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Looks like I will survive my trip to the Jersey Shore. The couple we traveled with tested negative today.
Believe me, I would love nothing more than to achieve herd immunity from the Covid-19 scourge. Herd immunity is achieved when 70% to 90% of the population is not susceptible to a disease.

Using NY State as an example, that would mean that 15.6 mil. of the 19.5 mil citizens would be have to be non-susceptible (immune) to reach herd immunity. As it stands now, only 459k have tested positive, which is 2.3% as opposed to the 70% to 90% required.

You could argue that there are far more un-confirmed cases that have not been counted, but even if you say there are 10 times the number of un-confirmed cases to each confirmed case (doubtful!) that would still be only 23% of the population. That is still a far cry from herd immunity.

Maybe I am missing something, it would not be the first time, but these are just the facts as I understand them. Don’t shoot the messenger guys!

NYS dept of health and the Governor said back 2 months ago that from testing and antibody testing they figure 25% were infected in NYC. Then the numbers started dropping to what they are now. Pretty much nothing. So, maybe you don’t need to get to 70-80%. Seems once you get to 25% things start dropping. Maybe that’s the magic number It also must have mutated. The same number of people have been infected in Florida as was in NY. But deaths. Less than 6000 compared to over 30,000 in NY. We’ll see what happens to these other States once they start hitting than 25% level. Regardless, all these other States are no where near and probably never will be what happened in NY.
He had his sidekick , health commissioner Zucker investigate. He and the Governor found that his policy of returning Covid patients back into nursing homes caused no harm and that the policy didn’t contribute. What a guy. The same Governor who started a commission to investigate corruption. Then when it got all the way to his office he said mission over and canceled the investigation. What a guy.
I apologize for reviving this post but I wanted to share this video that Face**ck took down off my page. The reason Facebook took it down is because, in short, any Covid information that the WHO disagrees with gets put in the “disinformation” category on FB and removed it. Oddly where I have posted it in comments it stays up.
These aren’t actors, these are real doctors I looked up their credentials and the 2 I checked are quite reputable within their community and much of their previous findings are peer reviewed.
Does everyone remember Democrats pushing through the bills to block the use of doctors using Hydroxychloroquine? People think “the government wouldn’t do that” because it seems unfathomable, this IS where we are today. This information was available back in April and repressed by our wonderful government.

Click the link below picture :/

I get all my news from Facebook,.. its a leading authority of how I should think.

Plus I read it on the internet.
All social media sites removed it. BTW I get lots of my news from the Internet. Lots of different sources to make up my own mind. You can quit using any information you get here for Habitat becasue after all, it's on the Internet.
All social media sites removed it. BTW I get lots of my news from the Internet. Lots of different sources to make up my own mind. You can quit using any information you get here for Habitat becasue after all, it's on the Internet.

Nailed it!
For the record Belcher, I didn't get this video from Facebook :) I tried to share it on Facebook...
I apologize for reviving this post but I wanted to share this video that Face**ck took down off my page. The reason Facebook took it down is because, in short, any Covid information that the WHO disagrees with gets put in the “disinformation” category on FB and removed it. Oddly where I have posted it in comments it stays up.
These aren’t actors, these are real doctors I looked up their credentials and the 2 I checked are quite reputable within their community and much of their previous findings are peer reviewed.
Does everyone remember Democrats pushing through the bills to block the use of doctors using Hydroxychloroquine? People think “the government wouldn’t do that” because it seems unfathomable, this IS where we are today. This information was available back in April and repressed by our wonderful government.

Click the link below picture :/

View attachment 30834
Thanks for posting the link to the video. Very informative. A huge mess and cover-up in my opinion
How many people were to lazy to read the link I posted a while back? There is now a viral video going around about one of the Dr's. cited in the link.
Anybody listening to Glenn Beck this morning? There was an interview about an hour ago that was unfortunately scary just what we are dealing with in our country right now.
This was March 31, 2020, Democrat Governors literally blocked doctors from using Hydroxychloroquine. There are many global studies regarding this topic and all read the same way, Hydroxychloroquine cures Covid-19 and in a large majority of cases (even with old sick people) saves lives.
"These politicians are presuming to decide that doctors may not prescribe these drugs “off-label,” i.e. for anything other than the disease for which the FDA originally approved the drug."
Wear the second one. Of the tens of thousands of people I saw over the week only the same three butterballs came waddling out everyday in their masks. Oh and the poor life guards
To those here who are are heavily pointing towards the current mortality rate to justify their opinions, I'd like to point out that there's a gigantic difference between "not dying" and "fully recovering". This article sums up a German MRI heart study of recovered patients just released yesterday -

Notable stats from the article and the study-
Average age - 49, (25th percentile - 75th percentile was 45-53 years old, i.e. these were mostly middle aged folks, not the elderly)
MRIs were done an average of 71 days after receiving a positive diagnosis
36% reported ongoing shortness of breath and general exhaustion
2/3 recovered at home, i.e. not hospitalized
78% had structural changes to their heart
76% had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack

And that's just the heart. They're finding lung damage (even in asymptomatic people), blood clots, kidneys, effects on the central nervous system, and other issues with people who didn't die from the initial infection. (Quick article about this - ) And from a disease standpoint COVID-19 has been around a relatively short amount of time, it's quite possible that more and more long term effects will be identified in the coming months and years. Now extrapolate that across an entire country of people for those who are gunning for herd immunity? Get ready for an even bigger and more expensive healthcare system.

I've seen first hand with a family member what decreased heart function does to one's quality of life and I wouldn't wish it on any of you. He has to take a nap after cutting the grass with a self-propelled push mower. He has to sit in a box blind with a heater going to stay warm while deer hunting, no amount of high-tech clothing alone will keep him warm. And if I remember right, his Dr gave him a 20 lb weight limit for lifting. For the rest of his life.

Bottom line, I'd rather not catch the virus. Being in my 30's with no underlying conditions that I'm aware of I have an excellent chance of "not dying" if I do catch it. But I'd prefer to avoid playing the Russian roulette game of "how much will I recover". There's still so much we still don't know, I think it's smart to still be cautious when setting policy or loosening restrictions.
For sure the scariest things about the virus are what we still don’t know, and probably won’t know for years. China sure served up a shit sandwich. They really came up with the perfect plan to cause the most damage with out getting a nuke dropped on them.
To those here who are are heavily pointing towards the current mortality rate to justify their opinions, I'd like to point out that there's a gigantic difference between "not dying" and "fully recovering". This article sums up a German MRI heart study of recovered patients just released yesterday -

Notable stats from the article and the study-
Average age - 49, (25th percentile - 75th percentile was 45-53 years old, i.e. these were mostly middle aged folks, not the elderly)
MRIs were done an average of 71 days after receiving a positive diagnosis
36% reported ongoing shortness of breath and general exhaustion
2/3 recovered at home, i.e. not hospitalized
78% had structural changes to their heart
76% had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack

And that's just the heart. They're finding lung damage (even in asymptomatic people), blood clots, kidneys, effects on the central nervous system, and other issues with people who didn't die from the initial infection. (Quick article about this - ) And from a disease standpoint COVID-19 has been around a relatively short amount of time, it's quite possible that more and more long term effects will be identified in the coming months and years. Now extrapolate that across an entire country of people for those who are gunning for herd immunity? Get ready for an even bigger and more expensive healthcare system.

I've seen first hand with a family member what decreased heart function does to one's quality of life and I wouldn't wish it on any of you. He has to take a nap after cutting the grass with a self-propelled push mower. He has to sit in a box blind with a heater going to stay warm while deer hunting, no amount of high-tech clothing alone will keep him warm. And if I remember right, his Dr gave him a 20 lb weight limit for lifting. For the rest of his life.

Bottom line, I'd rather not catch the virus. Being in my 30's with no underlying conditions that I'm aware of I have an excellent chance of "not dying" if I do catch it. But I'd prefer to avoid playing the Russian roulette game of "how much will I recover". There's still so much we still don't know, I think it's smart to still be cautious when setting policy or loosening restrictions.

Not saying you’re wrong. No one knows.

But Mark my words, this will be the new battle cry to keep the economy in check. Americans are figuring out the death rate isn’t what they said.

guaranteed this will be The new battle cry and all we hear about from the news going forward.

I for one haven’t forgotten that we were told if we shut down, hunkered in place for 15 days then another 30, 2.2 million people in the US would still die and if we didn’t do it, it would be total carnage.

I’ll say it again. I Don’t Believe anyone or anything. The truth will come out in 2050.
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To those here who are are heavily pointing towards the current mortality rate to justify their opinions, I'd like to point out that there's a gigantic difference between "not dying" and "fully recovering". This article sums up a German MRI heart study of recovered patients just released yesterday -

Notable stats from the article and the study-
Average age - 49, (25th percentile - 75th percentile was 45-53 years old, i.e. these were mostly middle aged folks, not the elderly)
MRIs were done an average of 71 days after receiving a positive diagnosis
36% reported ongoing shortness of breath and general exhaustion
2/3 recovered at home, i.e. not hospitalized
78% had structural changes to their heart
76% had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack

And that's just the heart. They're finding lung damage (even in asymptomatic people), blood clots, kidneys, effects on the central nervous system, and other issues with people who didn't die from the initial infection. (Quick article about this - ) And from a disease standpoint COVID-19 has been around a relatively short amount of time, it's quite possible that more and more long term effects will be identified in the coming months and years. Now extrapolate that across an entire country of people for those who are gunning for herd immunity? Get ready for an even bigger and more expensive healthcare system.

I've seen first hand with a family member what decreased heart function does to one's quality of life and I wouldn't wish it on any of you. He has to take a nap after cutting the grass with a self-propelled push mower. He has to sit in a box blind with a heater going to stay warm while deer hunting, no amount of high-tech clothing alone will keep him warm. And if I remember right, his Dr gave him a 20 lb weight limit for lifting. For the rest of his life.

Bottom line, I'd rather not catch the virus. Being in my 30's with no underlying conditions that I'm aware of I have an excellent chance of "not dying" if I do catch it. But I'd prefer to avoid playing the Russian roulette game of "how much will I recover". There's still so much we still don't know, I think it's smart to still be cautious when setting policy or loosening restrictions.
How many of these people had MRI's before having covid? To me it sounds like they had underlying conditions at the time they got covid and strill recovered and covid didn't cure those underlying conditions.
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