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Yep. Got it. Not sure of the relevance to the discussion at hand regarding medical professionals padding COVID numbers for cash, but I can see the general relevance given the current situation. We had a few folks who refused to quarantine and were forced to do so - is that a bad thing? I get that it's a denial of personal liberties, but we're seeing some crazy stuff, spitting on old people, licking groceries and putting them back. When do you cross the line to being a danger to society? So long as there is due process, and it looks like there needs to be agreement between a provider and magistrate, with solid evidence, I don't disagree in principle. I may disagree in particular if the statute is misused, but that's uniformly true of any law. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, right?

Nobody should be forced to do anything in America. (lets not talk about taxes, etc.)

If there was an adult male present that saw an elderly person being spit on without kicking the living shit out of the person that did it, both of them should be locked up. If someone licks something at a store they should be made to buy it (damaging product) then have their ass kicked by appropriate viewers.
Well looks like we‘re getting a flyover tomorrow from the US Air Force. F 35 stealth fighters are going to do a flyover to salute first responders. Will be quite a sight.

If your good at math and believe that the current population of the United States is about 330 million people........ this equates to about $9,090 for every single man, woman, child, transexual, pansexual and hermaphrodite. Just put it on the credit card. One world govt here we come.
But I might get another $1,200 for that 9k of imaginary money.......
As an employer, I was frustrated with the PPP and the lack of oversight on it. People who absolutely didn't need it, got it. Many who did get it, had been living a huge lifestyle in the last 5-10 good years and had nothing put away.
I was happy to see that there is now an employee retention credit for those who's business was down, but didn't lay off employees. Maybe incentivize people not to take the govt handout.

I wish I knew what a tax refund was. But I guess there are worse things in the world. Like being from pittsburgh or a baltimore Ravens fan.
As an employer, I was frustrated with the PPP and the lack of oversight on it. People who absolutely didn't need it, got it. Many who did get it, had been living a huge lifestyle in the last 5-10 good years and had nothing put away.
I was happy to see that there is now an employee retention credit for those who's business was down, but didn't lay off employees. Maybe incentivize people not to take the govt handout.

I wish I knew what a tax refund was. But I guess there are worse things in the world. Like being from pittsburgh or a baltimore Ravens fan.

The PPP was for employers to keep employees paid full time wages. I’m not sure where your frustrations are coming from.

Corporations don’t put money away unless they are ok with paying 59% tax on it. Interest is low and taxes are high, it’s a no brainer.

We are a small business and it costs us over 8K a day to flip the open sign just to hope to make a profit somewhere along the way.

What are these good 5-10 years you speak of by the way? Every business and region is different. ag has been in the shitter for over 5 years. In rural America ag drives everything from auto and equipment sales to residential and commercial construction.

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The PPP was for employers to keep employees paid full time wages. I’m not sure where your frustrations are coming from.

Corporations don’t put money away unless they are ok with paying 59% tax on it. Interest is low and taxes are high, it’s a no brainer.

We are a small business and it costs us over 8K a day to flip the open sign just to hope to make a profit somewhere along the way.

What are these good 5-10 years you speak of by the way? Every business and region is different. ag has been in the shitter for over 5 years. In rural America ag drives everything from auto and equipment sales to residential and commercial construction.

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I'm saying there were people running full bore, who got their payroll paid for for 10 weeks. That's gaming the system. And taking a handout.

Obviously i'd rather have some money put away than get on the govt teat at the first sign of distress. There's a parable in the bible about the wise and foolish virgins. Lotta people didn't have any oil for their lamps in reserve.

I have family in ag. I know what you're saying. But low interest rates is a poor excuse to not have some cash reserves, because when things get tight, that money isn't available from the bank. Cash is.

Different philosophies, and its not as easy to run a business. My issue was also with incentivizing people to stay home. I talked to multiple people who were mad when they had to go back because they were pulling a full paycheck and sitting on the back deck all day. Family included.

We all need to get back to work. the fraud that's out there is upsetting.
They almighty king Cuomo strikes again. My county was set to open 5/15 but that is in jeopardy. Why you ask? We have not done enough testing to qualify to open. Why you ask? Must be because stupid Trump screwed up the testing? Must be we had so many cases they only gave the tests to essential personnel? Good guess but wrong. We didn’t do enough testing for the king because we didn’t have enough symptomatic people to test. We now need to do 600 tests a day to get the numbers up to open. They have asked people to come by and get tested for no other reason than to raise the numbers. Inept government at it’s finest.
MN is expected today to extend our sentence another 30 days. But I guess the state GOP senate is going to reverse it, and block it. Not sure if they can, but I hope so!

Our idiot governor said he wanted to test 40,000 per week, and have like 10,000 tracers before we open. We don’t have people going into the testing station now. I mean, why would you? If you test positive you get grilled on where you have been for 3 weeks, and you get locked down.
The Sheriff in my county finally came to his senses and is not enforcing the Evers (read dictator) order. Too many businesses (bars, restaurants, etc) were opening because people need there jobs. We also voted yesterday and the Republican won Duffy's old seat. BTW we have 11 confirmed cases now. Also heard of a farmer near Atwater MN selling butcher hogs (240lbs to 300lbs) for $80 so he doesn't have to kill thme and bury them. Might have to get one.

They almighty king Cuomo strikes again. My county was set to open 5/15 but that is in jeopardy. Why you ask? We have not done enough testing to qualify to open. Why you ask? Must be because stupid Trump screwed up the testing? Must be we had so many cases they only gave the tests to essential personnel? Good guess but wrong. We didn’t do enough testing for the king because we didn’t have enough symptomatic people to test. We now need to do 600 tests a day to get the numbers up to open. They have asked people to come by and get tested for no other reason than to raise the numbers. Inept government at it’s finest.

I figured this out as soon as he came up with it. He has no intention of opening up. So he talks up opening everyday to make himself look good but, makes the criteria so intense that no one will ever hit the numbers. My County has 5 active cases. Never had more. So he lumped us in with Buffalo so we will never open. His timeline is July or August. Don’t be fooled by this promised opening plan he has. It’s unattainable. And really what’s going to open. Not much. His plan is to open some construction and light manufacturing. Even if that happens not many will see any difference. Again, his real plan is July or August.
It is all a scheme to keep the economy down, to make Trumps biggest achievement a non topic. The Dems are already accusing the Reps that opening sooner is just political, and it will only cause more deaths. So to reverse it, it is political to make sure it doesnt open until after the election.
And to continue on. NYS is now doing more testing than even most Countries. To Chummers point. They’ve got too many testing sites that nobody’s using. Here in our little corner. Our County has 12 testing sites. Doing both molecular and antibody testing. 3 of those are just walk up. No appointment or prescription needed.
‘Nobody’s using them!!!!!! There‘s no cases, no symptoms so people have no need to be tested. This is now showing as the amount of tests daily is declining. So now Cuomo is begging people to get tested. Test numbers are declining everyday. He was touting 40,000 test a day. The other day. I think yesterday it was 25,000. Is Cuomo going to force people to take tests? Because most people aren’t going to bother. I don’t care what the experts are saying. Testing isn’t going to be the answer here and these politicians can’t figure that out.
Minnesota governor released a slide show and one of the slides seemed to accidently put "the intended outcome" which has confused a lot of people. What is the intended outcome?
A buddy of mine killed all of his piglets the other day. It was either do that and loose 10K or kill the market hogs and loose over 100K.
I'm saying there were people running full bore, who got their payroll paid for for 10 weeks. That's gaming the system. And taking a handout.

Obviously i'd rather have some money put away than get on the govt teat at the first sign of distress. There's a parable in the bible about the wise and foolish virgins. Lotta people didn't have any oil for their lamps in reserve.

I have family in ag. I know what you're saying. But low interest rates is a poor excuse to not have some cash reserves, because when things get tight, that money isn't available from the bank. Cash is.

Different philosophies, and its not as easy to run a business. My issue was also with incentivizing people to stay home. I talked to multiple people who were mad when they had to go back because they were pulling a full paycheck and sitting on the back deck all day. Family included.

We all need to get back to work. the fraud that's out there is upsetting.
I get what you are saying but business can't save money, only people can.


The communist party and MN Ministry of health released this "data" today. Looks like MN alone is gonna lose 28,231 people at a minimum if comrade Walz extends the stay at home order until MAY 31, more if we dont. If you extrapolate their data out for the entire country of 330 million people it looks like we can expect total deaths to be around 1.64 million people nationwide. We currently need 44.6 people to die per day to meet the cornonahoax scenario 5 projections by the end of the month. We are currently averaging 22 per day for the month of May. 90+% of the issues remain in the state's nursing homes. 90% of positive cases at JBS slaughter plant in Nobles county were asymptomatic. Average age of death is 83+. Life expectancy in MN is 80.7 yo.

The state might just be crazy enough to go to July. I want to know how many of it's residents are crazy enough to follow it? Our businesses need to start opening and the people that make up this state better take a stand and not tolerate the state issuing fines to "unessential" businesses.
Plenty of blue states will follow Oregon's example and try to keep people at home and small businesses closed until July 6. MN is probably one of them
Plenty of blue states will follow Oregon's example and try to keep people at home and small businesses closed until July 6. MN is probably one of them
Taxing Timmy said he wants to be the last state to open.
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