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It is this...

I planted 3 of them and threw a tube over them to see what they would do in the northern 1/3 of MN. Not sure what to expect from them, but I have spent $30 on a lot worse things. The other 57 oaks I did were either Itasca burr oak or swamp white oak plugs, MDC bare roots, and I also grew a few in the basement that I started from acorns back in Feb.

I can vouch for the seedlings from nativ. I haven't planted on side-by-side with a bare root but the oaks I have planted from nativ have done well.

New link better make it quick

It's really crazy YouTube keeps taking this down. The doctors perspective seems valid, there is no reason she shouldn't be heard.
I hope if I ever have to go to a nursing home there’s something as lethal as covid to expedite my departure from this place...

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I will expedite myself before I end up in one of those places. Both my kids have explicit instructions. If they want any of my money I am to never end up there. They are never to pull the plug and never put me in home. Good luck to them figuring that one out.
Here is some Coronahoax fuzzy math for all of you to ponder as of 6:45pm on 5/6/2020.

Across the country we have just a hair under 74,000 deaths with 1.25 million confirmed cases. (about 6% death rate)
Hennepin county, MN (Minneapolis) has 325 deaths from 2,764 confirmed cases (about a 12% death rate)
Nobles county, MN (second highest county in MN) has 2 deaths from 1,082 cases (.002% death rate)

Wisconson 340 deaths out of 8,236 cases (4% death rate)
MN- 485 deaths out of 8,579 cases (5.6% death rate)
SD- 21 deaths out of 2,668 cases (not even 1%)
IA- 188 deaths out of 9,703 (about 2%)

But when Fauci testified before congress in March I believe he said the death rate was around 1%. LOTS of fuzzy math going on right now. This is supposed to be the scientific community filled with facts and accurate data. Looks more like a bunch of made up garbage, but yet here we are with all these decision being made from this.

I think a lot of the figures are misleading.
The death rates are a tangible thing even though some may be claimed incorrectly for personal reasons due to perceived future government funding.
The figures on number of individuals with the virus can only be run against patients that have been tested, there are no doubt many many more individuals that have the virus that have not been tested.
So the actual death rate % is actually much lower and % of people that have the virus higher. But the numbers that have been given usually favor the narrative or agenda of the ones that are putting those figures out.
I don't disagree with you, but you know it can go both ways, right? In areas where infections are running hot, there's likely lots of deaths that occur outside hospitals that aren't tagged COVID-19. So in those areas, mortality estimates can be low. It's complicated. The numbers don't lie, but our attempt to put those numbers into a simple, digestible, one-size-fits-all answer is fertile ground for maneuvering - not always nefarious or on purpose. Only sometimes.
Yeah---low estimates---yeah
I just got a message from my mother saying that my sister has corona. I asked where they think she got it from and my mother said the test came back negative but my sister should assume that she has corona because the test results are so unreliable. WTF? Of course my mother starts by saying my sister has corona. They watch the wrong news channels and believe the bullshit---obviously. I won't be having any conversations with them about this virus shit. So that's a damn good example of what is going on in this area---the dumbest shit possible. Unreal! Then there are the brilliant minds that think it's being under reported--WOW.
Another $13K per patient from medicare to that hospital if the video is correct.
Another $13K per patient from medicare to that hospital if the video is correct.
Not sure if the amount is right but there is definitely a bonus from Medicare if they stamp you Covid.
follow the paper.
A simple google search for the good doctor Minkovits points out her Anti-vaccination advocacy. I admit, I don't know all the facts, but I'm wondering if she has her own ax to grind with the medical establishment. Free speech is a wonderful thing, but so is a healthy dose of skepticism. Just my two cents.
Does anyone else see a conflict of interest with paying hospitals for losing patients? Do they get the bonus for saving a covid patient as well?
Does anyone else see a conflict of interest with paying hospitals for losing patients? Do they get the bonus for saving a covid patient as well?
Yes. So much if they are admitted with it, and so much if they go on a ventilator. Doesn’t matter if they live or die.
Does anyone else see a conflict of interest with paying hospitals for losing patients? Do they get the bonus for saving a covid patient as well?

they get money for the confirmed positive cases when they enter a hospital. So I’m sure almost each hospital is ethical with their patients care whether they can save them or not. It’s the people that die from other reasons that they can back bill for, if they attach a died with COVID tag.
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I know its short term data, but haven't georgia and Florida re-opened? They have almost no noticiable spike in cases since it happened.

Also, did I see oregon has shut down events into the fall? They have under 3000 cases total...

I'm living in a world I do not understand
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