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The IMHE model says 2,049 deaths by August 4th. MN ministry say around 1,400 deaths by the end of the month. We need about 44 deaths per day to hit 1,400. Then we would need to slow it down to fewer than 10 per day for June and July to line up with IMHE. At that point we will be about 26,000 deaths short of MN model. IMHE model has been one of the major models used to justify lockdowns and social distancing. How on earth can all those models have such different conclusions???? Oh, that's right..... the data is only as good as the asshole entering it. ZERO science. I have visions of monkeys throwing shit at the wall and seeing which numbers it will stick on.

WALZ=what a piece of SHIT.
A buddy of mine killed all of his piglets the other day. It was either do that and loose 10K or kill the market hogs and loose over 100K.

I would think we are in for a major shortage of pork in the next few months. A local Walmart had no beef, chicken or Pork at the end of the day.
We been open heading into 4th wk. accelerated testing of day cares , minorities and nursing homes and yet still dropping to 2% exposure rate and 58 deaths all compromised pts. This in a state of still working blue collar workers thru shitdown and an a over average aged population. I’ve worked full time 2 wks now and if the attitude of the people that have come in is an indication of this countries people then there is about to be a mutiny on the ship. They are fed up.
And worse ... I cancelled my Cali surf trip for Aug since evidently much of that state will still be in shitdown. What a croc. I hope Musk wins his lawsuit against them and breaks their bank of stupidity.

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On a bright note American Airlines gave me the opportunity to upgrade to first class for $85.

heck yeah...I’m going to the farm tomorrow in style! Going to social distance myself from Governor Murphy by about 1000 miles.

it must be nice to have a more conservative legislature. Here in NY. The legislature is way worse than the Governor. Here’s some of what our Governor has done in the last 2 months with no public input whatsoever

In the past two months, Cuomo has issued 29 Executive Orders and changed more than 250 laws. Among his executive orders are requiring all non-essential businesses to close and workers to stay home, spending nearly $3 billion, closing schools for the rest of the academic year and announcing a “re-imagining” of the state’s education system in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The governor has also altered state regulations governing public health, hospitals, nursing homes, elections, open meetings, court proceedings, purchasing procedures and child care. It also removed from legislative purview cuts to the budget, giving power of regular reviews of spending and expenditures, and cuts if necessary, to Robert Mujica, state budget director.
They almighty king Cuomo strikes again. My county was set to open 5/15 but that is in jeopardy. Why you ask? We have not done enough testing to qualify to open. Why you ask? Must be because stupid Trump screwed up the testing? Must be we had so many cases they only gave the tests to essential personnel? Good guess but wrong. We didn’t do enough testing for the king because we didn’t have enough symptomatic people to test. We now need to do 600 tests a day to get the numbers up to open. They have asked people to come by and get tested for no other reason than to raise the numbers. Inept government at it’s finest.

Yessssss! We must be in the same region.

Until yesterday we have only tested people with flu like symptoms largely due to a shortage of tests. Cuomo released his criteria for the start of reopening for May 15th, the only criteria my region (Central NY) failed in is amount of people tested. There has been no reason to test perfectly healthy people with no symptoms, but we are going to start to just to meet the criteria and begin opening. Makes sense doesn't it?

As of today in the County I live we have had a total of:

-36 people tested Positive for Covid
-1,531 people with symptoms that tested negative
-0 Deaths

I am trying to post an article from NYTimes dated April 14th 2020 with the Headline of "NYC Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count" but my work computer keeps telling me I need a subscription to view the article :( I can view it on my cell phone but not on my computer :emoji_scream:

This is the first paragraph:
"New York City, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, sharply increased it's death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who have never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it"

Wait... what? Like... did he have a fever? yes Ok, did he have a runny nose? I think so. Ok we will chalk that up as a Covid death. Common Core math at it's finest!!
I get what you are saying but business can't save money, only people can.

And I repectfully disagree. Might be tougher and cost more tax up front, but it can be done.

In other news, I'd like to hear more about this governor you guys have. He sounds like a peach.
I thought Ohio's governor was being a moron and trying to build a resume for the whitehouse. But yours sounds like hes on a different level.
He caved and is going to start opening somethings up. He is thinking about getting re elected. I think the ship has sailed on that thought.
And I repectfully disagree. Might be tougher and cost more tax up front, but it can be done.
In the eyes of the IRS my $700K worth of inventory is the same as cash. Pretty tough to swallow owing property, paying tax on it, having inventory paid for, paying taxes on it, paying employees, paying tax on them, turning a profit and instead of reinvesting into the business to keep the entire buying power of the money, get bent over by the tax man, I don't think so. I'll keep relying on low interest rates. If at some point the operating capital isn't available it might just be time to shut the doors. If money gets that hard to come by my customers are going to be rethinking their expenditures and people will have to be let go anyway.
In the eyes of the IRS my $700K worth of inventory is the same as cash. Pretty tough to swallow owing property, paying tax on it, having inventory paid for, paying taxes on it, paying employees, paying tax on them, turning a profit and instead of reinvesting into the business to keep the entire buying power of the money, get bent over by the tax man, I don't think so. I'll keep relying on low interest rates. If at some point the operating capital isn't available it might just be time to shut the doors. If money gets that hard to come by my customers are going to be rethinking their expenditures and people will have to be let go anyway.

It's not as easy a gig as all the hourly guys wana make it seem.

I'm blessed enough to be in a service world where my biggest expenses are labor and equipment. I have maybe $1500 worth of inventory that we can resell.
Pelosi stated that she wants osha to have a lot more power.
And I repectfully disagree. Might be tougher and cost more tax up front, but it can be done.

In other news, I'd like to hear more about this governor you guys have. He sounds like a peach.
I thought Ohio's governor was being a moron and trying to build a resume for the whitehouse. But yours sounds like hes on a different level.

I know the lame stream media fawns over Cuomo daily with suggestions like him running for President, but this guy is a real **** show.

By late February it was common knowledge to everyone that the people highest at risk to die from Covid were those with respiratory problems, and in general poor immune systems or underlying health problems. Where would Cuomo choose to send hospital overflow that were diagnosed with Covid? Inject them directly into the most succeptible group that had no problems of Covid prior of course, Upstate Nursing Homes :emoji_rage: He even had the brass gahonas to try and belittle the Nursing Homes that were trying to stand up to him.
Pelosi stated that she wants osha to have a lot more power.
They are non elected officials who answer to no one and write there own rules. They can walk right onto private property, uninvited, with no just cause and give out huge fines or even shut your business down. My god, what exactly would "more" power look like?
Hobby Lobby in our nearby town opened a few days ago. Today they got shut down by the state police. Guess they have to answer to their boss, Gov Prickster, who coincidentally we caught fishing today.

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