient in vitamin D levels, and those with serious comorbidities, while the rest of us could have been fully focused on being productive and not flushing a year (or more) of our productive lives down the toilet. Thankful for the Orange Man having done a world-record breaking effort to knock down vaccine red-tape while he was in office, as thanks completely to him those at most risk, the elderly were getting vaccines in just a year's time from the outbreak. Being on the + side of 50 I've now already been able to get two shots and am thankful that the left can't falsely claim having an iota to do with it. :emoji_thumbsup:

P.S. -- for those waiting to get the shots, or who've had their first and are awaiting a 2nd be prepared for the 2nd to be a bit more of a b!+@#! Wife, MIL, and I had only arm pain after the first while having low-grade fever, quite a bit more general muscle soreness, and fatigue with the 2nd shot, but that's fully to be expected and shows the immunity system is actually responding properly.
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