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I had read that Scandinavia had taken a much better pragmatic solution to the pandemic, having people that are at risk quarantine themselves with the bulk of society social distancing and practicing good hygiene but living their lives as normal as possible.
Here it has been quite the opposite with local government strong arming with politics and knee jerk reaction with no concern for our constitutional rights and freedoms. Many governors and mayors have way over stepped drunk with power creating their own little fiefdoms dictating to the public what they may and may not do. They have actually done way more harm at this point than good and seem not to really care. Everyone I talk to is beyond fed up with the lack of common sense and how easily some have mindlessly complied while trying to shame others for not doing so in this “free” country.
I to am beyond fed up with all of it.

There were some BIG mistakes made in the beginning, but they got it under control pretty quickly in Norway. Sweden was a disaster because they didn't do much at all. Swedes in general are very self-centered people, and they just couldn't be bothered to protect vulnerable people. It's still not allowed for us to visit most of Sweden due to the high infection rates in most of the country. Most of the other countries in the EEA are fine to visit now, with some exceptions.

Norway is a particularly easy country country to protect from a pandemic. It's small and rich, with a good healthcare system. And it's hard to get here when the airports are closed. We still keep our distances in restaurants and supermarkets, but I haven't heard much about infections recently.
The wife and I had to stop at Dollar General for a couple of things. There was a sign on the door that face coverings were required. Everyone in there had them on except for one man. He was probably 70 years old and looked pretty frail.

So this is why I think this whole thing is ridiculous. One person in the store who should be protecting himself from the virus, but instead the 20 other people have to.

A total of 59 cases in our county, with no deaths.
The wife and I had to stop at Dollar General for a couple of things. There was a sign on the door that face coverings were required. Everyone in there had them on except for one man. He was probably 70 years old and looked pretty frail.

So this is why I think this whole thing is ridiculous. One person in the store who should be protecting himself from the virus, but instead the 20 other people have to.

A total of 59 cases in our county, with no deaths.

To me, it sounds like that particular person is what is ridiculous about that story, but I don't know him. Maybe he has a bad life and doesn't care. Maybe he just thinks he's being macho. Either way, I wouldn't worry too much about him. I try to do my part, within reason, and I'm happy with that.

I actually got tested several weeks ago due to symptoms I had, and I was under quarantine for a few days while I got the results. I wore a mask and gloves until I got the negative result.

These days, my focus is to prevent getting infected myself. I try to keep about 2 meters away from everyone out in public, and I sanitize my hands and shopping cart on the way into the supermarket, and my hands again on the way out. I also tend to wash my hands when I get home, but this is an old habit I picked up when I lived in China and took public transport a lot, and I've been doing it for a long time.
Update from MN. Looks like we are getting close to herd immunity if you ask me from looking at hospitalization and death graphs. We are WAY down on hospitalizations and deaths since May. But you wont hear that from the FAKE NEWS cause its not scary. The my body/my choice-pro abortion/CO2-climate change Nazis are bound and determined to take away my body/my choice and make me choke on a CO2 filled mask for years to come if I want to leave my house. Taxing Timmy is threatening fines of UP TO $25,000 for businesses for his unconstitutional decrees.


Reported deaths in July are all in the single digits daily except for July 2nd that reported 13 deaths. Overwhelmingly the deaths are coming from nursing homes.


Down to 3 deaths out of 5.7 million people today and from the graph below you can see they were all healthy young people :emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking:. Will likely be half the amount as the number of people shot in Minneapolis this evening.

What is going on in Portland? Is that Corona related or is that BLM?
I know if you question any of this the left goes crazy but are there any honest journalist left investigating any of this. My buddy’s sister had the same thing happen as posted couple page back. She had two friends sign for the test but left because the line was to long. They were then notified they tested positive. This was in SC. If our little habitat forum has two of these stories how many more are there?
Pretty clear that New York has herd immunity. They should open everything wide open. Quite a bit of evidence out there that suggest Florida is past their peak with hospitalizations dropping. From the circled number I have here you can see why so many people are questioning all the math and lockdowns from the "experts." I gotta imagine Florida has a much older population than NY to boot.

The numbers are pretty clear as per your example and they are the confirmed numbers We see everyday. Our Governor here in NY though threatens the population daily with more restrictions and more lockdowns. He has changed his opening plans several times and business have been left to die. His greatest saying lately. WE DON‘T WANT TO BE LIKE FLORIDA. LOL.
I'm not sure you understand what herd immunity means.
Maybe you should enlighten us. Do tell

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2 deaths in MN reported today. Both come from nursing homes. 650 positive cases. Deaths and hospitalizations coming down across the Sun Belt too.
Maybe you should enlighten us. Do tell

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Believe me, I would love nothing more than to achieve herd immunity from the Covid-19 scourge. Herd immunity is achieved when 70% to 90% of the population is not susceptible to a disease.

Using NY State as an example, that would mean that 15.6 mil. of the 19.5 mil citizens would be have to be non-susceptible (immune) to reach herd immunity. As it stands now, only 459k have tested positive, which is 2.3% as opposed to the 70% to 90% required.

You could argue that there are far more un-confirmed cases that have not been counted, but even if you say there are 10 times the number of un-confirmed cases to each confirmed case (doubtful!) that would still be only 23% of the population. That is still a far cry from herd immunity.

Maybe I am missing something, it would not be the first time, but these are just the facts as I understand them. Don’t shoot the messenger guys!
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Like anything, give it time. In todays world as much a people travel we will get there.
Believe me, I would love nothing more than to achieve heard immunity from the Covid-19 scourge. Herd immunity is achieved when 70% to 90% of the population is not susceptible to a disease.

Using NY State as an example, that would mean that 15.6 mil. of the 19.5 mil citizens would be have to be non-susceptible (immune) to reach heard immunity. As it stands now, only 459k have tested positive, which is 2.3% as opposed to the 70% to 90% required.

You could argue that there are far more un-confirmed cases that have not been counted, but even if you say there are 10 times the number of un-confirmed case to each confirmed case (doubtful!) that would still be only 23% of the population. That is still a far cry from heard immunity.

Maybe I am missing something, it would not be the first time, but these are just the facts as I understand them. Don’t shoot the messenger guys!
I think you need to subtract out the people still quarantining from the 19.5 mil. Theoretically they can’t get it at home. Then there are the people that very rarely go anywhere and have a low risk of getting it. I think the top number needs to be people that are out in public and spreading the virus. Herd immunity should be when 70% of the spreaders are out of the way. Now this could be complete bs but makes sense to me.
Believe me, I would love nothing more than to achieve heard immunity from the Covid-19 scourge. Herd immunity is achieved when 70% to 90% of the population is not susceptible to a disease.

Using NY State as an example, that would mean that 15.6 mil. of the 19.5 mil citizens would be have to be non-susceptible (immune) to reach heard immunity. As it stands now, only 459k have tested positive, which is 2.3% as opposed to the 70% to 90% required.

You could argue that there are far more un-confirmed cases that have not been counted, but even if you say there are 10 times the number of un-confirmed case to each confirmed case (doubtful!) that would still be only 23% of the population. That is still a far cry from heard immunity.

Maybe I am missing something, it would not be the first time, but these are just the facts as I understand them. Don’t shoot the messenger guys!

Nobody knows the true infection rate. NOBODY. CDC just guesstimated last week that it is 10-30x higher then the number of positive cases. Stanford's early work suggested 35-50 times higher. Millions couldnt get tested in the early months of this. Then there are asymptomatic people that had no idea they were even positive. We still have no idea exactly how long its been here. Way too many variables to ever know the real truth. Hospitalizations are falling all across the southern US. Deaths damn near zero in New York. It wont take 70% confirmed infection rate for this thing to peter out and go away. Sweden is reaching herd immunity with 80,000 confirmed cases out of 10.5 million people. They are at ZERO deaths today. They didnt lock down and now have herd immunity. There is no other way to explain it.
I’m seeing more Trump signs and flags this year than in 2016, in Minnesota.
No Biden signs yet

A local shop has both Trump and Biden hats. He keeps track

So far he’s sold 330-5 Trump. 26699636-963F-45BA-BF64-29361F5F4677.jpeg37978123-AFB4-4E9F-AC68-CBE6630C3F1D.jpeg
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